
You Do Not Like It?


In an expensive bar, a man is seated at the far corner of the luxurious looking bar with few people sparsely seated inside as well. 

He took his phone out and dailled a number. 

Ring! Ring! 

"Hello, Chairman sir, good afternoon."

"Did you get him?" The person asked from the other end. 

"Unfortunately, no sir."

Silence ensued on both ends apart from the steady breathing of the other person, the chairman. 

"You assured me, yet you couldn't finish such a simple job. How the hell did he manage to escape you this time, when he wasn't even expecting you to show up!" 

The chairman yelled into the phone. He had been keeping his cool since but he was done with it. 

Just how incompetent were these men anyway? 

"Sir... " he started to say but was cut short by the Chairman's next words. 

"No more excuses."