

It was a tall man in a dark blue suit. His aura was intimidating. His eyes were dark and cold, his face structure was that perfect shape of a handsome man, and his fluffy jet black hair was pulled back slicked. It looked like it was all naturally held without any gel or hairspray. It was hard to imagine such a handsome man like him could be at an amusement park.

"Uh, excuse me sir, can you let me go? You're hurting me," May shyly asked, avoiding eye contact. He didn't say anything nor did he loosen his grip. After a moment, May looked up to see why this man had not responded to anything. His eyes pierced her like a sword. "Sir?" She questioned while trying to get loose from him with help from her other hand. 'What a strong grip!' She struggled to get loose. After another moment passed and her strength started to fade, another man in a black suit appeared. 'It's the same guy from last time!' May held her gasp. She turned her head away quickly still trying to get out of this unknown man's grip.

"Drone, does she look familiar to you?" He grabbed her chin and turned it to face the man. The man stared at her for a bit. May's heart was beating so fast she swears they could hear it. Each second felt like a hundred pounds crushed her chest, ready to burst with each beat.

"Hmm. I don't recognize her but she does seem familiar. Why do you ask, Boss?" he finally responded after a few moments.

May was sweating like crazy. "Please let me go! I already apologized for bumping into you!" she desperately begged.

"Her voice sounds familiar as well!" the man said out loud suddenly.


The boss then took off May's glasses with his other hand and with the same hand, pulled her bangs back.

"Ah! It's the worker who gave us the wrong information that one time!" the man exclaimed.

'Shoot. I'm dead.'

"I'm sorry? I think this is our first time meeting. Please let me go," she pretended not to know them while still struggling to break free.

"No way I am mistaking her for someone else, Boss. She looks just like the girl from all the other girls we found."

'You were seriously still looking for me?!'

"Haha. I'm sorry but you really have the wrong person. Let me go," May said again.

"Think you can lie and get away with it? You made me look like a fool." The boss said angrily to her face.

'I need to do something and escape!' She thought. "Ah, well, maybe the girl made a mistake or something? Haha," May said as his grip tightened. 'I'm done for anyways! Drastic measures must be taken if I want to leave first!' "Okay, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that. Really though, please let me go!" she begged again while pulling herself away. His silence only meant that he wasn't going to let her go. She took a deep breath and straightened herself. In a matter of seconds, she kicked him as hard as she could between his legs and once his grip loosened just a bit, she broke her arm free and kneed his stomach for extra security. The guard stared in shock. 'Better leave before they realized what just happened.' She quickly sprinted away from there.

May grabbed her phone from her back pocket and quickly dialed Rune's number. 'Pick up the phone, pick up the phone!'

*Click* "May? Where have you been?" she answered.

"No time to explain. We have to leave. Now! Where are you guys?" May quickly said through puffs.

"What? What happened? Why are you so out of breath? We're by the snake ride. Where are you?" she responded.

"I don't know where that is but let's meet by the front entrance where we came through! We have to go now!"

"Stop that girl!" Someone shouted behind her. May looked back and saw three men running in her direction. 'Oh Lord!'

"May, are you running away from someone? Did those men notice you?" Crane's voice came through from the phone.

"Leave. NOW!!!" she shouted at them and ended the call. 'Those guys are fast!'

From a nearby security guard, she heard "All units, capture a young woman in a blue sweater, wears glasses, and have a long ponytail at all costs. Repeat…"

'Ahh. Three men in black chasing me is enough! I don't need a whole crew!' She ran into the grapevine yard. May took off her sweater, flipped it inside out, tied it to her waist, took down her hair, and took off her glasses. 'Now they'll have a harder time finding me. I should throw away this sweater. Who wears a sweater in the middle of summer anyways? Can't really see though… so blurry. I better put my glasses back on for the time being.'

"Mommy, I'm cold!" a little kid said not far from her. 'Perfect!' She took her sweater off her waist and flipped it back and went over to the kid.

