
Mutants and Mutations: Dawn Of The Apocalypse

Human's are on the verge of extinction in Tantra thanks to an experiment gone wrong. A project that was supposed to save humanity could potentially be the end of life on Tantra. Without the adequate firepower to put down their enemies, humanity's efforts to bring down the creatures that plagued their homes seems fatuous. Even with the creation of super soldiers and development of evolved human species, putting down the Ostrians might be impossible. Will humanity's soldiers triumph, or will this mistake end life as they knew it? *

Aniagboso_Martins · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Survival of The Fittest

"Captain Darwin, how was the trip to the capital?"

"A successful mission, most of the Ostrians in that region have been taken care of."

"And the Mutants? The evidence?"

"Unfortunately Commander Gregory was in charge, you know what he's capable of. As for the evidence, it's been taken care of. Even with their abilities they won't be able to find anything." Darwin paused before a door and after a retina scan was allowed into a huge conference room. "The chairman, isn't he coming today?" He asked the man beside him who gave him a negative feedback.

"Not likely, he's been busy these days, I assume his vice would be in charge of today's meeting"

"Mr Murphy? I thought he was dead?"

"I thought same too, but turns out his brain was saved, and he got himself an artificial body. He's probably just bolts and nuts now." Lewis turned around to catch a glimpse of the seated vice chairman before turning towards his captain. "I heard he's the strongest Supersoldier ever built, we shouldn't get on his bad side."

"Captain Darwin, you've finally arrived." A robotic, yet hollow monotonic voice announced causing the other unwary members to turn around in surprise. "Please sit, we must commence the meeting as soon as possible."

With eyes still glued to the manlike robot before him, Darwin obeyed and got settled on the only vacant seat available on the long rectangular table. Lewis stood on guard behind him.

'There's really nothing special about him.' Darwin thought to himself. Looking at Edwin Murphy the supposed strongest Supersoldier, Darwin got no chills at all. Unlike himself, Murphy resembled the regular humans way too much. Aside from his voice, there was no visible evidence of his modification. If Lewis hadn't told him that Edwin Murphy had been modified he probably would have mistaken this man for a regular citizen.

"Captain Darwin, reports about the capital?"

"We've managed to destroy half of the Ostrian population in the capital, the newly modified bullets and missiles have proven to very effective. Two more expeditions and we might be able to make it habitable for the homeless citizens once more."

Ever since the capital fell, things had gotten far worse for the people of Tantra. The capital was the most populated state in Tantra, and ever since it was invaded by Ostrians the large population was forced to migrate to neighbouring states which were considerably smaller than the capital.

Out of the twelve states, only three were safe for human inhabitation, with one of them being Aegon, the land of mutants. Although it has been attacked by Ostrians, the Mutants there have managed to reduce the number of the Ostrians in the region considerably. They constructed underground bunkers, and buildings which were believed to be Anti-Ostrian due to the presence of Roman Alaric.

Although Aegon was probably safe for the normal humans to inhabit, most of them wouldn't consider migrating to the state due to the fear of the Mutants. Even though the government hasn't officially proclaimed them as public threat, they were doing a good job at making the general public hate and fear the Mutants. On their daily papers were daily reminders that the powers of the Mutants couldn't be checked by the government and they could potentially be enemies of mankind. They didn't care about the impacts these kind of information had on the citizens, all they cared about was labelling the Mutants bad, and keeping themselves safe.

Migration into Aegon was very low, which meant that the larger population would be swarming into the two remaining states, Borion and Troton.

Borion was the state for the wealthy, only notable individuals existed within the state, with the minority being second class citizens. It had the highest security of all the three standing states, and the highest number of Supersoldiers. Entry into Borion was basically impossible for any random individual, leaving majority of the population from the capital to enter Troton.

Ever since that migration, there has been a notable increase in crimes, specifically homicides. There was a huge increase in food scarcity, and if things weren't done soon, a civil war could potentially break out.

"What about them...?" Another man asked. He couldn't be past his fifties, he appeared plump and had a mustache which Darwin considered annoying.

"They've been neutral to our forces so far, there's no need to take action against them just yet." Darwin provided

"Vice Chairman Murphy, what do we do about the citizens on our borders, it won't be long before they come tearing past the security." Darwin asked.

"You've said it yourself that the capital would be safe soon, once you've completed your mission, they'll be sent back to where they came from."

"Resources will be scarce for such a population. You shouldn't forget that the missiles we used on those Ostrians scorches the earth making it almost impossible for Agricultural activities. Half of the capital is now a wasteland."

"The chairman is working on an international diplomacy with Caragan, if it's successful then we'll ship some of the citizens abroad."

"And if it isn't?"

"Then we'll have to reduce their population"

There were no comments after the Vice Chairman's words, they were all already used to this type of decisions, also nobody wanted to challenge the strongest Supersoldier, it wouldn't end well for anybody.

"Seems that's all for now, another meeting will be scheduled once the chairman is back, for now you're all dismissed."

"Are we really going to keep killing the citizens?" Lewis inquired from his captain who hadn't said a word since after the meeting.

"We don't really have a choice, if we don't we're all going to die. It's survival of the fittest."

"I guess you're right..." Lewis drawled. He was one of the few real humans who operated under the Borion government. The others either had one part of their bodies modified, or were turned into full fledged Supersoldiers. He wasn't a saint, although he wasn't modified, he had committed his own fair share of mass homicide. He might not look it, but he was once a trained soldier in Tantra's military before the Ostrians showed up. Ever since then he has basically become Captain Darwin's personal bodyguard or assistant.

Although he was supposed to be on the side of the government, Lewis wasn't especially in support in killing off the citizens to solve their every problem. His opinion didn't matter though, and he didn't expect them to care, after all robots have no emotions.