
~New beginnings

"FINE! Know what?! I don't need you anymore either! I don't need any of you! All you have ever done is hurt me, used me, and hurt me again. I don't need this! From today on, you can just consider me a stranger to you. I can't take this anymore." I screamed at them.

As I finished my last sentence, I started up the stairs to get some of my things. 'This is the end of it.' I thought to myself. But it's too good to be true.

In my room I heard my parents yelling at eachother. My mom was begging my dad to apologize and convince me to stay. Like his ego would allow that! With no avail, she just stopped talking. Classic her.

"Like that will happen." I said scoffing.

I quickly grabbed my wallet, some extra cash, few days worth of clothes, toiletries, stuffed it all in my backpack and headed for the door.

As I walked into the hallway, I heard the yelling get louder and louder. My father was about to say something when my sisters angle-like voice pitched in....

"Dad, can't we just forgive her? I'm sure she knows she did wrong. She knows how to apologize. Lets all get past this. We always do!" She loves to play the good kid card.

"Not happening!" I shouted from the top of the stairs. I slowly started to walk down the stairs when my shoe caught on the rug and I fell down the last ten steps or so.

"Ugh....Whatever. I'm leaving now, goodbye!" I tried to hold back my tears. I just twisted my ankle and I knew it. I can't cry in front of them. I refuse to!

"And where will you go?" My dad asked in a mocking tone. "A brothel?"

My mother nor sister reacted at all to that comment. Go figure.

"I will figure it out. I always do. Trust me, I am really good at getting away from you guys." And with that I walked through the giant oak doors and started walking.

Once I hit the edge of the property, I took one last glance back. Before my tears could fall, I turned away and ran.

I'm never going back! New beginnings it is!