

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

chapter 15

Evita's pov 

"Now can you tell me what's going on? One minute everything was fine and I was sound asleep, the next minute, you burst into the room with a bunch of people." I said once we got into the car. I have no single guess as to what is going on.

"Miss valkov,  were you drugged?  Did anything happen to you while you were in there? Did anyone try anything you di dnt like?" Mr lockewood showered me with questions in response. 

"Uh no, i wasn't drugged,nothing happened while I was in there. I only showered and went to sleep but.."

"But?" He interrupted me

"But while I was in the bathroom, i heard the door open, i thought it was you but when i got outside,  i couldnt find you or any One" I completed. 

"Why didn't you call to inform me? Why?" 

"I was going to tell you once you got back but I was woken up by some thing different "

"You should be more careful evita. Next time you call me immediately you notice such. Understand?" He stated firmly.

"Yes but what....." I was interrupted by his phone ringing. 

"Hold on" he said placing his fingers on my lips.


"Cameras? Where exactly? "

"Okay tell Jonas to take our things to my place" he added and hung up.

""You were saying?" he asked 

"Well you still haven't…."

"shhhhhhh" he interrupted pressing his finger on on my lips, again, and answered the phone.

"Talk to me" 

"Good. You know what to do." He said and ended the call. 

"What on earth is happening? Why aren't you telling me anything?" I yelled.

"you don't get to talk to me like that evita"

"its past 10pm already so right now you are not my boss just killian"

"no….right now we are on a business trip, so I am your boss whenever and wherever. And don't say my name ever again. Understand?"

"yes whatever…..i mean yes sir" 

"good" he said  

"so are you going to tell me what's happening?"

"no. don't ask again" he responded without looking at me


"don't push it evita". He interrupted. And with that I gave up and sank into my seat. 




The rest of the ride was silent. Apart from the glances we stole, nothing else happened." Its almost 3am already". We arrived at mr lockewood's house about 30 minutes ago, i took a brief shower but still unable to rest. "Thank God we have nowhere to be until 5pm today". I sighed as i wrapped myself with the blanket like a burrito. "Why won't he just tell me what happened?" 

"Okay I'll be there" my head snapped to the direction of mr lockewood's voice immediately i heard it. "Where is he going by this time? I should go with him. I might find out what actually happened" quickly, i rolled over to the other end of the bed to unwrap myself and stealthily followed him. He walked to the end of the hallway and opened a door. I followed him closely but made sure i was still far away. The room was slightly lit but still dark i had to strain my eyes to see. He started going down some stairs and of course i went with him. We got down to some kind of tunnel. It was really dark cold and stunk so bad, i almost gagged. I was starting to regret following him. I placed my hands on the walls so as not to trip. After a while i couldn't hear mr lockewood's footsteps anymore which caused me to halt. "Oh no, where did he go? I lost him" i whispered. I should just go back,im totally freaked out as it is, i can't go on alone" i slowly brought my phone from my pocket and the screen lit up. Using the light from my phone, i walked back as fast and as quiet as i could. I came across two turnings on the right and one on the left. I must have not noticed it be cause of the darkness. "Where is this place?"

"I know right?" I heard a man say followed by roaring laughter.once i saw light coming from the tunnel by the left, I immediately put the phone in my pocket and ran straight ahead and hid by another turning. Their voices grew louder and my heart beats increased. I dont even know why im hiding from them. I know mr lockewood so im safe right? I peeked from where i was and They all finally passed and i let out a breath of relief.

"Madam?" I voice called from behind and i let out a scream.

"Shhhh-" the man placed his hands over my mouth.

"Its me- see" he said and pointed a flash light at his face. It's the guy from the plane.

"You!" I whispered. 

"Yes ma'am, its me. What are you doing here? You could have gotten in trouble" he whispered back at me while looking around.

"What's going on here? Where is killian?


"Who is killian?" He asked. 

"Mr lockewood. Where is he? And what is this place?"

