
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Ch. 27 Infant Dragon

( Yuto Pov )

" Goodnight." I said to Meteria and Alfia as they both walked into the Hera Familia.

" Goodnight, Yuto!" Meteria replied with a cheerful tone.

" Goodnight." Alfia replied as well as I heard the door close.

I turned around and walked back to the Zeus Familia.

But I stopped as I faced the direction of the dungeon.

" Maybe I should start hunting again. But I'll need my sword and let the Familia know how I'll be down there." I continued to the Mansion to retrieve my sword.

" Oh? Yuto! You're back." Brok shouted from across the room.

" Hm, I'm going to the dungeon." I nodded as I went upstairs.

" The dungoen? At this time?"

" Doesn't make a difference to me." I replied as I walked to my room.

Entering inside, I grabbed the new Katana that I gotten from Zald.

' Now I should start making my to the dungeon.' I thought as I exited the room as I put the katana by my left hip.

" Good hunting!" The Familia cheered.

" Hm, goodnight." I nodded as I started walking towards the dungeon.

" Quite windy tonight." I muttered.

I made my to the dungoen as I went down.

As the lifting thing stopped, I hopped off and landed to the ground.

I started making my way into the dungeon.

" Ah? Right, my new dagger. And also my last gacha pull..." I tapped my chin wether to use it.

' Eh, best to use it now.' I concluded as I pulled another spin.

[ Ding! Charm awarded! ]

[ Charm of Swiftness ]

( Description: Grant's the user a 5% speed boost. )

' A charm...it seems like these would be useful, if I can get a better one.' I thought as I took out the silent dagger and attached it to its handle.

The charm had the shape of a wing from what I felt.

The dangled as I didn't hear any noise or jingle from the charm.

I held the dagger in front of me.

[ Silent Dagger ]

[ Level 1 ]

[ Durability: 7,500/7,500 ]

( Description: Grant's a silent force field around the dagger.) ( limit: 5 inches )

' Pretty neat.' I thought as I twirled the dagger before unsheathing my katana.

' Hmm, maybe I could use both of them.' I thought of an idea as I started to wield them both.

I already had my Gauntlets on as I proceeded down the dungeon working with the Katana and dagger.

I tried to synchronize the weight and swings when I attacked a goblin.

Stab with a dagger before cutting the goblins arm off with the katana.

' missed.' I thought as i shifted my foot and spinned around to cut the goblins head off.


The goblins head fell to the ground before disappearing.

I grabbed the items it dropped and moved on.

' I should find a better way to pick the drops. I can't always let it get out of my weapons all the time I pick it up.' I thought as I continued walking, listening for any monsters that came close.

I stabbed a goblin from behind and stabbed my dagger into its throat.

I heard the goblin disappear before picking up the crystals and fang.

I continued down to the tenth floor, where I fought Orcs and went into the systems dungeons to get some items.

' The 11th floor.' I could feel the air draft as I followed the sounds of heavy footsteps from behind.

" More orcs." I whispered as I tilted my head in their direction.

Taking a deep breath and changing my breathing rythem I unsheathed my katana.

" Sun Breathing: Second Form: Clear blue sky." I was focused on my breathing and sword technique that I didn't noticed I muttered the breathing form.

I rushed forward and spun my body to decapitate the orcs' legs.

" Graaa!!" The Orc screamed as I kneeled to the ground.

Two other orcs came from the kneeling Orcs sides.

With Transparent View, I could already see their arm muscles moving.

' Breath of the Sun: Third Form: Raging Sun.'

With two consecutive slashes, I cut off the arms of the two orcs before using the kneeling Orc to boost myself up.

' Fifth Form: Setting Sun Tranformation.' Doing a backflip to dodge their second attacks and swung the katana in a horizontal strike.


Thuck thuck!

I heard the sounds of the two orcs head falling to the ground as I stabbed th katana into the orcs chest.

' Eighth Form: Sunflower thrust.'

I pulled my katana out of the monsters chest as I swung my sword to get the blood off.

I exhaled as I picked up the monster crystals and items.

" Now, to the 11th floor."

I entered the 11th floor again and fought my way down as I fought orcs, imps, bad bars, and hard armadillos.

I fought my way through them, I had to hide and sneak around to get some rest and replenish my health and stamina.

I was wrestling an armored armadillo as it was the last of its pack.

" Fucking bastard just die!!" I shouted using my anger to to make my punches stronger as I repeatedly beat the armadillo crushing its armor.

Thwack Thwack Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!!


Blood spilled as I didn't know whether it was mine or the monsters.

And a second later I punched the stoned floor.

" Ah!" I exclaimed as I held my hand.

' wasn't expecting that, seems like I got carried away.' I shook my head and stood up and walked towards the direction where I lost my katana.

