


"Who did it?" Ye Cheng demanded the moment Li Jing fluttered her eyelids open. 

The question hung heavy in the sterile air, a stark contrast to the frantic beeping of the heart monitor beside the bed. 

His voice, usually smooth and controlled, was a low growl, laced with a fury that sent shivers down Li Jing's spine. It was clear: he meant war, and whoever dared to harm her would face his full wrath.

Li Jing flinched at the harshness in his tone, the throbbing pain in her head amplifying every sound. Groaning, she attempted to push herself upright, wincing as a fresh wave of agony shot from her ankle.

Ye Cheng, his eyes filled with a dark storm, was there in a flash.

"Easy, love," he murmured, his voice softening as he saw the flicker of pain cross her features. His hands, surprisingly gentle despite the storm brewing in his eyes, pressed down on her shoulders, guiding her back onto the sterile white sheets.

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