"Ma'am please you are not suppose to be here, come, I'll take you back to the house" he said as he pulled me out of hiding.

"No, i want to see mr lockewood now" i half yelled.

"Please ma'am dont shout, let's just go, I'll lose my job if we are spotted here, please" he pleaded and i finally succumb. We both ran and in no time we got to the house. 

"So are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked crossing my hands in front of me.

"Im afraid i cant. Please stay here and stay safe ma'am.  Take care" he bowed and went away. Oh my God. What is happening?! 


I jumped in  the shower after noticing the mud all over my body and shoes. A few minutes later i got out of the shower and dried my hair with a towel. threw on a white baggy tee with blue shorts and tossed the dirty ones in the laundry basket. I sighed and settled on the bed. My mind has been in a rollercoaster ever since i got back. I can't seem to decipher what's happening. Is there some kind of illegal dealing going on here? Drug trafficking? Or maybe worse,  human trafficking? I shrieked in horror as reality hit me. What if something had happened to me,  what then? What will Happen to  lilly? I was so focused on finding out the truth that i didn't think twice.  Oh my days! Thats so careless of me. My stomach growled getting my attention. "I don't think i can eat anything as it"

I went over to the night stand where i kept my phone and dialed mr lockewood. 

"Miss valkov, why are you still awake?"

"I couldn't sleep so i decided to look for you but you are no where to be found sir, where are you? " i asked him. 

"Uhh something urgent came up so i had to step out for a while....I'm close by now so I'll be there soon,okay?"

"Alright, I'll be waiting" i said and ended the call.  As expected,he won't say anything. Well, Ive tried my best.

 I went down stairs to get something to eat and on my way, the flight attendant's words came into my mind "be careful". What if she knows what's going on? I should call her later. I made my way to the kitchen to check for anything to eat. I had expected the place to be empty but it was stocked. Woww i can eat anything i want. I fixed myself some eggs with juice. And then went to bed. 


Killian's pov.

"Sir? He still won't talk" jasper said

"Okay I'll be there"

David Carter, who sent you?





Few hours ago

"Yes" i said answering Sebastian's call. I had asked him to check the room for anything unusual.

"Sir, we found 3 cameras in the room" he reported 

"Cameras? Where exactly?" Just like i suspected.

"One on the nightstand, another by the window, and by the air conditioner. The person must be a professional to be able to install them just  within 23 seconds. i was also able to access the video inside, it's nothing serious sir". That's a relief. 

"Okay, tell Jonas to take our things to my place" i said and hung up. I sighed and turned towards evita. She just wont stop bugging me to tell her every thing.  But i think its a bad idea to tell her now, I'll just tell her once things are settled.

"You were saying?" I asked her. But before she could talk, i got another call, but from jasper this time. 

"Talk to me" i said as i held the phone to my ear.

"We found him boss, we are on the way to the cellar" he said just what i wanted to hear, as usual.

"Good, you know what to do"

Few hours later(3am)

Killian's pov  

"Ready to talk?"

"It was Xavier" he screamed. i twisted the screw driver inside of him urging him to go on.

"Xavier Zachary hired me" that name does ring a bell.

"I'm listening" i said tapping the screwdriver that was stuck in his chest. He let out a low grunt and continue. 

"Do you remember? You put him out of business,killed his brother's wife and his father. When it got to his knowledge that you were in spain, he sent me to spy on you.  He's out to get you" he said grunting in between each sentence. Ahh, Zachary, its been a while. 

"Where is Zachary now? " i asked him 

"That,  i dont know, now please let me go"he cried.

"It seems you are new in this game. Number one rule,when captured, never reveal who sent you. if you don't, you'll be killed, and if you do, you'll be killed anyways. So don't you think its better not to talk? Well now you know the most important rule"

 i said patting his damp hair.

"Please dont kill me. If i don't return,Xavier will kill my wife and baby,please spare me" he begged. 

"Okay okay, i wont kill you, if and only if, you take me to Zachary" i said as i slowly pulled out the screwdriver.  Yes, i will spare him, im not so heartless.

