

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 6

Killians pov

Same day

"What do you mean you sold the house already?" I yelled in pure horror

" because you told me to do It as soon as possible or else you'll kill me, and why did you change your mind all of a sudden? Rolland asked. This is bad, really bad. She'll think I stabbed her in the back, I mean it's not that I give a fu*k but I'm a man of my words.

"Okay listen, I need you to go back to whoever bought the house and buy it back from them this instant, even if you have to pay triple the money, just do it" i yelled and ended the call. Just when things are starting to look up today, Rolland had to deliver such news. I hope she isn't home yet.

Evita's pov

As I got into my car, I decided to give rosy the good news personally. I wouldn't have done it without her, well, and her brother,Blaine. He got the information immediately after Rosaline told him about it. She didn't need to convince him because he has had a crush on me since high school and even till now But he claims he keeps embarrassing himself anytime we talk,which he doesn't. I mean he's really cute and funny but he just doesn't see it. Rosie's workshop is about 5 minutes away from Mr lockewood's company. She sold art paintings, flowers and interior decorations. She is mainly into interior decorating but since she didn't get much clients to work with, she decided to do the second thing she likes which is painting. Her art pieces are selling well but not as much as she wishes it to. Rosie is so talented unlike me, I have no special skills that can make me an entrepreneur like her, I'm a little jealous but I'm happy she's her own boss.

I parked my car right outside her work shop and walked in on her dancing while panting.

"Wow, such a sight to behold" I said startling her.

" oh my gosh vy you almost gave me a heart attack" she said placing one hand on her chest and the other on the counter. She was also breathing like she just finished a 100 meter race.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I said after laughing like a banshee.

"It's fine, so how did it go?" She questioned with eyes wide open.

"Well" I said in a low tone and rested on the counter.

" oh vy, don't worry everything will be fine, you'll get another job somewhere with a bigger pay check" she said sympathetically and I started laughing one more time. When i saw her confused look I told her the plan worked. She squealed really loud it almost deafened me.

"Oh my God I'm so happy for you" she said and pulled me into a very tight hug.

" okay, you are crushing me now" I said but it sounded muffled.

"Sorry" she released me and then laughed. " ohh i need to tell Blaine ambout this" she said removing her phone fro her pocket.

"Speaking of Blaine, do you know how he got those information? Even Mr lockewood couldn't get them." I asked her, I hope its not through an illegal means, I don't want my friends getting in trouble because of me.

"Uh, he didn't really explain but what i know is that one of his friend's bestfriend's brother worked under .....and has access to the files and documents" she said as she put her phone to her ear.

" How did he get the information since he wasn't working there anymore?"

"No, he was working there when he got the information but when they noticed those files have been copied, he got fired"

" what?"

" calm down, he wanted to quit anyways" she said laughing.

" oh okay. Is Blaine not picking up?"

"Nope, doesn't matter. We'll just have a bestfriends only celebration" she said as she pulled me out the door.


Its 2:30pm already. Rosy didn't let me go without having at least 3 glasses of alcohol even tho she knew I have low toleralance for alcohol. I slept at her place for about 2 hours and now my head is throbbing. Lilly's school is 30 minutes away from here so I'll be there by the time school is over.

As I got in front of her school gate, I didn't see at her usual spot.

"Maybe she is still in class" I check my time and it says 3:07...probably in class.

I drove into the school gates and I was reminded of my school and chills went down my spine. I parked in the parking lot and went to Lilly's classroom. The teacher was there along with some students but Lilly wasn't there.

"Miss valkov, why are you here?"

" What do you mean? I'm here to pick up Lilly of course, where is she?"

" but you already sent someone to pick her up. The man said he was your fiancee"

" oh my God my baby has been kidnapped!! A random man told you he was my fiancee and you believed him?" I shouted completely horrified

"Ma'am please calm down, he showed me pictures of you two together along with Lilly. And Lilly didn't say Anything when he came to...."

I left before the teacher could complete her sentence. "I can't wait any longer, I need to find my baby" I thought as I ran towards my car. "First I need to call the police". I dialed 911 but before I could press call, a cloth was placed on my nose and in leas than 10 seconds I was out cold.


I tried to open my eyes when I heard a familiar voice.

