
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

Xeviouzzz · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Slaughter Fest

( Robin POV )

As we parted ways upon reaching the island, my decision led me to the port, intending to cut off their escape route. I flew steadily, scanning the port until I spotted a pink ship adorned with bird-like designs. Doflamingo's crew members were busily loading their loot onto it.

Halting my wings mid-flight, I observed at least eight figures milling about the ship. Utilizing my Kenbunshoku Haki, I discerned only two children within the vessel, while the others congregated on the port.


Hmm... What should I do...? I don't like fighting all of them head-on like Yamato...

Well, I guess I just need to end it all before the fight even begins. I don't want to get dirty. Just do as Vanze used to say, kill first, talk later, fufufu.

Flying closer, I utilized my Devil Fruit power to remain undetected in the sky with my wing. As I neared, I eavesdropped on their conversation using my Haki.

"Did you guys' finish loading our loot onto the ship?" a short, ugly man with a lot of mucus covering his body asks.

"It's all set, Trebol. Baby 5 and Buffalo are checking it in the ship warehouse," an old man replies to the disgusting man called Trebol.

"So, we only need to wait until Doffy and the others are back now," a man with a fancy suit that looks like a mafia member says.

"Should Machvise and Gladius inform Pica and Diamante to come back?"

"You don't need to, Machvise. Pica will return shortly, and let that bastard Diamante do his thing."

"I don't like staying here long; I'm afraid the Marines will catch up to us..."

"Well, what can we do? Do you want to confront the angry Doffy? We can only wait until he calms down and returns."

Hmm, so that's how it is... They're vulnerable now...

Anyway, let's finish them off quickly. As I hover above them undetected, I realize they either don't have Haki to sense me or their Haki is just too weak. 

As those people below keep talking, Unexpectedly, a multitude of arms materialized around them, catching them off guard and ensnaring them. I also use my Busoshoku Haki to reinforce my binding technique. 


"What is this...?"

"I can't get free from it, damn it!"

"Use Haki, you fools!"

"Enemy attack!"

As they struggle to free themselves from my binding, I also prepare my big attack that should be enough to knock them down for a long time.

"Fufufu, it looks like you guys are too late to realize it..."

I'm sorry for the ambush... But I'm not a fighter after all, fufufu.

"Rokushiki: Giganteum!"

I create a giant arm in the air and then deliver a downward palm strike on those people below me while covering it with Busoshoku Haki, generating a circular shockwave characteristic of certain Rokushiki: Rukougan moves that cause wider and stronger internal damage on whatever it hits.

In the past, Vanze said that Rokushiki is very suitable for creating a bunch of new combinations of attacks using my Devil Fruit. Thankfully, I already mastered all of the Rokushiki techniques and incorporated them with my own Devil Fruit power.

As my giant arm attack descends, the group of people below me, who were still struggling to break free, look up with widened eyes, feeling shocked from seeing my surprise gift to them.

"Holy sh-"



The ground cracks because of the impact, creating a deep pit as the aftermath. The surrounding pier suddenly becomes clear as everything is blown away by the shockwaves.

After finishing my attack, I also slowly descend to the ground and activate my Haki again to sense the condition of those people. Hmm, only one woman and two guys are crushed to death by my attack, while the rest are either dying or seriously injured. Poor them, fufufu.

That disgusting man named Trebol and the man with the mafia suit used their Haki to defend from my attack at the last moment, so even though they are still knocked out, it won't last long for them.

I think I could say that my efficiency is definitely much better compared to others, fufufu. As I sensed movement from the pink ship. Two children emerged, startled by the commotion outside.

"What was that!?"

"Baby 5, there!"

I forgot there are also children in this twisted pirate crew. As they notice me and approach me, I can see the girl with a maid outfit looking scared and the big boy still advancing toward me without fear.

"You are the one who attacked us just now-dasuyan!" He shouts at me while I just stare at them calmly.

As they almost near me, I immediately use my own Haoshoku Haki to knock them out without using any kind of violence. They suddenly roll their eyes and pass out after receiving my Haoshoku. Even though my Haoshoku Haki is not as strong as others, it should be enough for these children. 

"Children shouldn't be hanging out with those trash..." I murmur slightly while shaking my head, suddenly thinking about Uta when seeing the girl...

