
Musical ascent to love

Li Qinyang always had a love for music. First, it was because of her mother's love but then she discovered her own love. The various melodies and harmonies the instruments created, she found it otherworldly. At first, she had considered fully pursuing her instruments, however, an unfortunate event caused her to take another root in life as she furthered one of her other many talents, studying that profession at a foreign country in university for many years hoping to get a degree. How useless that degree seemed to become when another misfortune befalls her as soon as she returns back to her homeland. Mistreatment, is what she suffers, and it leaves her stranded, homeless and without a job. Well, that is until she see's an advertisement poster at an internet cafe giving her a chance to pursue her passion for music once again, but it also gives her a chance to finish and accomplish the dreams her mother was unable to. But... not only that... she was able to find the little boy who consoled her in her time of need when she was younger. She had felt like her whole world was collapsing around her, yet he was able to pull her back from the depths of despair. **** Follow Li Qinyang on her journey of self discovery and her finding her way back to a childhood sweetheart she didn't know she had. There'll be scheming third parties who will try to break her and her love apart, they'll try to stop her from winning, and they'll try to stop her from soaring to the skies. But will she let them stop her? The answer is NO. ---- Author's note about a bit of a boring first chapter and a bit of a slow start ! Hey everyone, Little Sweets here! Now, chapter 1 may be a little bit boring and the start may be a little slow (but not too slow so don't worry), however, it is needed to give a little bit of a backstory on why the female lead embarks on her journey, so please bear with it. Enjoy!

Little_Sweets · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Unaccomplished Dreams

Many, many years earlier in a mansion whose family was seemingly at their happiest, right before the brewing of a storm that no one could have predicted would come their way...

"Yang'er, come quickly, i've bought you a big gift!"

The little four year old Li Qinyang hurried over to her mother who was standing outside of their family mansion's music room.

"What is it, what is it!?" the young Li Qinyang shouted as she stormed down the grand staircase of their masion and skidded through the hallways as quickly as her little legs could carry her with their Housekeeper, Aunty Su guiding her.

Housekeeper Su had been working at the Li mansion for decades, and she was there for the birth of the Young Little Miss, witnessing what a delight it was. Seeing as Housekeeper Su had been there whilst the little Li Qinyang was growing up, the little girl didn't feel the need to be so reserved around her as she was familiar with the caring, older woman. She didn't have to act like a 'proper' Little Miss of a rich household around her.

"Yang'er, slow down a little bit, you don't want to injure yourself, now do you!?" chastised Li Qinyang's mother, the Madam of the Li family mansion, Qin Wenling.

"No, I don't, but i'm too excited mother..." the little Li Qinyang sulked.

However, she quickly recovered and beamed up at her mother revealing two delicate dimples dotted on each side of her chubby, squishable little cheeks.

"Mother, what's the big gift that you have for me?" the little Li Qinyang inquired.

"Come follow me into the music room Yang'er,"

Qin Wenling seemed to have an idea as her face rapidly lit up as she stared at her beloved daughter.

She immediately put the little Li Qinyang and Housekeeper Su to a halt and exclaimed, " Housekeeper Su, could you go and find me a blindfold or something to cover my baby daughter's eyes with!?"

Qin Wenling said this with affection as she stared down at her daughter who looked so much alike to her.

"I'll be right back, Madam." Housekeeper Su said as she quickly went in search of a blindfold for the Young Miss.

Once Housekeeper Su left, Qin Wenling bent down to take a look at her daughter with endless adoration and affection.

"Yang'er, how have your musical classes been recently?" her mother asked her in a soft doting tone.

It had been about two months now since her mother decided to put her in piano and violin lessons. Her father, the master of the Li household, Li He, had also agreed. Albeit, it was with some reluctance and a bit of a debate. Qin Wenling thought it would be best to put her daughter in the lessons because Li Qinyang had always loved listening to her mother play the instruments and was always fascinated by it. The little girl had asked her mother on various occasions how to play them, but Qin Wenling thought it was best for her to take the classical music lessons instead with a teacher and other children her age. However, Qin Wenling would still try to teach her some bits and pieces about the instruments on occasion.

"It was great Mother! Yesterday, I had my piano musical class and we learned a simple piece-" the little Li Qinyang paused as if she had just recalled something. She developed a little frown on her usually bright face.

She then started to pout and added, "It was really fun to learn it but the other kids in my class were a lot better at it than I was."

Qin Wenling's heart slightly hurt at seeing the pitiful look on her daughter's face.

"Yang'er, it doesn't matter whether or not you're the best in your class. You've only just started learning a few months ago. With hard work and effort, you could become the best in your class later on. Don't feel too sad, baby." Her mother consoled her in a soft voice.

The little Li Qinyang seemed to think over her mother's wise words with a thoughtful look on her little face.