" vy is awake" that's Lilly's voice. I sat down on the surprisingly comfortable bed and rubbed my head.

" Lilly where are you" I said quietly but it felt really loud. My head was in severe pain. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Lilly walking towards me. She wasn't in her uniform anymore. When did we come home? I was confused for a second and then every thing came rushing back to me. This isn't our house, this isn't my room or my bed. I was kidnapped and somehow ended up here I thought as I rushed towards Lilly.

"Oh my baby" I pulled her in a tight hug. " are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?" I frantically checked her body to make sure she was okay.

" I'm fine vy, you've been asleep for over an hour" she giggled.

" that's because those people made me fall asleep and why did you follow a stranger out? What did I tell you about strangers?" I yelled at her.

"Relax vy, I'm sorry for going out of the school with a stranger, I only wanted to get out of math class, and he isn't a bad person"

" How would know that? You can't judge people with their looks" immediately I finished that sentence a man came in with two bald children in his arms. They are about Lilly's age. He kidnaps children. I dragged Lilly and put her behind me .

"Stay away from me you kidnapper. What do you want? I'll scream if you come close" I said trying to stay bold but all I got in return was laughter and giggles. Why Are they laughing? Even Lilly was laughing.

"Calm down miss valkov. I'm not a kidnapper, I'll explain everything to you if you just come with me. We'll talk over dinner" the stranger said calmly.

I waited for a few seconds and followed. Now I see what Lilly was talking about. I walked out of the room and down the wooden stairs with black railings . The man directed us to the living room that had white sofas with throw pillows on them. I sat down and took in my environment. There was a 32 inches tv hung up on the wall with a brown wooden cabinet beneath it and long vases beside it. There was two compartment at both side of the tv, filled with vases And flowers too. A black chandelier with golden lights hung up directly above the wooden centre table. "The place is quite simple and classy" I thought.

inner is ready" a tiny voice said causing me to turn to the direction it came from. I saw a young lady, probably my age, standing by the already set table.

"Let's go miss valkov " the 'kidnapper' said. I nodded and called out for Lilly, I hadn't noticed when she left. She came running with the twins and they went directly to the kitchen.

Once we were all settled, I asked the man

"So, do you mind explaining all this to me?"

" oh Yes miss, I will but I need to make sure kayden and jayden eats first. I promise to tell you right after"

"Okay" i guess he's not a kidnapper after all.


Killians pov

"Raymond I know you have helped me with a lot of things in the past and you still are but these days you seem to be slacking off.i know you have Your own life to live but without you I wouldn't be here in to start with. I need you to focus more on the business. We are at the top now but to maintain that position I'll need your utmost seriousness, No more goofing around" I said twirling a glass of wine in my hand. I'm really stressed out and Raymond isn't helping the matter.

"Okay,i understand, I'll be more serious with work. But there Is something you really need to know. I told..."

" I don't want to hear it, I'm really pissed off as it is." I hung up and dropped the phone on my desk. I walked over to the glass wall and stated into the night, looking at the City lights, cars moving and busy streets. I sipped from the glass in my hand as my mind began to get clouded with thoughts. But it was soon interrupted by a very loud knock on the door. Who could be here by this time of the night, I don't have meetings at night only during the day except if really important.

"Come in" I said in anger. As the door opened, I was about to speak but the person that came in beat me to it.

"And exactly who do you think you are? Just because you are rich and famous you think you can control everybody and everything? How dare you sell my house? How did you even do it? You also went ahead to send kidnappers after me and my baby? How dare you Mr killian lockewood?" I was absolutely shocked at her behaviour. I did expect her to be upset but I thought she'll calm down after the payment. In less than a second, I regained my stance and my blood began to boil.

"First of all, I am killian lockewood, I can do anything I want with who ever I want, second how dare YOU raise your voice at me in MY territory? YOU have no regards what so ever and it seems you are forgetting I'm your boss and I could replace you in a millisecond."

"Yeah good luck with that, you've signed the contract" she scoffed angrily. "Listen up Mr lockewood" she said walking towards me and flicking her finger. " you can control other people's lives but not mine and I don't want your fucking house or cars"

" oh really, then where will you stay?" I asked with a smirk

"It's none of your fucking business. See you tomorrow morning" she said finally and stormed off. Such a drama queen.