

He was just handsome, with his arrogant and selfish nature. He entered Lisa's quiet days forcefully. Lisa hates him. But through forced marriage, Lisa begins to feel her life begin to color.

Aprilbgtnsydn · Urbano
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27 Chs

Our Wedding Day

Wedding day.

The atmosphere of the wedding began to be crowded. A few more minutes before the show starts. The invited guests seemed to be busy talking, with wine glasses in their hands.

Journalists from various media huddled outside the hotel's main door, not allowed to cover. Only certain media will be allowed to cover the event later, of course, after various inspections have been carried out.

Touted as the wedding of the century. With luxurious designs and interiors that adorn every corner, from the entrance to the inside of the wedding hall. Many peoples have asked which woman can accompany the son of the founder of WJ Group, Daniel William.

Based on the facts and rumors circulating, Dave would not choose just any woman to be with him.

Daniel, Claire, together with Jane and Andrea welcomed the invited guests. Most of them were co-workers, as well as important people in the city.

The door to the waiting room was opened from the outside. Four handsome men, Dave's friends entered after making sure the groom was there. Dave looked at them happily.

"Our star of the day, Davier William. Let's give it a round of applause." Jack was as always excited. Dave smiled, hugging his four best friends in turn.

"I thought Brian would be the first among us to marry." Tomy tapped Brian on the shoulder.

"Hey, why me?" Brian pushed Tomy's body back hard.

"Oh I'm sorry, you don't seem to be getting married until you're old. No woman would want to marry a playboy who fucks a different girl every day."

This time Brian pushed Tomy up on the sofa, they started to be on top of each other there. The five men laughed.

"Where's the little girl Dave?" Jack asked. His head was looking here and there, trying to find Lisa's whereabouts.

"Inside, getting make-up."

"You're only a year older than her, and you call her a little girl?" Harry asked after Jack nodded at Dave's answer.

Jack looked at Harry in annoyance. However, they laughed again.

The sound of the door opening, the five men turned their heads.

Lisa appeared there, looking down slightly. She stood stiffly, smiling awkwardly.

"Little girl!" Jack stepped closer to Lisa. He looked at Lisa from head to toe, then nodded slowly, "Not bad."

Lisa looked at Jack, slightly annoyed, but then, "Ouh, Jack, these shoes, I'm not sure I'll be able to walk properly then."

Lisa grabbed Jack's shoulder, holding on to it. Dave chuckled at that.

"No big deal, I'll help you walk now so you can get used to it a bit."

Jack then started to walk slowly, with one hand, Lisa rested on him. They started walking, Jack leading. Lisa stumbled, trying not to fall.

It took them a minute to finally arrive at the sofa where the others were waiting for them, as if watching them play. Lisa lay down beside Dave.

"Can I just wear flatshoes or sneakers?" Lisa asked after taking a sip of her water.

Harry, Brian and Tommy were just silent, confused. Dave chuckled, Lisa asked with a serious look, looking funny.

"That seems better little girl. I'll tell Claire your request, maybe she'll agree." Jack replied, his mouth now full of the orange he had just finished peeling.

Lisa gave a thumbs up in response.

"Are you serious?" Dave said quietly, holding back a smile.

Lisa is now grabbing the water that Jack wants to drink. That's right, they really look like two children playing.

While Dave had been starting to feel nervous, for some reason. It was the first time he had felt something like this.

"Hey, it's a wedding. You have to endure it even if you don't like it little girl, just for today. You are not just any bride today, everyone is watching you." Brian chimed in, giving a more reasonable suggestion.

Lisa looked at Brian who was currently smiling at her. Lisa nodded in understanding. Brian had a point, she wasn't going to tarnish the image of the William family.

"It's okay if you really can't wear it." Dave looked at Lisa gently.

Lisa shook her head slowly, no need, she will try. This isn't Dave's wedding alone, it's also her wedding. Even though it might not be the wedding she dreamed of, one she'd either be grateful for or regret one day.


The son of WJ Group Chairman and currently CEO, Davier William had a grand wedding at his hotel. It will be the most beautiful wedding in town this year. The bride looked gorgeous in a simple long white dress and a simple yet elegant lace veil. The groom wearing a bow tie with a black suit. They walk side by side on stage..."

Lisa heard the faint sound of the television. Videos and photos of her wedding with Dave that continue to appear in various media.

Lisa turned off the tap, then put on her bath pajamas. Her wet feet tiptoed to find the doormat. She wiped her wet hair with a small towel. Her head poked out the door, Dave wasn't in the room.

Lisa walked out of the room, found Dave who was setting the food on the dining table. Lisa walked on tiptoe, hoping Dave didn't notice.

"Put on your slivers, you'll catch a cold." Dave's voice made Lisa stop when she opened the refrigerator door.

She looked down at her bare feet, barefoot. Lisa looked at Dave who was still busy setting the table, then ignored him. She was about to open her water bottle, until Dave took it out of her hands.

"Don't drink cold at night, it's not good." Dave closed the bottle again, put it back in the fridge.

Lisa looked at Dave annoyed. She was about to open the refrigerator door again, but Dave moved first. He lifted Lisa's body forcibly, bridal style. Lisa was shocked and also felt awkward. Dave made she sit on the sofa, in front of the television.

"What are you doing?" Lisa looked up at Dave in annoyance.

Dave didn't answer. He stepped into the room, then came out again with a hairdryer in his hand. Lisa looked at Dave in surprise.

"Do not move." Dave said quietly.

Lisa was silent, watching Dave's every move.

Dave walked over and sat beside her. He started to dry Lisa's hair. Lisa was about to refuse, but Dave's big hand forced her to remain silent, complied. They were silent, without a conversation.

"Turn around."

Lisa complied. Dave smiled a little as Lisa stole a glance as he dried Lisa's bangs.

After a tiring day of weddings, they are currently at the hotel. Dave didn't understand his feelings. More fun, but also awkward. When he took the wedding vows and put the ring on Lisa's finger, he was really nervous. Everything becomes one. Lisa might not admit it outright, but Dave knew, Lisa felt the same way about him too.

Even though Lisa said she didn't accept his feelings yet, but Dave could feel, Lisa kissed him back gently. Dave could feel there was a little space in Lisa's heart that had been filled by him.

Dave wouldn't force Lisa to like him right away. If Lisa took a half step back, then he would move ten steps forward towards her.

"You are my wife from today onwards, my job is to keep you safe and always take care of you." Dave smiled sweetly, ruffling Lisa's hair after drying it.