"Okay Mother, I'll work really hard in my classes to become the best like you." The little Li Qinyang claimed as a look of pure determination came across her face.

Then she looked up at her mother with a bright smile, before exclaiming, "Can I see the gift now Mother?!"

Before Qin Wenling could answer, she was interrupted by Housekeeper Su's arrival.

"Here you go Madam," Housekeeper Su said out of breath as she handed Qin Wenling the blindfold that she had rummaged through the storage rooms to find in the massive mansion.

"Thank you, that was quick," Qin Wenling said as she smiled gratefully at Housekeeper Su.

Even though Aunty Su had worked at the Li Mansion for such a long period, she was still stunned at the Madam's gracious behavior. She found it refreshing compared to the other ladies, who were of the upper class, facades.

"Here Yang'er let me put it on for you," Qin Wenling said to the little Li Qinyang.

The little Li Qinyang obediently turned around so her mother could tie the blindfold around her head. After Qin Wenling applied the blindfold, she grabbed hold of her daughter's tiny hand. She then guided Li Qinyang with extra care since the little girl beside her couldn't see anything in front of her.

Once inside of the massive music room, Qin Wenling saw that everything was well prepared, so she began the countdown to uncover the blindfold from Li Qinyang's eyes.

"Are you ready, Yang'er?"

"Yes, Mother!" the little Li Qinyang excitedly exclaimed.

"Alright then, here we go. Three, two, one!"

Li Qinyang quickly unwrapped the blindfold from her eyes. Her gaze was exultant, bright, and shimmering upon landing on the spacious, valuable piano in the corner of the room. It sat diagonally from her mother's piano. She froze upon seeing the new, foreign piano in front of her. She was mesmerized and completely entranced. It was completely white except the thick lining of rimmed gold on some areas of the piano. For a moment, she was in her own little world.

However, in the next moment, she let out an excited squeal, "Aah!" realizing this was her gift.

She turned around to hug her mother's legs. She then ran up to the piano and sat on the stool placed in front of it. She tried to lift the lid of the piano, however, to no avail as her little arms were simply too weak.

Seeing her struggle, Qin Wenling hurried over and helped her to lift. Once revealed to her, the little Li Qinyang grazed her small, delicate fingers over the keys of the new piano. She was familiarising herself with the infinite amount of keys in front of her, memories briefly flashing back to her piano lessons.

Seeing her daughter so entranced by the gift given to her, Qin Wenling was gladdened. A bright smile lit up her face.

All of a sudden, the lilting melody of a piano drifted throughout the room shocking the little Li Qinyang who snapped out of her stupor. She glanced up but couldn't see anything over the immense size of the piano, so she climbed down from the stool before wandering over to where she could now see that it was her mother playing her own piano. Her mother's piano was simple but classical and elegant with the simple color of black.

Noticing her daughter standing not too far away, Qin Wenling beckoned her to come over with a wave of her hand and a delicate pat on the space that she created next to her on the stool.

The little Li Qinyang, taking the invitation offered to her, hurried over and took the seat next to her mother. She continued to attentively watch as her mother's fingers glided across the keys creating the perfect harmony. As she craned her neck to look up at her mother next to her, she couldn't help but be charmed by her beauty. At this special moment, she also couldn't help but wish to be as beautiful and amazing as her mother when she grew older.

The little Li Qinyang remembered that her mother had told her that she used to dream of becoming a world-renowned musician, touring the world, and bringing peace and tranquillity to all of her listeners. She hoped to bring calmness to her listener's souls. Sadly, she could never fulfill it.

Although at a young age, Li Qinyang was pretty smart, so she wondered if this was why her mother sometimes played quite melancholic tunes. She had also wondered if this was why her mother always shared her love of music with her of both piano and violin.

Feeling mournful for her mother's unaccomplished dreams, the little girl reached over and hugged her mother's waist, leaning against her as her mother continued to play the piano.

Surprised by the abrupt hug from her precious daughter, Madam Li, continuing to play the large instrument, turned her head to look down at her asking, "Yang'er, what's wrong ?"

The little girl just shook her head and continued to hug her mother, enjoying the sounds of her playing the piano and the warmth and comfort her body emitted.

Housekeeper Su, who witnessed this touching scene from afar, wished that they could stay like this forever.

Unfortunately, our wishes don't always come to fruition...

Hello to all or any of the readers that I gain! I would like to say a big thank you for choosing to read my novel!

Now, I am a new writer. This is my first novel, so please keep in mind that there may be some mistakes and grammatical errors. I will also say that constructive criticism will be much welcomed. I am also open to comments and reviews, so please feel free.

Lastly, I hope that you all enjoy my novel 'Musical ascent to love' and will support my writing.

Thank you and again, enjoy!!

Little_Sweetscreators' thoughts