
Mutants and Mutations: Dawn Of The Apocalypse

Human's are on the verge of extinction in Tantra thanks to an experiment gone wrong. A project that was supposed to save humanity could potentially be the end of life on Tantra. Without the adequate firepower to put down their enemies, humanity's efforts to bring down the creatures that plagued their homes seems fatuous. Even with the creation of super soldiers and development of evolved human species, putting down the Ostrians might be impossible. Will humanity's soldiers triumph, or will this mistake end life as they knew it? *

Aniagboso_Martins · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Faster Way of Transportation

"Not that, I meant shooting. You're gonna get us captured again." Gregory growled before brandishing a pocket pistol from the dead soldiers pocket.

"Ohh.. the walls are soundproof, nobody heard." Lewis replied while taking steps away from the armed Mutant. "This way, there's an airship at the back, if we manage to get there without being killed then I can fly you back to Aegon before Captain Darwin gets there."

"Why are you helping us?" Roman questioned as he trailed behind the slightly trembling Lewis. "Why risk your life for people who can potentially bring about your end?"

"Because I know you won't." Lewis answered firmly. "I understand they're bad Mutants out there, but not you two. I also know the only reason why you haven't decided to destroy all of Borion is because you're not that kind of person. But that's not the same with these people, they kill for the fun of it. They do not care for human life."

"He overestimates us. We're not holding back because you're humans. The only reason why we haven't destroyed Tantra's government is because we haven't found any proof against them." Gregory provided.

"Fair enough, at least you don't go around killing without reason. Having a little morality is more than enough reason to be saved isn't it?"

"Whatever you say." Roman concurred.

"Things are going to be a lot more difficult once we leave this room, are you ready?"

"All we need to do is destroy their brains right?"

"Yes, or their core which could be anywhere. Shooting them in any other place besides these two is meaningless." Lewis informed before handing over a revolver to Roman. "It has only six shots remaining, but it's better than being unarmed."

Roman took the gun from Lewis and examined it thoroughly before aiming it at the wall and releasing a shot. He has never used a gun in his life before, there was no need for him to. Although he has taken a few tutorials from Gregory, he still wasn't good at using the weapon.

"I guess that's five shots remaining, let's not waste anymore bullets boss." Gregory suggested and Roman nodded in agreement.

"Here goes.." Lewis pushed the door open, and in the very same moment the trio introduced a shower of bullets into the body of every single being in sight. In brief moments, all that was before them was a sea of corpses and metal.

"I forgot to inform you, but the cameras here haven't been disabled, and the walls aren't soundproof. We're being watched right now, and back up is presumably on their way."

"How long will it take to get to the ship?" Gregory questioned.

"All that's left are the forces behind that gate. But we don't have to go to them, they're probably on their way to us right now." As he spoke, Lewis crouched down to pick up corpses of dead Supersoldiers and line them up in front of himself and the Mutants.

"What are you doing? A block wouldn't do us any good if they're many of them." Gregory reminded before turning towards Roman who was probably out of bullets. "You might want to pick up a better weapon."

"As long as their cores are intact, Supersoldiers have been modified to continue fighting until they're unable to do so." Lewis answered, his palms moistening in mild panic. "All we need is enough power to activate 'battle continuity'"

"And just how much power is needed?" Gregory asked, his eyes still fixated on the gate where their enemies are supposedly coming from.

"At least fifty thousand volts."

"fifty thousand? The commander's eyes widened expressively. Throwing his hands into the air theatrically, Gregory asked. "Where on earth are we supposed to get such amount of power?!"

Roman tossed aside the gun in his hand and went ahead to pick up another before standing to face Gregory. "Tasers." He answered.

"Exactly what he said." Lewis agreed while searching through the pile of bodies for a taser. "Got one!" He announced before racing towards the pile of bodies he'd created.

"Hopefully this will be enough to jumpstart their core."

"Hopefully.." Gregory quipped before Lewis began electrocuting the pile of bodies before them.

"Is it working?" Roman asked after a lengthy silence. He could already hear the stomps of approaching footsteps, and he knew it wouldn't end well if their plan fails.

"Unfortunately not." Lewis was visibly trembling, and his bold persona did nothing to mask the fear in his voice.

"Here let me help." Gregory offered before joining in the electrocuting job with a second taser. The maximum outputs of these tasers were exactly fifty thousand, and his guess was that the Supersoldiers needed at least fifty thousand and one worth of power to jumpstart. Introducing an additional fifty thousand might fry their core, but at the moment it was best to try than do nothing.

"Initiating Battle Continuity!" A metallic voice announced from one of the fallen Supersoldiers whose eyes suddenly flickered red. In the next minute it's modified arm contorted, straightened and self engineered itself into machine gun.

"It's working!" Lewis announced. "Hurry up, get behind them."

In the same moment the gate before them was riddled with bullets and came crashing down. Then from the middle of the army a voice yelled. "Fire!"

A fervent cry ensued from the crowd and with it came an tsunami of bullets. Against so many of them, their undead of Supersoldiers didn't stand much of a chance.

"They're failing what do we do?" Gregory asked, his normal tone overthrown by fear. His eyes widened at the sight before him and his lips failed to move. "Is that a grenade?!" He managed to ask.

"What did you expect, that I'd plan an escape without some sort of preparation?"

"You lots are crazy." Roman commented before Lewis tossed the ball of mass destruction into the crowd.

"Grenade!!! Get back!" A man cried but it was too late. They were all too close to make such a quick retreat, escaping was impossible.

"Boom." Lewis coincided with the explosion which sent debris of body parts and metal flying around the place. The numbers of the opposers have been greatly reduced, and against the remaining little, their own army was sure to triumph.

"Let's go." He called out before joining in on the shooting. It would take a while before another batch of soldiers arrive, and before then they should have reached the airship.

"Are you sure these bastards won't shoot us down from the sky?" Gregory inquired as he raced into the awaiting airship.

"There should be a key to your cuffs in here, hopefully one of you can fly, right?" he paused to look at the Mutants behind him before asking again, " One of you can fly right?"

"Uncuff us first then worry about whether we can fly or not." Gregory suggested. After five minutes of frantic searching, Lewis finally found the keys to set the duo free.

"So which one of you can fly?" He repeated.

"Don't worry about that, as long as Gregory's here no harm will come to us." Roman assured. "Also there's no need for the ship." He added before reaching for Lewis's shoulder. "There's a faster way of transportation than flying"