"Okay,  i will take you to him, just don't kill me"

"Jasper, take care of him. I'll be here by 10pm to discuss the rest" i said and left the room.

"Okay boss" his voice echoed. 



Evita's pov 

I sighed and sat up on the bed. "Why can't i simply fall asleep? I groaned. I looked around the dimly lit room and a creepy feeling crawl over my body. It's been really long since i felt like this. I switched on the light and wrapped myself with the blanket still sitted. I let my mind wander through different things, from the death of my parents, and my brother, to me quitting school and getting a job, and then going back when i had enough money saved up, then dropped out because i failed my final exams twice, due to my mental health, getting 3 different part time jobs to survive, then ending up as mr lockewood's assistant and now im here, miles away from lilly and everyone i know.

"Evita!" Mr lockewood's voice brought  me back to reality. I didn't realise he had been calling me for a while.

"Im sorry, i didn't hear you" i said standings up to face him.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I touched my cheeks and i was indeed crying.

"Uhh, nothing, im fine. When did you get back?" I asked him with a smile

"Few minutes ago, its late,  why aren't you asleep?" He asked resting his back on the wall next to the door.  I think i should ask him about it.

"I was waiting for you, where have you been? You look worn out, what have you been doing?"

"You know, just business here and there and what not" he stated. 

"Come on, let's go" he added.

"Where?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously. 

"Just come with me" he took my hand and led me to where ever. His pace  gradually increased and i couldn't keep up with it.

"Slow down" i said and his head snapped towards me. In a swift motion he lifted me and threw me on his shoulders. 

"What are you doing?  Put me down" i yelled, thrashing around. 

"Stop resisting evita" he said placing his hands beneath my butt. After a while i finally decided to stay put. 

"We are here"mr lockewood dropped me and i took in my surroundings. It was an indoor Jacuzzi. A very beautiful jacuzzi.

 The warmth of the room called my name. The cool blue and purple lights shined dimly and the view was to die for.

"I think we both deserve this after a stressful day, so get changed" mr lockewood said.

"How sweet of you sir" i said teasingly.

"Miss valkov,  go get changed now, go" he said pushing me into a room. I chuckled while looking around the room. There was nothing to wear in here, just bikinis. I can't wear just a bikini, i frantically looked around for anything else but i only found a white t shirt. It  looked like some thing mr lockewood would were.  I changed into a deep blue bikini and threw the shirt on, it fell just a little below my butt.  

It isn't doing much justice but, its better than nothing. 

I stepped out of the room, only to find my lockewood shirtless already in the bath. We made eye contact and remained like that for about 2 minutes. 

"Were you so eager that you couldn't wait for me?" I said walking towards him. I noticed his eye's scanning my body from head to toe, he wasn't even trying to hide it.

"Why would i wait for you? Don't be silly miss valkov" he said while helping me in.

I settled in the pool and i felt all my muscles relax. This is nice. I turned to look at mr lockewood, only to see he was already looking at me.

"What?" I asked smiling

"Are....are you... nothing never mind"

"What? Tell me" i urged 

"No" he said turning his head away.

"Oh come on, tell me" i said dragging his arm .

He looked back at me, slid my hand off of his and held it in the bubbling water. I felt butterflies in my belly as he pulled me towards him. 

"Come here" he said still looking right at me

" im c-close to you already" i managed to let out.

"But not close enough" with that, he picked me up and place me on his lap, so that i was straddling him. My heart leaped in my chest when i realized how close we were. Flash backs of what happened in the plane came to mind and blood rushed to my face. 

"This is better" he said tightening his grip on my waist. His eyes slowly went from my eyes, down to my lips and It went a little further down than i had expected, to my boobs. It was then i realized the shirt was wet and now transparent and sticky. His eyes lingered there for a while longer, then back to my lips. i instinctively licked them and i got a twitch as response. Before i could comprehend what was happening, our lips crashed.

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