
My Adorable Merchild

Olivia, mother of a 6 years old child Aaron, waved happily to her husband Johnathan and her chubby little baby boy who was set to sail to the deep ocean for adventure along with few other men. Two days later, news landed to Olivia's ears that her son tripped into the ocean due to a heavy storm in the night and to save him, Johnathan also jumped into the deep sea followed by him. After that, both of them gone missing and they could not be traced anywhere nearby. With depression on the peak, she set sail to the deep ocean all alone. She searched for two days with no sign of retreating. One fine night, she made up a decision and held her family photos to her heart and dived in the current. She very much hoped that the current would take her to the place where her lost family was. When she opened her eyes, she was laid in the rock and to her utter astonishment, she found a chubby and cute little boy examining her with so much passion. "Aaron! Aaron!! My baby" she started crying in all happiness. Sensing the woman shout at him, The cute little boy dived in and swam quite a distance far from her, out of fear. When Olivia noticed the boy's fish tails who swam in the water more elegantly. She looked petrified and unable to process what was happening around her. "Aaron!!!!" ------------------ Thanks to @NatsumeRikka for making the cover ------------------ One of my other work is "An Innocent Heart Longing For Love" A typical love story revolves around three youngster and eventually turns out to be a life saving heroes and fight for the well being of human survival in a war torn country. https://www.webnovel.com/book/12633271105244905/An-Innocent-Heart-Longing-For-Love.

Misiriya_ · Fantasia
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5 Chs

As Any Other Normal Day

Once the yacht left out of sight, Olivia strolled back to her car parked in the beach parking lot like a snail. She turned on the music player and drove away from the place with a heavy heart, Other than Johnathan and Aaron, She had no one to call as a family in this world. Being part away even for a day made her heartache in pain.


In the Yacht,

Johnathan warned his son, "My little captain! I pulled all the strings in the world to convince your mother to hand over you to join the crew. So you ought to keep your promise and stick to your papa like a bubble gum. Do you got me, Little captain!"

"Yes, papa!" His eyelashes flickered and he nodded his head in full submission. Johnathan Initially worried that the boy might get a sea sickness but to everyone's surprise, he enjoyed the whole sail without a whim. When the yacht reached several miles away from the shore, it slowed down the pace to let everyone enjoy the view and some people started fishing by reeling the hooks.

The lower deck was stacked with all the equipment required for fishing. There were a lot out there lying racks of rods, reels, and shelves of shiny, colorful lures of all shapes and sizes.

Johnathan sought all the required advice from the experienced ones and found out what worked in this particular area to lure fish in, although he was not sure what kind of fish to look for.

Aaron sat close to his father and waited patiently for the catch. As people around him started to reel in fishes. The little boy's spirit livened up, and his Uncle was the first one to catch the fish. The fish was big enough for three of them to have for dinner, It splashed its tails and bounced in the floor.

Aaron held his father hand and hyped, "Fish! Fish!! It is so big, papa! Uncle Collin! You. are. awesome." The boy emphasized each letter with a lot of admiration.

"Boy! wait until your papa catches you the biggest one." Saying so, he reeled his hook further away, they waited for more than half an hour but not even a small sardine was caught.

Aaron who lost his patience, ran to his uncle as he called him to share his fish. Johnathan who himself could not wait anymore walked to his small family and joined them.

"Brother! How good was my cooking, Will I pass through?" twenty-five years old, Collin asked his brother and waited for his brother's approval for the dish to pass through. He was planning to arrange a candlelight dinner for his new girl, Christina whom he recently met.

John showed his thumbs up and continued to dig in the moist and smooth tuna fish which was flavored with the right amount of sauce. He then and there helped his son to skin the fish.

"Uncle! So good! It is so good!" Aaron replied with a muffled sound as his mouth was stuffed with rice and tuna fish.

"So?! Does Christina accepted the date?" John enquired.

"Bro! You truly are so sharp. Yeah! She accepted it and I have planned to catch some tuna before we head back home. This was the dish, I am planning to cook for her."

"It's great. Come look for your brother if you need any help at all." John offered his help as he was well known for as a lover boy but he reserved all his love for one and only lady, that was Aaron's mother.

"Thanks, brother" With a vibrant smile, Collin started piling up his nephew plate. "There! eat well, or else, your mother will murder me once we get back home."

"Uncle! but I ate too much already." The little boy whined although he continued to crunch the smooth fish.

As time passed by, everyone in the yacht sat back to watch the brilliant sunset while the roaring of the ocean added a splendid backdrop. John laid lazily in the deck chair while Aaron sat in his chair holding a toy in his hands playing Nonchalantly.

Night rolled in, The stars glittered in the sky like a thousand of diamond spilled in the vast black cloth. As mesmerizing it was, it also gave a relaxing atmosphere to everyone in the deck.

"Dad! I miss mom... I wish that she was here to see this starry night with me. Look, that star glitters more. Papa why mommy did not come with us?!" As time passed by, the little guy started missing his mother more and more. Though he was so happy to sail, he was also depressed that his mother was not there with him

"I miss her too! We will go home soon, just two more days to kill. Now, My little captain! Come here!"

He made the boy sit in his lap and started connecting the stars to make a picture for his son, the little boy eye glimmered and he began connecting more and more pictures.

Slowly the time passed by, As the wind got heavier he took his son to his cabin and accompanied him for a little while and lulled his son to sleep.

Once he made sure that the boy was asleep, Johnathan walked to the deck to look for his brother Collin. By now, The wind was despite heavier than usual.

"Collin! Collin!! What is happening?! It looks like a storm is about to hit. Didn't you check the weather forecast before setting the sail?"

"I did triple check but it was kind of unusual. Look there ahead, the ocean was still and silent. Only here, the current is heavier."

"Hmmm... Let me go inside and warn the crew members." John swiftly moved to the lower deck to inform everyone to stay put, he Announced to everyone not to come out unnecessarily as it was likely dangerous outside. Few men stepped forward to support the crew leader.

The storm struck and got heavier and heavier as time passed by. Aaron who was sleeping soundly in his cabin was throw down when a merciless wave struck the yacht. The boy whined and stumbled all through his way to the upper deck to find his father.