
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
96 Chs

The girl who could see

A/N: I've released the third book, just like I promised, it's not a harem novel, I believe there is not even a romance in the third book, (it is an original novel, but I put it in the fanfic category so all of you could read it without worry about locked chapters)


Several days had passed, and it was time to return to school.

As usual, Kaoru walked to school with the Nakano sisters. Despite being very wealthy, he found walking to school more interesting than riding in an expensive car. He hoped to find something interesting along the way.


"Alright, for some reason, we have a new student today. Please come in, Yotsuya-san!"

After the teacher's announcement, a girl with long black hair and golden eyes entered the classroom. If you looked closely, her body was trembling, and her eyes were glistening as if she were about to cry.


The boys were delighted that the new student was a beautiful girl. However, Kaoru, who recognized the girl, felt a headache coming on. Her presence meant that the unseen horrifying creatures were indeed real.

While Kaoru was troubled by the presence of the supernatural, Yotsuya Miko grew increasingly terrified upon seeing Kaoru. In her vision, Kaoru appeared as a humanoid monster with a galaxy-like pattern covering his body and several black holes rotating behind him. Though not too frightening in appearance, her instincts screamed that one mistake could wipe out her and the entire school in an instant.

"Yotsuya-san, please introduce yourself!"

"Ah... ah, sorry. My name is Yotsuya Miko. That's all!"

"Eh? That's all?... Well, whatever. Kids these days. You can sit in any empty seat."

"Thank you, sensei!"

Miko quickly headed to her seat, unfortunately right next to Kaoru. Fortunately, Kaoru didn't pay much attention to Miko throughout the day, even until it was time to go home.

On his way home, Kaoru checked the guild shop and looked for a way to see those supernatural creatures. As for how to deal with them, he knew who to ask. Kaoru took out his phone and sent a message to the most suitable person.

[Yo, Urahara-san! I need a favor. Can you send an unused asauchi?]

It didn't take long for Urahara to respond.

[Okay, no problem. There are some neglected asauchi in the warehouse. By the way, is there a hollow problem in your world, guild master?]

[Yeah, something like that. Thanks.]

Connecting the dots, Urahara's comment wasn't wrong. The supernatural creatures that Miko could see could be categorized as hollows, and an asauchi was the perfect tool to deal with them.

[I've entrusted it to Hibari. Take it whenever you need!]

Without wasting any time, Kaoru headed to the guild hall to meet Hibari and collect the asauchi that Urahara had sent. Upon receiving it, Kaoru was surprised to find that instead of just one, Urahara had sent 13 asauchi, far more than he had requested. However, after receiving a message from Hibari that Urahara had deliberately sent more in case of an emergency, Kaoru was very grateful, even though he found it odd that there were 13.


Returning from the guild, Kaoru looked at one of the asauchi, which had now transformed into a spear. Its bright red color and black smoke-like aura made it seem sinister. This was the shikai form of Kaoru's zanpakuto. If any shinigami from the Bleach world knew that Kaoru could use shikai in such a short time, they wouldn't believe it. This was possible because Kaoru had forced the asauchi to awaken using his herrscher haki, which was more destructive than reiatsu or conqueror haki. The result was a zanpakuto that could compel Ichibei and Nimaiya to descend to the human world if they sensed its presence.

"I didn't expect it to look so similar to shishou's weapon, and its power is very similar but more dangerous. Luckily, the fat priest is not a multiversal-class entity."

Kaoru continued to study the power of his zanpakuto, wondering if the shikai was this strong, how powerful the bankai would be.


A zanpakuto with a shikai form as a spear with a black smoke-like aura that damages anything it touches.

The main ability of this zanpakuto is an attack that ignores space and time dimensions, manipulating causality so that the target cannot avoid or block the attack because it becomes a fact that the target was hit even before the attack is launched.

Ignoring the concept of time, even if the target rewinds time to avoid the attack, the wound caused by Amenomihashira's future attack will still appear on the target in the past.

