
Unwanted Visitor



~Present Day~

*Dream Star Corporation*

In the reception, a young lady was busy with some files on her desk that needed chacking when a customer walked up to her and greeted her.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, how may I be of help sir?"

"Umm, I just came in to check on your delivery services."


"Yes. I intend on purchasing large quantities of some of your products and I am wondering how that would be possible?"

"Oh, sir. You needn't have come here for that. A call would have been nice. Besides, once our customers place their orders and tell us where they want it to be sent, the rest would be carried out by us."

"And charge?"

"All that can be done online as well. But no problem, since you are here, I would just direct you to the…"

At the same time, the doors to the reception opened but she did not bother with that and focused on the customer in front of her.