
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Ch. 28

( Yuto Pov )

" Ugh, not feeling well." I muttered as I leaned against the stone wall of the dungeon.

' Pretty sure I got a broken bone in my leg.' I thought as I continued to move slowly sneaking away from my clash with the infant dragon.

[ Ding! You have defeated the boss. ]

[ You have been awarded...]

" Not now!" I shook my head to get rid of the panel.

The breathing technique and lack of mana have taken a toll on my body.

( Third Pov )

The Zeus Familia is bustling with loud shouts and cheers.

" Everyone! Listen up!" Maxim stood up from his seat as he looked around the cafeteria, his fellow members that are like brothers and sisters to him.

" Our expedition has been moved to tomorrow!"

The Familia cheered as they raised their mugs.

" All of this would not be possible without the help of Yuto." Maxim looked around, not being able to spot Yuto.

He looked at Zald, who frowned with hid arms crossed.

" It seems he hasn't returned yet." Zald spoke as Maxim nodded.

" So today! We celebrate for tomorrow's expedition! Celebrate to your hearts contents!"

" Wooohoo—"


" Everyone! Yuto has been injured!!" A Familia member who was on gaurd duty burst through the doors as two other guards carried Yuto.

Yuto had an arrow stuck behind him along with cuts that seemed to be from a sword and burned marks.

" Yuto!!" Nimriel and Brok rushed up to Yuto.

" Get a potion! Now!" Maxim shouted as someone had already grabbed a potion.

Maxim frowned as he stared at Yutos wounds.

' An archer, sword, and Mage.' Maxim frowned deeper as he looked st Zald, who also looked at him.

' Who the hell did this!?'

( Yuto Pov )

Half an hour later.

" Huff Huff! Fucking finally!" I shouted as I felt the clear air brushing agasint my face as I limped amd used the katanas sheath as a cane.

" Oioioi! Didn't expect to see ya again!"

' That voice....that's the same from the gambling den! Shit!' I cursed in my head as I heard two more footsteps.

" Not so damn talkable! Ain'tcha!"

I grunted in pain as I was kicked to my knees with a blade under my chin.

A string being pulled resounded through the air.

" Hahaha!! Now...why don't you give us whats was rightfully ours. Or...we'll just..ah!?" Before the man could react I stabbed the silent dagger into his stomach.

Thankfully inventory was able to teleport it to my hand.

I felt my neck being cut before creating some space by pushing him.

My back was facing the archer as he shot the bow.

Hearing the arrow fly through the air I tried to tlt my body only for the arrow to trike my shoulder.

" My the flames burn through my foes..."

I ignored the pain and turned around only to be hit by a spell.

I was pushed back as I took off my cloak to get rid of the fire.

' this isn't good.' I took a throwing knife as thre it at the Mage only to hear it beget block by another steel.


" Too slow!!" The swordman shouted.

I rolled out the way and stabbed the dagger into his shin.

" Aahhh!!!"

I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to use him as a shield as I heard the arrow.



" Ah! Ahhh!!" I then stabbed the dagger into his neck before creating a magic circle on his body and kick him.


Blood bursted everywhere as I used this time to get rid of the archer.

With two throwing knife I threw it at his feet where I heard him shift and his hand which was strung the bowstring.

" Graaahhhh!!" He screamed as I limped toward him.

I punched his knee making kneel before tackling him to the ground.

Without giving the archer time to react I plunged the silent dagger into his throat close to his mouth.

His mouth opened as blood poured out but it was silent. No scream or the sound of the man choking in his own blood.

I got up as I felt the Mage fall to the ground.

A similar scent entered my nose.

" Fear." I muttered as I approached the Mage

" Hii!! Hii! Nono!!" He begged as I heard him scratching at the ground trying to crawl away.

He didn't make it far as I stabbed the dagger into this leg.

" Aaaaahhhh!!"

Then I kept stabbing upwards till I got to his chest.

At this point I was breathing heavily as took the dagger out of his chest.

" Noo..." he begged weakly as he lost strength from the loss of blood.

He didn't struggle anymore as I slowly plunged the blade into his throat.

