
Li Xian

Nanming district, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province

Li Xian stared at his phone, his heart sinking with each passing second. The message from Ji Yan had a finality to it that he hadn't expected.

"Li Xian, we need to talk. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry."

His girlfriend of five years had decided to end things, and the weight of her words bore down on him like an insurmountable burden.

In the dimly lit room of their rented penthouse in Nanming district, Li Xian's mind replayed the moments leading up to the breakup.

Ji Yan's frustration had been building for months, and he, lost in the routine of his daily life, failed to notice the subtle signs. The neglect she spoke of was like a revelation hitting him all at once.

The air in the room felt heavy as Li Xian dialled Ji Yan's number, his hands trembling. The conversation that followed was a mix of apologies, pleas, and the crushing realisation that he had taken their relationship for granted.

Ji Yan's voice, once warm and comforting, now echoed a distant sadness as she explained her decision.

"I can't be with someone who doesn't appreciate the life we have, Li Xian."

Ji Yan's words cut through the silence.

"You've become so stagnant, Li Xian, with no clear goals or direction. I can't be with someone who doesn't have a vision for the future, leaving me feeling alone in our relationship."

Li Xian's attempts to salvage the relationship fell on deaf ears. The conversation ended with a hollow "goodbye" leaving him staring at the screen, feeling the weight of his mistakes.

Li Xian, a friendly sales executive at a 4S store in Nanming district, had settled comfortably into a routine that, over time, became a bit too predictable. Despite Ji Yan's persistent encouragement to dream bigger and plan for the future, Li Xian remained somewhat indifferent.

His life lacked that spark for change or improvement as he cruised along the familiar path of his career, finding solace in the financial security his job provided.

Saving money or thinking about financial planning for future were things Li Xian didn't give much attention to, mirroring his laid-back attitude towards life.

Ji Yan, sensing the need for a wakeup call, had repeatedly shared her concerns, urging him to break free from the monotony and embrace a more proactive approach towards life.

However, her advice seemed to fall on deaf ears, as Li Xian remained comfortably cocooned in the security of his routine, oblivious to the untapped potential for personal and professional development.

Feeling down after thinking about all of these, Li Xian turned to his close friends Chen Dong and Kang Li. They met at their go-to spot, the Lucky Tavern, seeking comfort in each other's company.

As Li Xian poured his heart out to his friends, the clinking of glasses and low hum of chatter in the tavern provided a backdrop to his emotional turmoil. Chen Dong, the more vocal of the two, leaned in and offered a sympathetic ear.

"You've messed up, buddy. We all started in different 4S stores at the same time, but look at us now – team leaders. No matter how many times we tried to tell you, you brushed it off."

 Chen Dong pointed out, a mix of scolding and understanding in his tone. They were all close friends from college, securing jobs in the same batch at 4S stores, but while Chen Dong and Kang Li climbed the ranks, Li Xian stayed put.

"But hey, we're here for you. What's done is done. Now, let's focus on moving forward. I also thinks it's better for you concentrate on your professional life now."

Kang Li, the quieter of the trio, nodded in agreement.

"Ji Yan was very faithful to you. However, life's too short to dwell on regrets. Learn from this and be a better man."

Li Xian, his eyes glazed with the residue of unshed tears, took a deep breath. The conversation with his friends shifted from the pain of the breakup to the potential for growth.

Amidst the clinks of glasses and the buzz of the tavern, the trio reminisced about their shared memories, their laughter becoming a beacon of hope in Li Xian's darkened world.

The night unfolded with shared stories, anecdotes, and the gradual realisation that life offered more than the confines of a failed relationship. Li Xian, with the support of his friends, began to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

On the other side, Ji Yan sat down slowly, her hands trembling as she placed her mobile on the table after the call with Li Xian. Tears welled up in her eyes, and Mei Zhang, her best friend and roommate, rushed to her side, concern etched on her face.

Mei Zhang gently put an arm around Ji Yan's shoulders.

"It's okay, Ji. I'm here for you."

Ji Yan took a shaky breath, trying to hold back tears.

"Mei, I just ended things with Li Xian." she admitted, her voice quivering.

Mei Zhang nodded, her expression understanding, and pulled Ji Yan into a comforting embrace.

"I know, Ji. We've talked about this. It's a difficult decision, but you're not alone. I'm here for you."

Ji Yan wiped away a tear and sighed. 

"I felt like it was the right thing to do, but it hurts so much."

Mei Zhang nodded understandingly.

"Breakups are never easy. But sometimes, they pave the way for new beginnings. Have you thought about what you want to do now?"

Ji Yan looked down, her gaze fixed on her hands.

"I don't know, Mei. Everything feels so uncertain. We've been together for so long, and now I have to face the world on my own."

Mei Zhang squeezed Ji Yan's shoulders reassuringly.

"You're not alone, Ji. I'm here for you, and we'll get through this together. And you know what? Perhaps this is the right time for a fresh start. Remember those admissions we secured in a university in England? It might be the perfect moment to pursue our studies and embark on this new journey together."

Ji Yan looked up, her eyes still filled with sadness.

"You think so?"

Mei Zhang smiled.

"Absolutely. A change of scenery, new experiences—it might be just what you need to heal and rediscover yourself. Plus, I'll be right there with you every step of the way."

Ji Yan managed a small smile.

"Thank you, Mei. Your support means the world to me. I suppose it's time to ponder the next chapter of my life."

Mei Zhang nodded.

"Exactly. And who knows, maybe you'll find new opportunities, new friendships, and even a chance at love. The world is full of possibilities, Ji."

As they sat together, Mei Zhang continued to offer words of comfort and encouragement, helping Ji Yan navigate the emotional aftermath of the breakup and consider the exciting possibilities that lay ahead in the England for their studies.

Li Xian couldn't find peace, even after drowning his sorrows in heavy drinks. Restless, he mindlessly played with his phone, a weak attempt to escape his inner turmoil.

Without meaning to, he opened his WeChat and revisited the chat history with Ji Yan. Each message was a painful reminder of their recent breakup – the shared laughter and expressions of love now haunting echoes of a fading past.

Contemplating whether to delete the messages for relief, a notification disrupted his thoughts. It announced his invitation to a new group called "Multiracial Chat Group." This unexpected twist momentarily shifted his attention away from the heart-wrenching task at hand.

The name of the group intrigued him, prompting a brief contemplation on the significance of joining a diverse community. He thought its an international community with people from different parts of the world.

He is also aware of the bad groups that are going on in the We Chat. But he wanted to just distract himself, as such he simply clicked on the accept button. 

'Are you sure? This decision is irreversible. Please confirm again'

But it didn't let him join directly instead a blazing read alert popped up on his screen, which he has never seen in this application.

He hesitated a bit, as this may be some bad people with bad intentions or may be some kind of virus. But after pondering just for a moment, his curiosity led him to click on the 'Yes' button.

'There is nothing for me to lose here. Why should I be afraid of anything?'

Li Xian thought, as his bank account didn't even have much savings not his mobile is a costly one.

After Li Xian joined the group, five minutes ticked by without a single message, not even from the group admin. Despite the urge to send a message, he refrained. It seemed like a pointless group, and with that thought lingering, he finally drifted into sleep.

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