
Run IV

"You dropped your phone didn't you?" Rune asked.

"No, I don't remember dropping it. I had it with me at the gate. Wait, I did bump into someone at the gate. It was a girl though. Maybe she pickpocketed me??" May said recalling the events after she last used it.

Tess looked deep in thought, "Did she have brown hair? Was in a purple outfit?"

"Yeah, sounds like her. She had a yellow small purse on her left side. I remember because it stood out with her outfit," she responded.

"I thought she was suspicious, but we were in a hurry so I thought it may have been a coincidence. She was holding something blue. It must've been your phone. She was also with a man in black when I turned around to verify my suspicions. Well, this confirms it," Tess said. "One of you guys are gonna get a call. They are going to demand I meet their boss because I not only ran away twice and gave them the wrong info before, I kicked the boss's balls and kneed his stomach and lied to their faces while trying to get away. Haha. I'm dead." May slouched on the back seat as she told them her encounter with the boss.

"You kicked and kneed him?!" Rune and Crane exclaimed at the same time.

"That makes this all the more difficult, May!" said Rune.

May said with a dead voice, "I didn't mean to! He wouldn't let go of my arm and I got desperate to run away."

"Oh my word. We are done for. They looked like a mafia too. Or some high tycoon shit," Tess said.

"Yeah, I know. I've been telling you guys since day one that they are scary. They were still searching for me too man. It's been half a year!" May said starting to get angry at the thought they wouldn't let something so small as giving them the wrong info slide. "All I did was said not to worry about repaying me back. It's not like I offended them or anything. Sheesh!"

"Maybe because he is rich and has never had a girl turn him down before he got offended?" Crane suggested, half joking. Everyone looked at her for a moment before bursting into laughter. "What?! It's possible! Happens all the time in my webnovels!"

"It can't happen in real life! Who would have such a life to get offended from being turned down!? Hahaha!" laughed Tess.

After a bit longer of laughter, May said seriously, "That is not the case right? I mean, what Crane said makes sense to me. He even said I made him look like a fool. He was angry yo. I thought I was gonna die so that's why I kicked him and kneed him. His grip was strong man. Stronger than yours Tess!"

"Of course it'd be stronger than mine! He's a guy! If it wasn't, he's a wuss," Tess retorted.

"Was he hot though?" Crane smirked as she parked the car in a nearby park.

"Seriously Crane? I'm on the run and you wanna know if he's hot?" May said in disbelief.

"Oh come on, if he's hot then I'd totally be okay with it. Men in uniform are handsome. The guy I flirted with was pretty handsome too. Mhmm." Crane said as she entered another world.

May shook her head and recalled the boss's looks. "I guess he was handsome. He was cold though. A cold and handsome guy. Befitting the business world for sure. Pretty and handsome to draw you in, dark and cold once he's got you," May laughed jokingly. "Just like the webnovels." She laughed some more. Tess chuckled along with her.

"Well, least it's some hot guy and not some nasty old guy chasing you," Tess said as she pulled out her phone. Her phone had started to vibrate and a silly tone rang. They all froze. It was the ringtone that is set up for May when she calls them. Each of the girls have a special ringtone to differentiate each other.

"Who is calling, Tess?" Rune turned to face her, even though she knew who exactly it was.

Tess slowly flipped her phone over for everyone to see. The moment May saw her name appear, her heart skipped a beat. 'Today is the day I die.'

Crane grabbed the phone, placed it on speaker, and answered harshly, "who the hell has this phone? It's called stealing since you are definitely not our friend!"

A moment of silence.

"You assholes won't answer now? Scared of us? For fuck's sake, who the hell are you?!" Crane continued angrily.

May looked up and noticed that there were small movements in the corner of her eyes. Black figures could be seen moving around in the playground. After staring for a bit, she realized it was the men in black. She grabbed the phone and ended the call. "Start the car and leave now!" she shouted. She reached over to Rune's side and locked the car. The other girls then noticed the men. Crane was just about to start the car but it was too late. They were surrounded. Crane turned on the car headlights and in front of them were dozens of men with guns in their hands. In the middle stood a man without a gun. His jet black hair pulled back gave him away.

"Welp, that's the boss, girls," May pointed at the man in the middle. "Stay in the car. I'll go out. If anything worse happens tonight, I'm truly glad to have met you guys, and you guys are the best friends I've ever had. The most loyal and true friends." She smiled jokingly.

"Shut up. It's not our day to die and definitely not yours either," said Tess.

"She's right, we decided to do this as a group and will stay as a group no matter what happens," Rune chipped in.

"You're our glue so we stick together," Crane added. She lifted her right hand and made a fist. Rune made a fist with her left. Tess with her right. May smiled and made a fist with her left. The four of them bumped their fists together.

"We are roommates. Roommates for the year!" Rune said. They giggled at the terrible speeches everyone made.

"Thanks guys. I'll try and handle this as swiftly as possible." They murmured okay and May got out of the car. She looked around, more than a dozen men surrounded the car.

