

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

chapter 5

Chapter 5

Evita's pov

"I have to look for another job and that arrogant mr lockwood, I regret ever going for that interview, rosy was totally right, he just wasted my time and ruined my day". I said to myself while getting ready for bed. Its 10:35pm already and im need to wake up early to prepare her for tomorrow. At least her day went well, she also made a new friend today, I'm glad she's starting to make friends again. After our parents died, she stopped talking to everyone, including me, she would just stay in a corner and cry, she even stopped eating, until she fell sick 2 days later, she started to eat. It took weeks of pleading to get her to talk to me and even tho she was just 2 years old she was really stubborn, even till now. I sighed and layed on my bed to get some sleep. I kept on turning and moving around on the bed 'why cant I just fall asleep? Ugh' I sat on my bed and picked up my phone. 'I'll just check online for some job until I fall asleep' i started going through my phone when I came across a post about KJ inc., then I got an idea. I quickly dialed rosie's number and explained everything to her.


sweat dripped down my fore head as i drove into K.L inc. I know what im about to do migjt fail but what's the harm In trying right?. I let out a shaky breath as i got out of my car. " Okay you have to do this. if not for you, then for lilly" Walking in through the revolving doors sent shivers down my spine .

No, I can't turn back now. It thought as I proceeded to the reception where a lady was seated, obviously busy.

"How can I help you?"She asked as I stepped in with a frown on her face. Was she always so moody or does she just hate her job? I questioned myself before answering. "I'm here to see Mr lockewood"

"Do you have an appointment with him?"

"Just tell him miss valkov is here"

She picked up a telephone and dialed a number on it.

"Sir, a miss valkov is here to see you"

"Okay sir, I'm sorry sir" she dropped the telephone and looked at me angrily.

"He doesn't want to see you so please leave" she stated and continued with her work

What will I do now? I can't go back home without accomplishing anything.

" um excuse me, could you please tell him that it is really important and that it will benefit his business?" I told the lady who still had a frown on her face.

"And what exactly would someone like you have to offer? Just leave respectfully ma'am" she said loudly causing heads to turn towards us. Oh she thinks she is the only one who can make a scene? I'll show her.

" is this how workers of K.L inc. Treat their guest who have a business proposal for them? You are so rude and incompetent, I wonder why Mr lockewood hired someone like you and who knows there might be a lot if incompetent fellows like you working under him" I said sternly and loud enough for others to hear. Workers were discussing hushly still shocked from my sudden outburst, suddenly the hushed voices became quiet. I turned around and my eyes found those blue eyes. Mr lockewood walked towards me with calculating steps and stopped directly in front of me.

"Out" he stayed obviously angry. I made my way to the door when I heard him say

" And where do you think you are going to miss valkov?" I turned around, utterly confused.i was about to talk when he interrupted me

" I wasn't talking to her" he nodded his head to the direction of the receptionist. Omg! He just fired her on a spot. No time to feel sorry and she deserves it tho

" come with me miss valkov" he started walking down hallway as he finished his sentence. I hurriedly followed and soon realised he was heading for the elevator at the far end of the hallway.so this is his private elevator. Once we entered, I noticed it only had a few buttons on it and a gold button with a fingerprint sign on it, he placed his finger on it for about 3 seconds and the elevator started moving up

The slow gentle music that was playing helped to divert my mind from the thick tension in the elevator. I could feel the heat from his blood boiling. If I die here at least I'll be at peace knowing I died trying. I started to hum as his strict voice sounded through the elevator.

"Stop it" and I did immediately. After few seconds the elevator came to a stop and the golden doors opened up, revealing Mr lockewood's office. How had I not noticed it the first time.

"And exactly what where you thinking creating a scene like that in my company? I could have had you thrown out back there" his voice thundered immediately he stepped into his office

"But I let it slide " he added quickly and quietly.

" you said you had an offer for me?" He gestured to the sit in front of him while taking a sit himself. Ha! I knew he can never reject business offers.

I gently took my sit so as not to make any tiny mistake that can lead to me losing this opportunity.

" well, I must say you are quite different from the first time we met" I said smiling cheekily

" what changed if i may ask?"

"Go straight to the point, what do you have to offer?" He said with no expression. Ugh he's no fun

"Well, everyone knows who your only business rival is. What if i have something that can help you take him down?" I said still smiling. His expression changed immediately I completed my sentence but it only lasted for 2 seconds. He was now back to being expressionless.

" And exactly what may that be miss valkov?" His voice became deeper and had a hint of amusement in it. Hehehehe, my plan is working .

" oh you don't expect me to give you for free, do You? You are a business man, you should know better. I want somethings in return" I paused waiting for him to say something

"Go on"

" you'll have to sign a contract, you'll allow me to work for You for a whole year. You won't fire me even if i make mistakes, you can only correct me."

"What are y..."

"I'm not done talking " I raised my hand to stop him and he looked shocked...I guess no one has shunned him before.

"The second thing is you'll pay me for giving this information" I said though i doubt he might agree. I watched him as he thought for a while.

"And if what you have doesn't work, then I'll make sure you don't get any job in this country, not a single job" he said with absolute seriousness and my throat went dry. I'm sure my plan will work but I still can't help but be scared.

" Where is the contract?" He said quietly. I handed it to him and he signed it.

I handed him some documents which contains proof of fraud and illegal deals performed by the company. "I hope its enough?" I asked as he was going through them.

"How did you attain these documents?"

" I have my ways" I said with my chin held up high. "Now hand me the contract " I said. I can't wait to share this news with Rosie.

" What if i don't?" I swear I saw a smirk on his face for a split second but this is not the time for that

"What?" I asked utterly shocked.

" What if i tear this contract into pieces right now? You know there is nothing you can do right?" He continued. I was about to plead with him when he interrupted me

" but I won't, I am a man of my word" he said and handed me one of the contract and kept one for him self.

"Resume tomorrow morning by 6am" he stated finally. Omg, I did it. Yes!. I said as I skipped towards the door and then out of his office