
My Airport Mistake

At her work place, May refused to give her information out to a handsome young man. Who knew he would persistently chase after her. When they meet again, a misunderstanding occurs which led to May being kidnapped and transported to another world. In this mysterious world of magic and mystical beings, is it truly a misunderstanding? Does she really want to return home or stay there and explore this new found place?

Kurogom · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Run II

It's been half a year since then but luck is just not on May's side. In her twenty-two years of life, she has never been more afraid of any men in suits everywhere and anywhere she went. Her roommates kept telling her she is paranoid but they just don't understand. It is really scary when someone is actively hunting you down, and it didn't seem like the normal kind of mafia either. They felt different, like they were from another world. May couldn't explain this feeling to anyone. It just feels… different. Maybe she is paranoid and hoping something would happen. End of the world or alien invasion. Whatever it is, she couldn't tell if they were smart or dumb for continuing to watch the one location she was last seen at. Technology these days could definitely help locate her, but either way, she didn't want them finding her anyways.

May had not accepted any part time jobs since. She focused solely on her full time job in hopes of staying in one location will minimize her contact with those people. Her job required her to travel to certain sites often but she knew they wouldn't be there. She knows the people and would be fine. Due to her cowardliness, she stays at home everyday, causing mischief for her roommates. She would only go out alone if she's jogging, but if it's shopping, she had to be with her roommates. Her friends called her a stubborn mule but she would only reply that she is lazy and a scaredy cat.

May's roommates decided to take her to an amusement park to cheer her up and get her out of the house. It is a few hours drive away from where they live so she agreed and went. The amusement park is well known for being family friendly and very enjoyable by children and adults. They had many roller coasters and water slides. The food was expensive but that was for anywhere in a park like this. Everything looked nice and fun. May was genuinely happy she came after the sight of the roller coasters and told her roommates that it will be a good day today and nothing will happen here!

Soon as she entered the park and walked out of the entrance area to an open space that split into three ways, she could smell the sweet smell of a carnival - cotton candy in the air along with delicious fried food. Right in the center is the food area, the left side looked like it was more for games while the right seems to be more rides.

She couldn't help but take notice of a group of people in the center of the food area. Four men in black suits in this blazing hot weather are on guard for a group of people in the middle of them chatting away by the food stalls. Some serious, others laughing. She could see a very pretty young woman in the center who looked familiar but couldn't get her thoughts together to where she has seen the lady. Suddenly a little girl shot past the talking adults along with two other kids and May recognized the child immediately. It's the mother and daughter from six months ago!

May turned pale and quickly turned her body around. "Hey, never mind, let's go back home. I don't want to be here after all," she said to her roommates nervously.

"What? Why? We just got here and you were so happy earlier," Rune asked.

Crane added, "May, you look kinda pale. You alright?"

"Remember what happened back in January? You see those people over there? That's them." All three turned to look. "Not all at once! You'll give me away!" she quietly said, panicking.

"This is such a waste of money though." Tess tossed her ticket in the air. "The tickets here aren't cheap and we haven't been here either! They probably won't even recognize you. You had your work uniform on and your hair was up in a bun."

The other girls looked at her and agreed. May glanced back at the group. 'I have my glasses on, my bangs are longer now, my hair is in a ponytail. I should be okay.' She thought to herself. "Fine, we can stay. I hope. Do any of you guys have makeup to change my face a bit?" she asked.

No one brought their makeup.

"You'll be fine. It might be better if you have your hair down though," suggested Crane.

"It's too hot. I'm already dying with my ponytail," she responded. "Let's go somewhere far from them."

They took the right trail and went towards the roller coasters. After several hours of playing around and then eating, they finally relaxed a bit.

'Whew! So far it's going okay. It's fun being here but I'm so worried about being found out that I'm not having as much fun. The park closes in a few hours. Almost time to go. Just hang in there a little more May!' May encouraged herself.

Tess, Crane, and Rune went to get in line for a ride nearby. She decided to sit this one out since she had to use the bathroom. She waited for them at the entrance of the ride when a little girl walked in front of her crying softly. She's been walking back and forth for awhile now. 'Is she lost?' May pondered.

May approached the kid and asked, "Hey little girl, are you lost?"

The little girl stopped and looked up. She is so cute and those eyes are just crying for help, but she's the secretary's little girl!! May just put herself into a trap! 'Oh my god! Why is it her of all people?!!' She smiled as best she could and asked, "Where is your mommy?"

The little girl looked at her a bit longer and reached up to her face. May looked at her in a confused daze. Before May knew it, the little girl pulled off her glasses! "Hey! You can't just pull someone's glasses off! I can't see if you do that!" May exclaimed.

The little girl nodded after another moment passed of her staring at May. May awkwardly grabbed her glasses back. 'That scared me. Does she recognize me? I hope not.'

"So where was the last time you saw your parents?" May asked again.

"She said to wait here but I saw some ducks and followed them and now I don't see mommy!" she said and started to cry again at the end.

"Shh, it's okay. I'll help you look for her or take you to someone who can help, okay?" May hushed the little girl.

She nodded her head.

"Do you know what she was wearing?" May pretended to ask like she didn't know. The little girl shook her head. "I never paid attention either when I was little. If I asked myself what I am wearing today, I wouldn't know either. Let's go to that lady over there. She's the security guard for this place. She can help." May took the little girl's hand and walked over to the security guard.

"Hello Miss. This little girl is lost, but she doesn't know what her mother wore and said she was around here when she last saw her mom. Can you help her?" May asked and pulled the girl forward gently.

"Yes, I can. Can you tell me your name?" she asked the little girl.

"Mary," she said quietly.

"Hello Mary. What is your mom's name?" the guard continued to ask questions.


"Do you know her phone number?" Mary nodded. "Can you give it to me?" She shook her head. "If I give you my phone, can you dial it in?" She nodded again.

'I guess she knows by muscle memory.' May looked around to see if she could find any of the men in suits or her mom. Spotted! They seem to be searching for someone.

"Miss, those people may know her. They seem to be searching for someone," May tapped the security guard's shoulder before Mary could finish typing her mother's phone number onto the phone. They both looked in the direction she pointed. Mary pulled May's hand and said, "They work with mommy!"

"Do you know those people?" the security guard asked to confirm.

Mary nodded and pulled May's hand forward again. May didn't move. Mary looked up in confusion.

"This security guard will take you to them. I have to go and find my friends. They are lost too. Be nice to the lady okay? And don't get lost again, okay?" May said.

Mary paused for a moment. She looked at the security guard and then back at her. "Mommy's friends can help you look for your friends," she said, disheartened. She wanted May to go with her.

"Thanks but it'll be okay. We're big kids now and it's easier to find someone bigger than someone small like you. Go on and go to your mom." May pushed her hand to the security guard. She reluctantly let go of her hand and took the security guard's. May whispered to the guard before they left, "please don't mention you saw me." The guard looked a bit taken aback but nodded her head. May turned around and quickly left the scene. She made a sharp turn and bumped into someone.

"Ah, sorry!" She didn't look up, instead fixed her glasses that were moved out of place and only tried to get to the other side of this person to get away. Her arm was then suddenly grabbed and jerked so hard that her body swung to face the rude person grabbing her. May's heart dropped. She has never met him before but she knew right away she was in trouble.

How is this so far?

Does the story even flow? ⊙_☉

Kurogomcreators' thoughts