
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

Xeviouzzz · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


A week later

(Vanze POV)

Ugh... I slowly open my eyes, feeling like I've been sleeping for years, like a baby, but with a massive headache in my brain now. Is this what they call post-nut clarity? Fuck, I don't know.

I start to get up and sit on this bed... Whose bed is it? Where am I? Ah, fuck, my mind just keeps buzzing and playing scenes that I don't even recognize. Who is that old lady? Huh... Old Niil...? Sister Mira...?

"Agh, it hurts!" I start to massage my head, hoping it'll help.

Vanze... Who is that? Wait, they called me by that name. So, am I Vanze...? That old lady looks like I live with her, which means I've arrived in the One Piece world. Grandma? So, she is adopting me and raising me as her grandchild, huh...

Sister Mira...? Who else now? Oh, so she's an orphanage staff who sometimes likes to help our family, huh... The scene keeps playing in my mind, and I see a bunch of kids trying to beat me up??? How dare they do that. Oh, wait, it looks like they hurt themselves instead, hahaha. So, it's a perk for being a high human, huh... But why the fuck am I muted and always have that blank expression? Do I have facial paralysis? Oh, fuck...

She's really a nice old lady; Grandma Niil looks happy when she always sees me. Look at those kids speechless when they see me carrying those big boxes, what a weaklings. Insert the "the weak should fear the strong" meme, hahaha. Well, it looks like I'm twice as strong as an adult... Maybe more? It's a One Piece world, after all.

The memories keep playing in my mind until I see something, a fucked-up situation...

Grandma Niil got robbed and stabbed in her stomach. She falls down to her knees, holding her bloody stomach with her hands. And... And... I can only watch that happen?

"Huh...? What...? Am I crying... Again?" I touch my face and feel a tear sliding down. Why don't I do anything!? What the fuck happened!? It shouldn't be happening at all, damn it!!!

Fuck!!! What's wrong with me!? If only I were more normal and didn't have that facial paralysis bullshit, Grandma Niil would still be alive.

I'm just starting my new life, but shit happens already, damn it! If I can't even save her, what's the use of my second chance!?



[ Calmdown... ]

Huh...? Who the fuck was that?

"Huh...? Who the fuck was that?

"Hello...?" I look around, trying to see, but there's nothing in here. I think I'm starting to go crazy.

[ Don't need to look around I'm inside of you, dumbass. ]

'Huh, what did you just say!? Anyway, who are you? Or what are you? Why are you inside of me? What do you mean? How ar...' I still want to ask, but it stops me.

[ Okay, okay, slow down there. I'm just about to give you an explanation. It's complicated, you know? ]

'Then make it UNCOMPLICATED,' I say, feeling irritated.

[ Fine, first of all, do you remember the black gem that you got from the last gacha back then? ]

'You mean Blackie...? Why does it even have to do with a gem? And where is it anyway?' Now I'm confused af. It's just a normal stone.

[ Everything has to do with that thing. When you descended to this world, that thing started glowing and chopped or sucked half of your soul. It started to merge with your whole being, but because of that, you also became muted and have face paralysis. It should have activated the moment it sucked half of your soul, but your soul is also crippled because of it and needs time to recover. So your body is only a husk at that time and acts with only your instinct most of the time. ]

'Wait... What...?'

[ Don't interrupt me. Moving on, that stone needs a soul filled with void energy to activate itself. Apparently, your soul is almost full of it because it stayed in the nothingness for who knows how long. So, it takes half of you and combines with whatever is left in the stone and... Voila, it succeeds, and there's also me as an extra.]

'It's too much to take in... So you're the stone?' I'm very much confused at this point.

[No, I'm part of it but also a part of you. Let's just say I'm half of you that came alive after mixing with whatever is in the stone. And now the stone is also merged with you, so I've always been with you but only awaken at that time when your Haoshoku Haki comes out.]

'Haoshoku Haki? I have that? So you're me but also not me then?' Now that I remember it, I stunned a lot of people in the plaza. Grandma...

'But what is the stone now?'

[Well, yes, you have it. After we merged with it, I also came to know that the stone is only a small part of something bigger. It's connected to something, but I also don't know much about it. It's only a small part after all. How should I put it...? Right now it's just your typical cliche System, with Status, Inventory, Mall, Quest, and GACHA. But if you get the rest pieces of the stone, maybe something will change?]

'So it turned into a fucking system? Damn... I only thought to throw it to the enemies later.' I guess I hit the jackpot. That old Xen doesn't know about it as well, I guess; if not, he will never give it to me. Well, no need to worry about the rest pieces of the stone; I doubt it is even here in the One Piece world.

'Well, what should I call you now? If you're alive and also a part of me and the system, basically, you're your own being, right?' Now that thing at least becomes clear to me; it's time to think ahead about what I should do.

[Why not give me a name then.]

