
Murder & Tranquility

W_RDPM · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Evolution of Johnny Boy

Peace falls swiftly over the Minton Forest as the fog of dusk sets in. A place filled with nightmares and beasts of legend ever so quiet.

When the fog gathers, not even the bravest of beast would let out a whimper. Yet, deep in the recesses of the forest, a young boy could be found sweat drenched, near collapse.

-3rd Lotus Entering-


As his kick landed on the tree, one could see the various indentations left behind from a long night of struggle.

-2nd Lotus Fist-



As the tree began to topple over, the boy began to use every last drop of his remaining energy to retreat.


"Finally, I thought it would take another week, it seems heaven has shown mercy." Jack Forest fell to the ground in relief, and bliss.

Weeks before he was sent by his father to accompany the prodigious youths of the tribal alliance on their journey to school in the neighboring kingdom. On the road, Jack would normally go out hunting during the fog hours. That is when he found the murder peach tree.

Although its fruits are extremely valuable in its body strengthening qualities, earning its leaves was his main goal. Murder Peach leaves are famous for being near impervious to damage among low tier fighters.

"Thank you, oh sweet peach tree. Do not worry. You will be put to good use." He said laughing to himself.

Gathering up the wood, fruit and the leaves, he loads them on his horse as he returns back to the caravan.

"Cousin Jack, you're back. What did you catch this time?" A lovely young maiden ran out of the nights encampment toward him.

"No catches this time Elise, I brought back some materials. Once I drop you all off at your schools I will go ahead an open a shop in the city." Already 18 years old and the youngest of 3 siblings, Jack has been planning to move for quite a while.

'With no claim to the seat of chief, average schooling, and no military background. There is no hope for me. At most I will just be apart of a marriage alliance between the tribes.'

"Will we still see each other, Jack?" Elise couldn't help but be a little disheartened by the news. Though knowing his situation, it is understandable.

The Forest family has long been one of the strongest families in the tribal alliance, that prides itself on it's warriors. As for the main bloodlines, the pressure is even more so. Jacks older brother and elder sister Octavian and Mina both have already made a name for themselves.

Octavian is a Knight prodigy that has fought in many battles and is one of the strongest under 40 in the alliance. As for Mina, after demonstrating powerful space magic in her youth she was married off to a prince of the Sabin Kingdom their current destination.

"Of course, we will. Mina has already set up a store front for me in the southern border of the kingdom, which is part of her husbands territory. Though I do plan to sell weapons and potions, s if you visit do bring a few books that you may get your hands on." Jack spoke merrily when it came to this subject.

Jack was never truly unimpressive, only limited and deprived. When a child is of age 13, they experience an awakening of their innate abilities. Yet, for Jack he awakened abilities that required many resources to level up. As a child of a tribe in the hinterlands, this became extremely difficult.

"Sure, cousin."

"Good, now if you will excuse me I will go and work on a few things before we set off." The camp was occupied by many young preteen hopefuls all passionately awaiting their arrival in the city tomorrow, though for Jack this was only a checkpoint on his journey.

Once in his tent, he unloads the Murder Peach Tree materials from his horse.

"Johnny Boy, get over here!" Jack yelled activating his space pocket.

Seemingly from out of nowhere a large boulder fell into the room surrounded by a lab set up and various smelting and sculpting utensils. As the boulder rolled over it began to open up, showcasing the limbs of a wolf like beast and the maw of a voracious tiger.

"Grrr" Johnny ran over to Jack and rubbed against his leg. While growling menacingly at the sight of the various utensils.

"Hey, don't be like that Jonny boy. It is time you get stronger. It is time to upgrade my greatest creation into a war machine, haha."

Before beginning the refinement process, Jack sat down at his workbench with a parchment and a pencil while pondering where to go forward with his beast.

Johnny Boy - Tier 1-45

Main Spirit: Hunter Wolf


Bite - Savage Bite, High Bite force - Major Damage

Scratch - Kiting Technique, Can cause Bleeding - Moderate Damage

Hunt - Tracking Technique, uses the wind affinity and smell

Str - 20

Spe - 35

Eva - 28

Cha - 18

Luc - 21

Agility - 49

Dur - 95(26 From original Spirit 69 from materials)

End - ???


198 - Wind, 25 - Wood, 67 - Speed, 305 - Stone

5 Levels from evolution

After looking at his previous notes for the wolf, he began to plan the next steps. 'If I can coat the claws and teeth in the leaves that will increase their lethality. Then I would have to turn the wood into some well processed armor.'