As I am about to go to their ship and investigate it, there is a sudden occurrence in the town not far away from my location. Suddenly, I can see a big giant made out of stone fighting a figure that holds a kanabo in her arms. 

"What a wonderful day for an outing, fufufu..."


( Azel POV )

"Hmm, there is still nothing in this part of the island... Where did those guys go?" I murmured while surveying the surrounding area. After finding nothing, I continued to fly to another part of the island.

"Robin is at the dock, Yamato is going for the town, while Hancock and Vanze-san are heading toward our target."

I flew on, lost in thought about our group's current situation. Since I didn't find any of those scum around here, I figured I should go back and help Robin at the dock. Those scum are either at the dock or in the town, after all.

"Alright then, let's see what's up ahead before going bac-!?"


I heard a loud voice just as I was pondering my next decision. Without any second thought, I sped up toward the voice's direction. As the fire behind me dimmed, I used my Lunarian race ability to gain more speed, leaving only a spark of fire on my trail. 

"Hehehe, no need to scream like that. As long as you agree with me, I won't hurt either of you."

"I said no, why would I agree to someone who massacred our town!?"

"You big bad man! My big sister and I would never agree with your proposal!"

"Is that so? I thought you two green-haired girls would agree to join us but now... Hehehe, I guess I don't need your permission then. I only need to knock both of you down and bring you back with me. Don't worry, you will definitely be 'educated' by us later, hehehe."

As the sinister tall man charged toward both of them, the older sister suddenly pushed her little sister to run while she tried to buy her some time to escape.

"Nooo!!! Onee-chan!!!"


The sound of two metals clashing was heard as I managed to arrive in time and stopped the man in front of me with my sword.



As the man and the girls behind me were shocked and surprised by my intervention, I swung my sword harder and sent the man flying toward the dilapidated building behind him.


I glanced at the girls behind me, both still in shock while looking at me, but the older one suddenly snapped out of her daze before running toward her younger sister and hugged her.

When I heard that little kid's scream, I couldn't help but think of Uta...

"Cough... Cough... Damn it..." I turned my eyes away from them as the man who was sent flying by my sword stood up again from the rubble, coughing from the dust.

"Goddamn it, why did you suddenly attack me!? And who are you anyway!?" He stared at me with rage in his eyes. The girls behind my back were hugging each other, shivering with fear.


I just stared back at him without responding to his question. I mean, why should I?

"Are you mute!? Well, from the looks of it, an extinct race like yours, I think having a flaw like being mute is considered normal. A race that was hunted like pigs for sport wouldn't even have the intelligence to understand conversation, after all, hehehe." He spat insults at me while readying his sword with an intent to attack me.

'So he knows about my race just from one look... But it doesn't really matter to me.'

He's not entirely wrong; I also saw a flaw in my race, and that is their cowardice. I understand they're afraid of being hunted down by the World Government, but I can't stand their cowardice. Instead of fighting for their future, they just hide away like cockroaches. 

I'd rather die trying than follow their ways of life. That's one of the reasons why I escaped from my hometown to search for answers and followed my leader. At least I know he won't back down like my people.

Instead of being provoked by his insult, I continued to stare at him silently beofre closing my eyes. Then, I remembered a sentence from my conversation with Vanze-san in the past.

"Azel, for me, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain and prevail from it. There is no telling who is right and wrong between you and your race's decision, but I know for sure that you will find the answer on our journey as we continue to travel this world. And you need to remember that you are not alone because you also have us as your family. So, don't need to be tense and so serious all the time. Just relax, enjoy, and adapt, hahaha."

Yeah, that's what he said. My leader may seem like an idiot and immature sometimes, but he is the first person I recognized and respected in this world. So, I can't waste my time here.

"Hahaha, you can't refute my words, can you? I think Doffy would like to have your body as a collection..."

The man kept talking and trying to provoke me with his words, but too bad for him I'm not like Yamato or Hancock. I opened my eyes again and stared at him calmly.

"What? Gonna cry? Like those two girls behind you?"

"..... I don't need to answer to a dead man talking."

I readied my sword on my right arm before it burned with the same mutated black fires on my back when I activated my devil fruit power. From the intelligence that Robin had gathered, this man's information was also in it, and I already knew his strength. So, let's just get this over with.