Hmm... Why should I be? Well, anyway, Cortana is mainstream, Eve is boring, and Friday is Tony's A.I.

By the way, why the fuck does it sound like a girl and a child mixed together? Isn't it used a part of me? Well, I suspect it's because of the stone part in it.

'Seele...? How about it? And doesn't it mean that you're also counted as my siblings?'

[Oh... I thought you were gonna give me cliche names like Lily or Sunday, and yes, because I used to be a part of your soul and mix with the stone part, now I'm just me. A whole new soul, a new me. And thank you for the name.]

'Hahaha... Oh, could I see how the system works?' Well, it's weird now I have a twin sibling born from my own soul and other... But whatever.

[Yes, and you better learn about it slowly later on, Vanze.]


(Note: The status will only be long for this chapter, later it will be much simple)


[ Status

Name: Ryujin D. Vanze

Age: 6

Race: High Human

Title: 'Freak'

Condition: Exhausted

Tier: 7 - Enhanced Individuals


Strength: F

Agility: F

Endurance: F+

Intelligence: F+

Vitality: E-

Luck: ???


1. Kamigami no Gigan or All Seeing Eyes of God (Kekkai Sensen)

*Precognition: User can see glimpses of the future, allowing him to anticipate events before they happen.

*Retrospection: User can view past events or occurrences, essentially seeing into the past.

*Spiritual Awareness: The eyes allow to perceive supernatural entities and beings that are otherwise invisible to ordinary humans.

*Identifying Anomalies: User can identify and analyze anomalies, abnormalities, or hidden features in people or objects.

*Enhanced Vision: The eyes grant user an enhanced level of vision, allowing user to see things in great detail or from long distances.

*Object Identification: User can discern the nature, origin, or properties of objects by looking at them.

*Barrier Penetration: The eyes have the ability to see through barriers or illusions, revealing what is hidden from others.

"Analyzing Auras: User can analyze the auras or energies surrounding individuals, providing insights into their emotional or physical states.

*Pattern Recognition: The eyes allow user to recognize patterns, connections, or correlations between different events or entities.

*Adaptive Learning: Over time, The eyes enable user to adapt and learn more about the supernatural phenomena the user encounters.

2. Adaptability (Passive)

*Rapid Skill Acquisition: The Adaptability Skill enables the character to learn and master new abilities swiftly. Whether it's wielding a new weapon or mastering a foreign language, the user gains proficiency faster than the average individual.

*Physical Adaptation: The user body can quickly adjust to changing environments and challenges. This may include heightened endurance, improved immune responses, or even the ability to adapt to extreme climates.

*Environmental Awareness: The user has an innate sense of their surroundings, allowing them to adapt to environmental changes seamlessly. This includes navigating through unfamiliar terrains, detecting hidden dangers, and exploiting the environment to their advantage.

*Evolving Soul: The user soul is much durable, stronger and has more room for it's to growth to the new high. Also the user soul will quickly adjust to a soul or will attacks.

*Mental Resilience: The user can quickly assess and comprehend new information, allowing for effective decision-making in dynamic scenarios. This mental flexibility enables the protagonist to strategize on the fly and anticipate challenges.

3. Haoshoku Haki or Conqueror's Haki (One Piece)

*It is a rare form of Haki that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others and only one in a million people is born with this ability. The usages of Haoshoku causing the target to either become fearful, flee or become docile for a brief period, and directly makes them faint within a scope of a certain area.


- None ]

'Wow... That's a lot...' Well, my stats are not too shabby; maybe it's because of my race and the skills I got before being reincarnated, along with Haoshoku Haki.

'But Seele, what does Tier 7 mean?' I asked, finding this tier thing confusing me.

[ Well...

*Tier 1 is called Multiverse Titans+

*Tier 2 is called Cosmic Entities

*Tier 3 is called Universal Rulers

*Tier 4 is called Galaxy Champions

*Tier 5 is called Planetary Forces

*Tier 6 is called Continental Warriors

*Tier 7 is called Enhanced Individuals

*Tier 8 is called Normal Beings

I'm not going to explain Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4; it's useless and out of your league for now. Tier 5 is something that can be a threat to the planet or a dimension. Tier 6 is a threat capable of destroying islands or even a continent. Tier 7 is a threat for someone capable of destroying cities or even small islands at its full power. Lastly, Tier 8 is just a normal human being with peak physical condition, like an athlete. Most people in this world are at Tier 8 or 7, but some are already or have the potential to reach Tier 6. You and I don't really know if there's a Tier 5 level of threat in this world because the story wasn't even finished yet back then. ]

'Damn... That's a lot and terrifying to know, Seele. It looks like I need to start gearing up if I want to survive. Oh, what about the other menu, Seele?'

[ Menu:

Mall (Not available)




- No ticket detected


- None ]

'Why does the mall say it's not available!? What happened? I understand the quest and inventory are empty for now because it just awakened. But the mall is not available?'