"Would you like to wear my sweater then? You can have it," she handed it to the kid and left before they could say anything.

At the end of the grapevine yard, she found a map. She is two rides away from the front entrance but the security office is right in the middle between where she is at and where the exit is.

*Buzz buzz* "Hey Tess, what's up?" May picked up the phone.

"Where are you? We're at the entrance right now. These security guards are running like crazy chasing every girl with long black hair or wearing a sweater."

"Damn. I'm at the grapevine yard. It's not far from there but the security office is right in the middle and I have to pass through it to get to you guys. Go ahead and get to the car. I will have to find another route."

"Just go through it. You took your glasses and sweater off right? They won't notice." Tess said confidently.

"Okay. Let's hope so. Here I go." She took off her glasses and walked past several security guards with no issue. Went through the office and got stopped once but they let her go and apologized. 'Yes!' Once the office was out of sight, she started to run to the entrance only to quickly make a u-turn. 'Why are those guys there?!' Two blurry men in black were standing guard at the entrance verifying all who enter and leave. She grabbed her phone and called Tess.

"Hey! They have two of the men in black at the entrance, right?! I can fool the park's security guards but not them! What do we do?" She asked quietly.

"Ah, umm… We'll distract them! We'll ask for help and then you slip while their attention is away!" Tess said.

"Okay!" May put her glasses back on again and watched as her roommates walked up to the two guards laughing when all of a sudden Rune tripped in front of one of them. She grabbed his arm and pulled him down with her, thus he grabbed her and steadied her. He's distracted! Crane went over to the other guard and started to flirt with him. He is a good guard, he kept looking away but also kept glancing back at her. Distraction number 2! Got it! The girls pulled their attention to one direction. May took off her glasses and ran to the side of a group of teenagers who were also exiting next to them. Once at the top, in her haste to leave, she accidentally bumped into a girl who was on the phone and quickly apologized. She just looked at her and continued to talk on her phone.

"Let's go!" Crane said once the girls caught up. They ran as fast as they could to the car and got inside. Crane started the car and followed the flow of traffic. "Crap! They're searching cars too!" Crane said once they got near the exit. You could see flashlights blaring ahead.

"We should be fine! You have your wig in the car still right? The blond one!" Tess said as she searched the car for the wig.

"Oh yeah, it's in the box behind you." Crane said.

"Here May! Tie your hair up and tuck it in."

May tied her hair back as tight as she could. "You know my hair is too thick for this, right?"

"It's dark. They won't be able to tell anyways so long as it looks legit enough," Tess placed the wig over her head. "There! You should be fine now. Oh! Rune, give me your big t-shirt! May will wear it to cover up anything else." Rune dug into her bag and handed May the shirt. She was going to wear this if she got wet from getting onto a water slide. Luckily she didn't. May quickly put it on.

Crane rolled down the window as the cop came over.

"We are searching for someone. May we look at the people inside your car?" He asked as he flashed his bright lights over us before getting an answer. Crane blocked the light and just nodded her head. The cop gave us a quick look over and thanked us before moving on to the next car. We all sighed a relief after Crane rolled her window up.

"Alright. We should be safe to go home no,." Crane said and drove them home. May took off the disguises and put her glasses back on. They had a deep conversation about today's event and came to an agreement to have disguises on when going to any populated places.

Before they arrived at the house, May saw an unknown car parked at the side. "Hey Crane. Don't pull up to our house. Go slow and pass the car there first. Pretend we don't live here."

"Copy that," she responded and drove past our house.

It was too dark to see who was in the car but after they left the corner, May saw a man walk from behind the house to the front. A man in a suit. 'They found out where I live!'

"It's them! We can't go back there tonight. They know where I live," May said to the girls.

"What?! How did they know where you live?" Tess exclaimed.

"Hmm. I'm not sure. I didn't bring my bag with me. I don't have my ID on me nor my card. The only thing I have is my phone..." She searched for her phone on her body. She searched in the car. She looked up in disbelief. 'Crap! Did I drop it?'

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