'Once that is completed the overall battle ability should multiply. Though that won't be enough to level up. It is good we have the fruits though. That should push him over the hill. Though at Tier 2 the elemental affinities will awaken. I should try to strengthen that as much as possible. Where did I put my list of my spirits.'


Hunter wolf x10 - Strongest: Tier 1 - 26

Blood Sparrow x 7 - Strongest: Tier 0 - 17

Storm Beetle x 5 - Strongest: Tier 1 - 42

Murder Ant x680 - Strongest: Tier 1 - 36 Queen

Poison Dragon Turtle x1 - Tier 2 - 68

'Hmm, I forgot about the murder ants. Best mission I have ever done, hahaha.' A year before, Jack had been promoting himself as a mercenary and many of the tribes hired him for various missions. One of which was to save a village from a murder ant invasion. That event is what let others know he wasn't completely useless and led to him receiving various freelance missions even till this day.

After reminiscing for a while, Jack summoned his True Conversion skill. In his mental plane a wheel appeared. The wheel of spirit conversion. If he were to discard a spirit he would receive a random benefit for himself or for others.

In theory he would love to convert his other wolf spirits and add them to Johnny boy, refining his bloodline and strengthening his spirit (Yes in this world spirits have blood, more on this later).

-10 Hunter Wolf Spirits

+2 Random Strength Pellets

+6 Affinity Pellets

+1 Break Affinity Pellet

+1 Speed Pellet

'Jackpot' after a few years of messing around with the conversion skill, he came to notice that the more obscure a pill is the better its effects, and Jack had no clue what a break affinity meant. So, he began shoving each pellet into the wolfs mouth haphazardly.

+4 Str

+8 str

+12 Break Affinity

+15 Spe

+ 267 Break Affinity

'Wait, why did the affinity pellets all go toward the break element and why is there so much?' Baffled Jack began to scribble down a few hypothesis in his folder of parchments. 'Weird, even still, it is time.'

Getting up from his workbench Jack began the arduous job of breaking down the bark and leaves for crafting. Knowing this all couldn't be done over night, he went ahead and instructed Johnny boy to go ahead and devour the fruits.

Morning soon, came and Jack found himself opening his sleep deprived eyes as he found himself lying on his equipment. 'Oh dang, how did I fail an all-nighter. This road is really taking a toll on me. What woke me up though?'

"Aaaarghhh, beast!"

"Its too strong, Run for your lives!!"

"Why would a Tier 2 Stone beast be this close to the city?"

"Oh lord, why have you forsaken me? I promise I will be in service early, lord please."

"Oh no, why is it coming for meeeeee!!!"

'Crap Johnny!' Jumping up to immediate alertness. Jack ran through a new gaping hole in his tent to assess the situation in the camp. Funnily enough he found Johnny boy immediately, a 12 foot tall wolf-like beast chasing a singular individual through the camp.

Seeing the preteen boy, with a heavily wet face and pants, he couldn't but wonder. 'Did all of those screams come from him?'

Seeing Johnny boy rush by uninterested in any of the other people streaming out of their tents he became more assured in his assumption.

"Johnny Boy!" Jack yelled. In response, Johnny stopped while glaring menacingly at the young boy. "Get over here." With one last glare Johnny made his way back to Jack while reducing his size, before Jack put him back in the pocket space.

As Jack made his way over to the nearly catatonic young boy a person called out.

"Cousin Jack was that stone beast yours? I didn't know you were a beast tamer." Elise yelled out excitedly.

"I'm not a tamer, necessarily. Hey, you, boy! What is your name and what did you do?" Jack stomped over pretty upset. Not many things could upset a spirit, so he was also confused on what crime the young boy committed.

"Thank you, Lord Forest for saving me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I thought I was dead." The boy was still delirious as he was constantly kowtowing.

"Stop that get up, and answer my question."

"Yes sir, yes sir. My name is Ollivander but you can call me Olly sir. I - I woke up around thirty minutes ago, with a very powerful urge to relieve my self sir. As a man who enjoys his privacy I went to the woods while there I found a giant rock for cover. At first it was number 1 and my head was on a swivel but then I needed to go number 2 and before I could squat and spread I felt a snarl from my backside. When I saw what was there I ran for my life sir." Hearing the story, everyone in the camp stood there mouths agape.

Looking at a man who was brave enough to relieve himself on a tier 2 creature. A story bards would retell many times in the future. 'If number one isn't enough then I will go number two.' While most of the kids saw the funniest near death story they've ever heard. Jack saw potential.