"What did you just say!? I'll kill you; you chicken wing! Army Bandera!" The ground suddenly ripples and flutters, making it difficult for someone to move and stand on it. Unfortunately for him, such tricks hold no sway over me, because I possess the gift of flight.

After that, he smiled cruelly before dashing toward me with his sword imbued with his Busoshoku Haki. "Viper Glaive!"

"Watch out!"


The two girls shout, trying to remind me of his attack, but too bad that he is too weak for me to go all out; one strike is enough.

"Hi no kokyū: Enbu Issen!" I started using my Sun Sword Style that I developed with a combined method from the fundamental technique of Sun Breathing and Soru while using my race's innate skill: Ignite as a boost.

I streak forward, leaving a trail of ebony flames in my wake. Dodging his attack with ease, I deflect his sword and shatter it effortlessly. His Haki is feeble, barely a match for mine.


He appeared to be surprised, but it is too late, as my sword covered with black flames and Haki already makes contact with his neck. My sword smoothly cuts through the flesh on his neck like a hot knife slicing through butter.


As my sword finishes cutting through his neck, I turn around without even looking at the dead man. I brandish my sword once more to my side before putting it back in the sheath.

A good enemy is a dead enemy after all...

Glancing at the two girls I've just rescued, I observe their stunned expressions, jaws slack with disbelief.


But a second later, they gain their clarity back after hearing a sound of something falling from my back. Their expressions morphed to ones that show horror, and I could only smile wryly.

Well, this is going to be awkward...


( 3rd POV )

"Hahaha, come on big guy, chase after me!" Laughter from a girl echoed through the ruined town not far from the dock on the island.

"You! Stop laughing and running around!" A high-pitched voice replied to the girl's taunt. The ground and the ruined town rumbled as a giant figure slowly chased after his target, destroying everything in his path with his gigantic body.

"Charlestone!" The giant unleashed an attack, utilizing the surrounding stone road to morph it into a multitude of large stone spikes erupting from the ground.

"Hahaha, nooo please... Haha... Your voice is just too funny, ahahaha." The girl laughed tearfully, leaping around on a high building in the town and evading his assaults.

She wielded a hefty kanabo in her right arm, occasionally swinging it towards a giant spike aimed at her. She did so with a carefree smile and an innocent gaze. If Vanze or Uta could witness this spectacle, they would surely applaud and cheer on the girl while urging her to make it more thrilling.

"Damn it, stop dodging! And mocking my voice!" A big giant made of stone shouted at the girl with a hint of anger in his tone. He made a fist with his giant arm before aiming it toward the girl.

"Hmm, I should have asked Vanze to lend that thing to me and let Uta-chan watch her amazing onee-chan playing with a giant, I think she will like it." She murmured slowly, lost in her own thoughts while ignoring the devastating attack coming toward her. Whether the girl realized it or not, the corner of her lips was grinning, revealing her canine tooth.


The giant fist made of stone finally hit its target, causing everything in its surrounding to get blasted out just with the shockwaves alone.

"Hmph! You dare to be in a daze during our battle!? I finally got y-!? Nani!?" He sneered at the girl after he thought he finally got her, but he realized that his arms were being restrained by something.

On the ground below the giant stone fist, the girl with white hair was gripping the fist with both of her arms while sighing. "Huft, I almost got flattened by this comedian."

Her arms had morphed to resemble an animal. Both of her arms had white fur and claws, displaying lean muscle. Not only her arms, but also both of her feet changed as a result of using her devil fruit power.

"Well, he is indeed quite heavy, but I don't need to transform to the hybrid form or full zoan form if I want to defeat him. Changing both of my arms and feet is enough. Now, let's get his fist away from me. One, two, three, HA!" The girl suddenly exerted a more powerful force from her body and lifted the giant fist that she was holding with both of her arms.

The giant fist that was supposed to end the girl's life was now hurled back toward its owner. The giant was dumbfounded, witnessing that a girl younger than himself managed to overpower him and send him stumbling backward.

"Finally, I got away... Hmm... Playing with you is getting boring now, I want to watch Hancock fight with that birdie." She tried to relax her arms before retrieving her kanabo from the ground. After ensuring that her weapon was undamaged, she stared at the stone giant while grinning at him.

"Hehe, I think it's time to wrap this up. I don't want to miss my sister's show after all."