[ Maybe it's the same, Vanze. We need to do something, or the quest will trigger it later? I also don't know, but I can assure you it's already a part of the system. ]

'Let's just ignore it for now; there is another thing more important, and that is a Gacha. Why is it here?' I meet one of my toughest enemies again.

[ You should be happy there is a gacha when the mall is still locked for now, bro. Well, it should be the same mechanism where you pull a gacha in the void back then. Its rarity is divided into white, blue, red, purple, gold, and black. The black one is special, and you know why. Each month you will get a random ticket for pulling a random gacha; of course, you can also stack it to 10 and pull it together and maybe get higher rarity. The ticket is also divided into 3 categories: a random ticket you're gonna get every month, a ticket with rarity color, which only you can get either from a quest or the mall later, and a rainbow ticket, which is still mysterious. The ticket with color can be used freely in any section you want. For example, the blue ticket can be used to get a guaranteed pull in blue section either for skills gacha or tools gacha. ]

"That is complicated as fuck... But you are right, Seele; it is better than nothing at all."

Now that I am already calm down and thinking about a lot of things that have already happened, I need to start training. Let's start with Kamigigan or KG first. Yes, I make it short because the skill name is long as fuck.

I close my eyes and try to activate its power. When I open my eyes, everything I see is much clearer; I can even see a small dust particle lying in the corner of my room. Everything seems to be slower... I guess?

I take a small mirror from a desk beside my bed to take a look at my eyes. 'In the anime, it's supposed to be blue, right? The pattern looks good too. The only downside is I don't know much about it, huh... How about I try more.'

I start to give more power to my eyes and be more focused when suddenly...

'Huh...? What happened?'

[ Your eyes are focusing and staring at the other room; you even see a box hidden below the bed. ]

'My eyes can even penetrate the wall, huh... The box below the bed in the next room should belong to grandma.' Should I go take a look?

[ You should go, brother; maybe you will find solace going to her room, or maybe the box is for you? She just didn't have a chance to give it to you. And did you not notice in your status? Your name is Ryujin D. Vanze, and she only ever calls you Vanze; maybe there's more in it. ]

'You're right, Seele, sitting and doing nothing here won't change anything. It looks like I never fully knew about grandma besides her name is Niil...' I start walking out of my room and looking around the house; even if there's only the two of us, it always feels warm. But now...

I opened the door leading to Grandma's room and looked for the box's location before deactivating my eyes. I reached and started to open the box, and there's only a letter, a book, and is that a Devil Fruit...? Why is Grandma hiding a Devil Fruit? She should have eaten it; that way, she would be fine, right? Right!?

[Calm down, Vanze...]

Huh... Hu... Hu... 'Right, you are right, Seele. I need to calm down.' Let's see... a Devil Fruit? I guess it's a Zoan.

[You can use Kamigigan to identify it, but too bad your mastery over it is not enough now.]

'Kamigigan could do that? Huh... The more I need to learn.' Let's just put it away in the inventory for now. Next is a book. Woah... I didn't see this coming.

[Hmm... It's a book containing how to learn Rokushiki. It's a good thing, Vanze; it even has insights exclusively to Soru and Geppo.]

'Yes, it should belong to Grandma's husband; I recall she always said he was in the navy on an admiral ship. It kinda makes sense if she keeps the book here.' It even says how to learn Seimei Kikkan here. The last is the letter; I open it, and it says:


I write this letter for your 10th birthday gift, along with the book and a Devil Fruit inside this box. Hehehe, it is such a relief that you are a healthy and strong boy.

Watching you grow up, teaching you things, harvesting fruits in the forest together, and living with you in my old years is definitely a blessing for me in this world. I wish we could enjoy more years to come happily together.

Oh right, you only know my name is Niil, right? Hehehe, Grandma's full name is Ryujin D. Niilve. My father gave it to me. So right now, for your extra gift, you could also use my family name, and why do you ask? Because you're my baby grandson, Vanze. Ryujin D. Vanze, how is it? Cool, right? Hehehe.

When my husband never came back again because of his duties as a marine, I was so heartbroken... Living alone without even a son to accompany me in my old days feels so lonely. That's why, Vanze, thank you for being born and thank you for being my grandchild.

You don't need to worry about people talking bad about you; you only need to keep going ahead with your head held high, Vanze. You are a good child. I wish you to live your life to the fullest in the future, always chase your happiness and dreams, never hesitate, and don't leave regrets in your life. Just be who you are, Vanze. Because Vanze, who has always been Vanze, is always Grandma's most favorite grandson in this world, hehehe.

Happy Birthday, Vanze.

Love, Grandma Niil."



[ .... Nii-san... ]

Without even noticing, I am already clutching the letter really hard, and tears keep pouring down from my eyes. 'Hu...Hu... Ahhh...' and I just started crying even harder.

'I promised Grandma, I will... I will...!!!' With that, I closed my eyes while solemnly promising to her.