Command: Pierce the heaven - Amenomihashira

Bankai : ????]

A zanpakuto that should not exist, which even Kaoru doubted Yhwach could easily withstand. However, despite its strength, Kaoru quickly realized the zanpakuto's weakness. It was designed to fight mortals. For immortals who didn't need to worry about bodily or soul damage, Kaoru's zanpakuto was not too dangerous. Additionally, the limited attack area, unlike Ryujin Jakka or Hyorinmaru, which could use area of effect techniques, Kaoru's shikai was more like Ikkaku's Hozukimaru, with its danger level depending on the user. Although it had a corrosive aura, after testing it on various objects, Kaoru knew the smoke wasn't as strong as Baraggan's and couldn't be controlled like Baraggan's.

After some time examining his zanpakuto, Kaoru wanted to explore its bankai form. Unfortunately, the zanpakuto spirit mocked him, saying for now he could never achieve bankai because he never accepted himself. Kaoru understood what the spirit meant. The spirit looked like him but was female, with two large breasts. Kaoru couldn't accept himself because his face was too handsome, often mistaken for a woman. He was annoyed by this and considered his handsomeness a curse.

Why didn't Kaoru undergo plastic surgery? He disliked altering his body forcefully, preferring to become a frog over undergoing strange surgeries. Another reason he couldn't accept himself was his attachment to his past life. Fortunately, people like Ichika and new friends helped him gradually let go of his old world. Knowing the condition to unlock his bankai, Kaoru slowly began accepting himself and eventually returned home to rest.


"Uuuuu, I thought school was safe, but that person is even scarier. No wonder no ghosts come near the school...."

Miko cried in her room, recalling the events at her new school. She had transferred to escape the disturbances of ghosts and other supernatural beings. But she never expected that a ghost-free school meant something scarier than the ghosts themselves was present. The student named Kaoru was the reason. Miko had contacted her acquaintance, Rom, who was skilled in exorcising ghosts, but the response she received was unexpected.

[ROM: If he has a physical form, there are several possibilities. He is possessed, blessed or cursed by an entity, or he is the entity himself.]

[Ehhh?? Aren't ghosts supposed to lack physical bodies, Rom-san?]

[ROM: Who said supernatural beings are only ghosts? There are many kinds of supernatural beings, including spirits, ghosts, demons, aliens, gods, and other astral entities.]

Rom's answer shocked Miko, as she had always thought ghosts were the only supernatural beings in the world. But remembering Kaoru's form, which was very different from ordinary ghosts, she concluded that Kaoru was not a ghost.

[ROM: I can't say for sure, but if you send me a photo, I might be able to identify him.]

Miko quickly searched for a photo of Kaoru, surprised that he was very famous and his picture was easy to find. She sent the photo to Rom and waited for the results.


Several days later at a café, Miko met Rom, who looked in a terrible state. His entire body was bandaged, and he had to walk with the help of a nurse.

"Yes, long time no see, Yotsuya Miko. The last time was with the scythe man incident, right!"

"Etto, Rom-san, what happened to you?"

Seeing Rom's condition, Miko felt bad, thinking she should have visited him in the hospital. But Rom laughed it off.

"Hahaha, no problem. Oh, about the person you mentioned, my advice is to either get close to him or stay as far away as possible... Oh, and by close, I mean be his friend, ally, or anything, as long as you're on his side, you'll be safe. Or stay far away... though that might not be possible, considering he's one of 'those'."

"What do you mean by 'those', Rom-san?"

"Hmmm, simply put, think of him as a god."

After saying that, Rom left with the nurse's help to rest again.

Rom's condition resulted from his attempt to see Kaoru. He saw an endless darkness and felt immense pressure, with his body gradually crushed as if squeezed. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in the hospital, his entire apartment destroyed, reported as a collapse accident.

But Rom knew that with such power affecting the real world without seeing the target's form, it meant Kaoru was beyond any supernatural being he fought and what happened to him was similar when he tried to look into Amaterasu's true form.