"So many people for just four girls. Really only one girl. Is this necessary?" She said as she closed the door and walked to the front of the car to face the mob.

Silence. 'Figured as much. He isn't a talker. Where is that guy at? He'll talk.' May looked for the guard from before who approached her. There! "Excuse me sir, you go by Drone right? Since your boss won't answer, will you talk instead?"

Drone walked up to her. He handed her a memo pad and a pen. "Please give us your contact information."

May looked at him in disbelief and then at the boss who remained silent. "Seriously? You still want my info after already obtaining my address and phone and me kicking and kneeing him? Didn't you read my memo before? I said 'don't worry about it'."

"You seem to have mistaken this for something else. Our boss would like to thank you formally for finding his secretary's daughter today at the park and returning her to us. As for the kick and knee, he wants to apologize for scaring you. You did it for self defense which is understandable," said Drone.

May frowned at the men. "Do you guys not know what 'don't worry about it' means? Seriously, don't worry about it. Anyone would've done the same. How did you know it was me who brought Mary over anyways?" She took the pad and pen and wrote her information down anyway.

"Name is May, leave me alone, you already have my info anyways. Don't call me or text me."

She handed the pad and pen back to Drone. Drone looked at the pad with concern. Looked at her, then his boss, and then back at her. "Miss May, please, your number. Mary informed us about you after you ran away from the boss."

With a big sigh, May sat on the car's hood with her legs and arms propping her up. She stared at the boss. He stared back at her. His hands were in his pocket the whole time with his head tilted to the side. He looked more like a gangster than a businessman. "I see. You sure he works in the business industry? He looks more like a gangster. 221x1505xx." May said out loud to Drone in an annoyed voice.

Drone chuckled, he wrote down her number on the memo pad. "Yes, Miss May, our boss is not a gangster. Thank you for the number."

May looked at Drone with annoyance. "Don't use 'Miss' in my name. Just call me May… How old is he?" She switched her eyes back to the boss.

Drone paused for a moment, startled. "25 I believe."

"And you?" she asked without looking at him.


"You guys are pretty young. Are we done now? Can I get my phone back?" she asked.

"Yes." Drone looked to his boss for more instructions. The boss waved his hand and Drone turned around.

"He doesn't talk much does he?" She pointed out. "What an annoying boss."

Drone chuckled again and handed her her phone from his inner pocket. "He may have little to say but I assure you, he is a great boss to work for. Quite entertaining actually."

"Whatever you say man. Just leave me alone. Those girls inside won't mind hanging out with you guys though. Oh! Reminds me. There was a guard at the North gate. There were two, a brown head and a blond. Who is the brown head? The girl on my left is interested in him if he's available." She tilted her head to the left side indicating Crane.

Drone thought for a moment before answering. "Must be Kyo. Would you like his contact information?"

"Nah, I'll give you hers and you give to him. If he's interested he can message or call her first. That way we know that both parties are mutual. Pen and paper please?" Drone handed her the memo pad and pen again. She wrote down Crane's name and phone number. "He is older than 21 right?"

"Yes, everyone at this company must be at least 21 unless special circumstances occur."

"Hm. Okay. So long as he's not younger than a year from her, it should be fine. Thanks man." She handed the pad and pen back to him with a smile. "Seriously though, leave me alone. I don't want to associate with someone who doesn't talk."

"I will inform him. I do apologize for what happened today. You ladies enjoy your night," Drone bowed once again.

"Have a goodnight Drone. Oh! Before you leave, do you by chance know if any secret cameras were hidden around my house or in my car or any kind of tracking devices? That's an invasion of privacy and I can sue him for that legally," she asked.

"Not that I am aware of, Miss May," he responded. She glared at him when he said 'miss'. "My apologies. It is a habit of mine. I will try my best to remember next time."

"Thanks! Bye!" She got off the hood and went inside the car. "We can go home now."

"What happened? You were talking to that guy for quite awhile. You weren't whispering but we couldn't really hear him," a curious Crane said. "Also, thanks for mentioning the guy I flirted with. What if he's already taken?"

"Hahaha. If he's available and interested, he will be in touch with you. I gave your name and number to him. As for everything else, apparently this chase wasn't for what happened earlier this year but for what happened today when I saved the little girl. He wants to formally thank me again," May responded.

"And the kick and knee?" Tess asked. Crane started the car and drove home.

May shrugged. "He said he wants to apologize and understands that it was my self defense so I guess that is all. Think I'm good."

"Huh… All this for such a simple matter. They just wanted your contact info even though they already have it."

"Yeah, I know. Maybe I should've given them my number in the first place but it was really nothing to thank me for." She said regretfully.

"Well, now they have it. Just wait and see what this 'thank you' is really all about," said Crane.

"Yeah, time for bed guys. Shower and then bed." May yawned and thought to herself. 'All this for nothing. Good exercise I suppose. I need it anyways.'

I was aiming for Monday's to be publishing days...I forgot this Monday and then I got busy and then I forgot again... LOL.

How is it so far?

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