
Mrs. Zhang! Hello

Two best friends, Xiu Ying and Li Na leave their hometown in search of better futures. They had always been close and they both believed that their friendship would last forever... until they actually came to the city. Li Na fell in love, very fat, with one of the most powerful men in the nation, but he had no interest in her in Xiu Ying. Join me as we, and Xiu Ying, discover how to navigate a budding romance and unwanted love rivals. Zhang Wei was an honest and normal man...except he wasn't. That was a personal opinion. To others, he was the most sought-after bachelor and a very wealthy one. He even is engaged to one of the most sought-after women (not official) He sees something in someone else and feels new things with her, but it wouldn't be as easy to pursue a relationship with his family's past background. He has something that bad people want.. and would do anything to get it. Is a normal relationship even possible? (Re-written description. I'm still not good with descriptions but this is better compared to last year XD) [The book cover isn't mine.]

pelzy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
135 Chs

Chapter 3

His voice held so much power that the crowd stopped murmuring. It was deep but not scary, like a man of principle, and from the crowd one could see the love-struck expressions of most females. Li Na of course was one of them." What a good-looking man. He even looked in this direction." She was unaware that he never looked at her as he had made coincidental eye contact with Xiu Ying.

The man once again cleared his throat and started speaking. "As Vice chancellor Jing has said, the top three in each course would be given an opportunity to work in the best companies involving their selective careers. What most of you know is that I and many other companies are cooperating with this university to make sure that happens. I will not waste your time today and conclude by saying that you are now in the stage of your lives where you must take things more seriously. No one is going to spoon feed you, and it is up to you to prove your abilities. Thank you and have a great day." He bowed and there was thunderous applause from the crowd. He stayed bowed for a little while and got off the stage afterwards. After that were the introductions of new staff, a few announcements, and the orientation was finally over.

Xiu Ying and Li Na walked out of the hall, and Xiu Ying turned to see Li Na looking around as if looking for someone. "NaNa what are you looking at?" Li Na turned her head to see Xiu Ying's confused expression "Oh nothing, don't worry. I was just looking around." She replied forcing a smile and started to look around again. After a while, and she did not see who she was looking for, she turned back to Xiu Ying and asked What do you think about Mr. Zhang? He was very handsome and looked so tall." Xiu Ying just smiled and said nothing. Li Na understood and said no more.

They took a taxi back to their apartment and Xiu Ying as usual went to the kitchen to start preparing food. When the food was ready, she called Li Na to come eat but there was no response from the latter. "Li Na did you hear me? It's time to eat." She said as she was walking up the stairs. She reached Li Na's room and opened the door to see that Li Na had her ears plugged with headphones. She approached her and saw that she was looking at something or rather someone's picture on the news. She looked at the phone and saw that it was the man they saw today, Mr. Zhang's picture. She shook her friend "NaNa it's time to eat. Why are you looking at his picture? Have you fallen for him?" Xiu Ying asked jokingly. Li Na looked at Xiu Ying and if one looked closely, you could see a faint blush on her cheeks. "Shut up and let's go eat."

They both went downstairs and got to eating, and Xiu Ying noticed that Li Na had been on her phone since she came down. "What are you looking at NaNa? You have been looking at your phone since we got home. Is everything ok?" Li Na looked at Xiu Ying and finally explained "Today when I saw Mr. Zhang, I felt my heart burst. He is so handsome; he looks like a Greek god." Xiu Ying looked at her friend "So you are saying you have a crush on Mr. Zhang?" Li Na looked at her and smiled "I don't know yet, but I have a good feeling about it. Today he even looked in my direction. It must have been fate."

Xiu Ying looked at her and was about to tell her that he probably was not looking at her and they made eye contact but looking at her friend she decided not to because she looked so happy. Xiu Ying thought nothing about since he was a handsome man, and she was not the only one. "She'll get over him don't worry." What she did not know that Li Na was nowhere close to stop thinking about him.

In a fancy- looking hotel, a man is looking out the window as if deep in thought. He was tall and had a broad back and looked very intimidating. After some time, a man cleared his throat. "President Zhang they are waiting for you downstairs." Zhang Wei turned back to look at the man. "Inform them that I would be there in two minutes. Thank you, Secretary Bai." The man called Secretary Bai bowed and left. Zhang Wei was casually reminiscing his activities. That is a habit he has developed since establishing his company. He remembered the orientation today, and he remembered eyes. Those eyes were one of the first pair of eyes that did not look love struck. He was quite surprised to see that. He does not really think much of it, but it is quite refreshing to see occasionally.

He exited the hall and reached the meeting room. As he entered, all noise ceased, and they all stood to bow. He nodded and sat down, and everyone proceeded to sit down afterwards. "Good evening all. Let us get started." He opened the document in his front and the Manager started to speak. "Over the last couple of weeks, there have been minimal bugs in the system, and all apps are ready to go for confirmation. The ratings and stocks are steady, and our apps are still mostly used. A new security concept has been introduced and the Lin corp. is expecting us to be there on Thursday to discuss plans to further this concept." The meeting went on for about an hour and a half and afterwards, everyone left except Zhang Wei. He once drifted thought to those eyes he saw. He does not know why but he cannot just forget about those eyes.

He sat there until someone barged in. he looked coldly at the person and under normal circumstances, one would be scared but the man just smiled and sat in front of him. "Wei Wei!!" The man called out and Zhang Wei just looked at the man "Does President Mo have so much time on his hands that he leaves his company just to disturb me?" The man was none other than Mo Jinkai, heir to the Mo family jewelry industry. Mo Jinkai just looked at his friend and said "I had a boring day and I came to find you. Mom says you should join us for dinner sometime. She treats you more like a son than me." "That is because she is tired of taking care of six-year-old man." Zhang Wei mocked. He stood up not waiting for the man and left the pouting Mo Jinkai in the room. After Jinkai realized that he was really alone, he rushed out to follow him.

"Wei Wei wait for me!!"

Just a night in the life of our ML.

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