I walked in circles before accidentally stepping on it.

" There it is." I picked up and sheathed it as I began to walk where I touched a wall and used it to guide me as I took a health potion.

[ +8 hp ]

[ +8 hp ]

I dismissed the notification and continued onward.

' I should be fine now.' I thought as I walked away from the wall and started walking on my own.

[ Ding! You have encountered a boss! ]

' A boss!?' I thought as I spammed analyze around me.

[ Infant Dragon ]

[ Level 2 ]

[ Hp: 12,000/12,000 ]

" Fuck."

" Raa! Raaaaaa!!!!"

I could hear the stompings as it shook the ground.

I could hear it coming closer, feeling instincts flaring I jumped to the side as I hear a loud impact behind me.

Pivoting my foot I ran towards the dragon as I heard it shift.

" Rooaaaaa!!!"

I could feel the wind brush against me as I ducked under its swipe.

The wall stone wall behind me was cut from the sounds I picked up as I rushed in.

Using transparent view to see the dragons organ I began to attack.

It was slow as I could predict it's next move.

' Sun Breathing: Eighth Form: Sunflower Thrust!!'

I stabbed the katana into the dragons eye as I increased the mana in the blade increasing the heat before retreating as the dragon began to thrash around.

" Rooooaaaa!!" It roared as I waited for another opening.

I grabbed my dagger from the inventory and began to slowly walk toward the dragon with.

I began to target its underbelly and its joints with quick precision.

And the dragon managed to land a hit as I was flown back hitting the stone wall.

" Kuf!" Blood spilled from my mouth as I began to use my breathing technique.

" Haaa!! Haa! Hu! Ha! Hu! Ha huu." Finally gaining control of I stood up and grabbed my katana from the floor.

I rushed towards the dragon again as slid under its swipe and jumped to its back.

With great difficulty I stabbed the dragons body as I managed to create a good enough cut.

I put my hand on the dragons wound as I used the dagger keep myself on the dragon.

" Lighting Bolt!...."

Nothing happened but soon the mana gathered at my hand before realizing a strong lighting bolt.


" Rroooaaaa!!" The dragon roared in pain as I smiled frantically.

" Hahaha! Lighting Bolt!!"


" Roaaarrr!!!"

" Lighting Bolt!!"


" Lighting Bolt!"

[ Ding! Unsufficient mana.]

' Huh?' I looked at the panel before dismissing it.

Grabbing the Katana from the stab wound I checked how much mana I had left.

[ Mana: 25/1,005 + 250 ]

Seeing how much mana I had left I poured it all the the katana.

" Sun breathing–wha!?" Before I could finish the technique I was thrown andoff the infants dragons back.

I rolled on the ground before getting back to my feet.

But I couldn't react to the swipe of the infant dragon as I was pushed to the stone wall.

" Fuck!"

[ - 45 hp ]

But I couldn't stop the dragon from dragging me across the wall and throwing to the ground again.

[ - 75 hp ]

" Kagh!" I could feel the searing pain in my torso from the dragons claw.

" F-fuck." I cursed as I could feel my left arm.

I rolled off my back and to my right arm to balance myself.

I still had my katana in my right hand.

I was huffing as I lost my concentration breathing.

But I still stood up with great difficulty.

" Sigh, it was going so well too." I complained as I gripped my katana amd forkng my left hand to grip it as well.

I lowered my stance as I heard the breathing of the infant dragon not far from me.

" Well come on then. Finish the fucking fight you damn alligator or was it lizard?" I chuckled as I heard the sounds of the dragon rushing towards me.

It was slower than before.

The stomps it created with every step made the floor vibrate.

I saw the dragons insides again as I watched its bones and muscles move.

" Sun Breathing Ninth form..."

I inhaled as much oxygen as I could.

" Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance!"

Putting the katana in a high stance I rushed forward with the explosive power I could muster.

With multiple slashes I poured every ounce of mana into this strike as the solar flame burned hotter.

I felt my blade easily pass through the dragons flesh as I found myself standing alone.

A burned smell exerted my nose as I heard the sound the dragon falling to the ground.

" Kuu!" I coughed blood as I fell to the ground.

" Ugh! This isn't the time to—die." I groaned

" Gotta stay awake." I said to myself as I tried to lift my heavy body.

" Gotta get back. Ugh!" I got up to my knees as I held my injuries.

" Uhh, that's not good."

I had the inventory teleport a health potion on my hand as I quickly drank it along with another.

Although my health was being refilled but the scars will be needed to be reset by a day because of gamers body.

I got up as I grabbed my katana amd waked to the infant dragons drops.

It was a scale and a large crystal as I threw them to my inventory.

' Gotta find my dagger....sigh.'