
Drowned Like A Dream

The boy whined and stumbled all through his way to the upper deck to find his father.

Johnathan who was busy mastering the yacht forget about his son altogether as he thought he was sound asleep in his cabin. But the poor child got hit by the heavy storm once he stepped into the upper deck. Aaron screamed to his lungs as he was terrified by the heavy storm but the storm was heavier for anyone to hear the child's scream.

He was pushed hence and forth by the wind and he stumbled and collapsed to the floor several times. A man who offered to support the captain of the crew noticed a small frame was stumbling in the deck area and at once he shouted to the captain.

"Captain! There is a small boy in the deck?!"

When Johnathan heard the man's statement, a chill ran through his spine, "Aaron! Aaron!!" He shouted as he ran over heels to protect his only son.

At the same time, A large wave stuck the yacht making everyone within stumble. John who was rolled to the floor looked ahead to locate his son but he was nowhere to be found.

Like a madman, He turned and twisted to look around but he was unable to locate his son. but then, he stopped in a standstill mood, In the ocean, he found the toy that his son once held firmly in his hands was floating.

He moved forward to look at the spot with a high alert, it definitely was his son's toy. He jumped into the roaring ocean without a second thought, He swam to the spot and dived in deep to look for his son, The current was too heavy for him to keep up with the pace.

As time passed by, Collin who was yelling on top of his lungs prepared to jump in but the men stood next to him stopped him, "Captain! We all need you, It's impossible to pass through the current. If we also lost you, The entire crew will be in death's row."

With tears streaming down, Collin begged, "Brother come back, Aaron! Aaron!! How would I face sister-in-law, Please come back! Heaven, Oh god! Give back my brother and my nephew, we only got each other. Please! Least leave these people for me. I got no one, we got no one... Sis-in-law! I will bring them back. I have to bring them back."

The deep ocean roared and roared non-stop, It started to subside only by the time of daybreak. Still, there was no sign of his brother and his beloved nephew. Once the sky was clear enough, Collin dived in and looked around to find any trace of them. He reported the incident at once to the control room and a helicopter arrived at the spot.

With the help of the new team, they searched everywhere around. To their total disappointment, still, there was no trace of them. They could not even recover the body.

Control room instructed the crew members to sail to the shore to avoid further mishap from happening. Once they reached the shore, Olivia ran to the yacht, the story of the men and a child drowned in the heavy storm reached every nook and corner of the town.

Once Olivia spotted Collin, she charged the questions with a trembling voice, "Where are they? You promised me, Collin! Where are they?! Answer me!"

Collin's shoulders trembled as he started crying more and more vigorously, he knelt in front of Olivia.

"Is that all, True?! All those news about them, was it all true." She shivered as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "Collin! Answer me!"

Collin lost all his control and started whimpering by his sister-in-law questions and at the end, he just nodded to confirm the news. The happy family, the sweet couple and a cute little boy was all now gone forever like a beautiful dream which was extinguished by a splash of cold water.

Olivia held her heart tight and she felt a sharp pain hitting her heart. Her head spun and her leg went numb. As if like a dead meat, she dropped to the floor and hit her head pretty hard.

Collin who was sobbing next to her, snapped up when he heard a loud thumb sound next to him. He shook his sister-in-law and found blood dripping from her head. He lifted and carried her in his arms and ran to the car to drove to the hospital.

Minute ticked by was like a century passed by, when Olivia opened her eyes, she didn't cry. She had a heavy bandage around her head and she was zoned out, 'they won't leave me! John promised me that he will come back. He will definitely come back! They are just got lost and I need to find them, that was it.'

'I have to find them, My baby will miss me and he must be starving, I need to find them fast.'

With a strong determination, she sat up in her bed and unplugged the IV drip. Collin who was sitting in the chair right next to her was slowly drifted to sleep. As he spent continuous two days of restlessness. The sky outside was pitch dark and the whole place was so silent, it was evident that it was already midnight.

Without disturbing him, Olivia picked the car key and walked out of the hospital. Once she climbed into the car, she searched for a key. It was a key for Johnathan personal boat, She held the key tight in her hands and kicked the car engine to start.

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