I exhaled as I stayed at this spot for a while before gathering the strength to go towards the Familia Mansion.

I stood up to my feet before falling again.

' Damn it!' I didn't have the strength to speak or shout.

I crawled as I didn't hear any footsteps around.

' Gotta...gotta get home. Don't... don't sleep.' I told myself as I only have the strength to keep moving, afraid that if I stop, I'll die.

I didn't know how long I had been crawling as I the time I felt someone's hand on me, my consciousness flew from my body.

( Third Pov )

The next day...

" Three dead bodies in front of the tower of Babel, member of the Freya Familia." Zald reported to Maxim with a solemn expression.

" The Freya Familia...this is a troublesome problem." Maxim frowned as he looked at Zeus who had a grave expression.

" What's with the face?" Maxim asked.

" I don't think I have the will to defy Freya's charm." Zeus replied.

Zald looked at him like an idiot.

" Aren't you immune to her charms? Don't tell me you..." Before Zald could finish Maxim interrupted.

" If you don't I'll have no.choice to bring in the Hera Familia, especially Goddess Hera."

" Ahem! Nevermind! Let's get our compensation from the Freya Familia." Zeus replied.

Both Zald and Maxim shook their heads.

" Sorry but it seems like we're in the wrong this time." Maxim spoke.

" What!?" Zeus shouted.

Zald looked at Maxim as well.

" Well, there was no witnesses around when this happened, and not to mention only Yuto was alive, amd the other three dead. It's no surprise that everyone is suspicious that Yuto was the one that killed them since he is a level 2." Maxim explained.

" Basically we have no evidence." Zeus replied making Maxim nod.

" There is another way." Zald spoke aiming the other two attention.

" A War Game, and it seems they only want Yuto to participate. If we don't do this, they asked for Yuto to turn over to their Familia."


" Impossible!!" Zeus shouted not wanting to sacrifice his son.

But Maxim was in deep thought before looking at Zald.

" Is there a time limit?" Maxim asked.

Zald nodded.

" Two weeks."

Everyone frowned, but Maxim relaxed.

" Two weeks, it took Yuto two weeks to level up. Another two, no, maybe even another week, he could level up to three."

" That's crazy! But...sigh, is there a way to train him faster?" Zeus asked Zald, who nodded.

" Yes, thought we'll be needing the Hera Fmailia help, we need Alfia to train Yuto more seriously. And I'll train him as well." Zald replied, receiving a nod from the other two.

" Well with this over, I'm going to check on Yuto–" Before Zald could finish a familia member slammed the door open.


" Yuto is awake!" He shouted in excitement.

( Yuto Pov )

I groan as I lifted my upper body on the bed.

I tilted my head as I heard footsteps approaching from the wall or door. .


The door opened as I heard Zald, Maxim and Zeus familiar footsteps.

" Yo!" I greeted them with my left hand as I realized a day had passed.

" You're healed, even you broken leg." Maxim spoke as I shrugged.

" Eh, I'm an elf." I shrugged.

" Sigh, Yuto. There's a problem." Zald spoke as he sat next to my bed.

" We're in deep shit kid, we're selling yoi off because we ran out of wine." Zeus chuckled.

I heard Zald and Maxim sigh.

" The problem is that you will be participating in a war game two weeks from now." Zald explained what a war game was.

" I see... so what Familia am I against?" I asked.

" That's it? Not even a shred of fear?" Maxim asked.

" Hahaha!!! This kid something alright, I knee it!" Zeus slapped his knee.

" I don't really care. But I don't want to leave this Familia, besides I need something in return from them as well."

" What is it?" Maxim asked.

" Some of their owned properties." I shrugged.

" Think they'll take it?" Zald spoke.

" I'll make sure to tell them." Maxim replied.

I nodded as I covered myself with the blanket.

" Now, if you'll excuse me, I got catch oluo on some sleep."

" Laters kid."

" Hm."

Zeus and Zald or Maxim replied as they left the room.

I drifted to sleep before remembering something important.

" Meteria!!" I shouted as I got out of bed and started dressing up to meet Meteria today.