

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

chapter 14

Chapter 14

Evita's pov

The sound of the toilet flushing woke me up from my deep slumber. The lights were off and the door closed. I deeply sighed and sluggishly got out of bed and towards the bathroom to release my bladder from this torture. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I tugged harder but still no result. I heard the toilet flush again,followed by squish.

"Uh is some one in there?" I asked, but this is a private bathroom. The attendants are not supposed to use it, i think.

"Sorry, i dont think you are supposed to be in here" i yelled louder. Suddenly the door opened, almost hitting me in the face.

"Oh my God, watch it for fucks sake" i shouted.

"I'm sorry ma'am, i didn't know you were close to the door"  i looked up to see the most cutest guy ever.

"Its okay, excuse me" i answered and he step out of the room. I hurried into the toilet to do my business. In a few seconds i was done and made my way out. Immediately i got out, my eyes came in contact with mr lockewoods and i felt butterflies in my belly.

"Come here miss valkov" he said and turned his attention back to his laptop. I made my way towards him.

"We'll arrive at spain in 5 hours"  he said even before i got beside him.

"Okay? What are we going to do there?" I asked

"Business of course" he said causing m me to roll my eyes.

"Did the almighty just crack a 'joke'?" I asked air quoting the joke. And as usual, earned myself a glare.

"We have a meeting with the Auroras, again. They are interested in buying this particular clothing and textile company, klothings,which we have been trying to get. Klothings is the best clothing industry in Spain but recently, they are going into bankruptcy. So i wanted to help them by buying the company. But i just got to know that someone else is interested in it And mr whites is surprisingly with them.  Im sure you know who that is. He always tries to get on my nerves by going after the things i want, i wont let him get away with it this time. That's why I am going down to spain by myself. Do you understand?" He asked and looks up at me since i was still standing. No one needs to tell me that this was more of a personal fight than business but I'm not going to pry. He'll tell me if he wants.

"Yes i understand. Is that all i need to know?" I asked as i slowly sat next to him on the couch.

" of course not." He answered and handed me bunch of documents.

"Go through these, you'll have more insight of the situation"

I sighed and sluggishly collected them.





Its been 30 minutes already, Ive gone  through about 50 pages and i only understand 1/5 of it. Its not that i dont want to understand, its just too hard to concentrate when your boss, that you just made out with, is staring right into your soul like he has nothing better to do.

" okayy, that's it. I've had enough. What do you want?" I asked as i placed the documents down.

"You dont get to speak to me informally miss valkov. Remember im still your boss". He stated mater-of-factly.

"Yea well bosses don't make out with their employees"

"Miss valkov" he half yelled and i stopped talking, immediately.

"I know that. That is why it should not and will not repeat itself". Ohh, i was a bit disappointed but glad at the same time.

"Okay sir" i internally rolled my eyes and asked with a fake smile

"Why were you staring at me sir? Do you need Some thing?"

"No, i just enjoy watching you work"

"Well, incase you havent observed, im not getting any work done cus your gaze is burning into my skul,...sir"

"Okay go ahead with your work" he said and left after a while. I sighed and kept on going through the documents.

A few hours later, an attendant came to inform me that we'll be arriving in some minutes.

"Okay, i haven't seen me lockewood for sometime now, do you by chance know where he is?" I asked her.

"He's resting ma'am " she said.

"Okay thank you". Who would have thought Mr lockewood needs rest? I murmured and chuckled.

" Well of course he does, he's human after all" the attendant who, for a reason unknown to me, was still standing there said with an obvious fake smile. I forced out a chuckle which came out rather awkwardly.

"By the way, I'm Joan" she said handing me a glass of wine, which I sluggishly collected.

"Oh I'm.. "

"Evita.  I know" she interrupted.

"I might have been present when you and Mr lockewood were.... You know" I knew immediately what she meant and I felt blood rush to my face.

"So you were watching us?" I said, tucking my hair behind my face.

She sat down beside me and took a sip from her glass.

"Yes.  Yes i was watching you. Don't worry, its nothing to be ashamed of.  It happens. It happened to me too. I don't know much about mr lockewood but I've seen enough. You seem like a good girl so just be careful, so you won't end up like me." she said with a small smile. And i nodded my head in response. She reached into her pocket and handed me a piece of paper.

"Contact me if you need anything during your stay in spain and when you get back to texas" i nodded and she left. What a strange woman. I guess i misunderstood her. Now, i need to find mr lockewood.

"Get ready miss valkov, we are landing soon" speak of the devil. He appeared from another door looking fresh and handsome as ever. Dressed in a matte black fitted suit, he walked towards me and came to a stop when opposite me.

"Stand" and i did.

"Go to your room and get changed. The meeting starts 10 minutes after we land" he said avoiding eye contact.

I did as he asked and scurried into the room



Killian's POV

I stood perplexed, debating and trying to decide If I should Go in with her.  I finally decided to have my seat And wait for her as she gets ready. Few minutes later, she came out And was dressed In the matching pair of black suit and trousers I had pick her out for her.it brought out her perfect shape, skin tone and eyes colour. We made eye contact But I averted it quickly.

"I'm ready" She said

"Did you pick out this outfit for me?" she added

"Yes,I did. I have great taste, Don't you think?" I said with a smirk

"come on let's go" I said before she could answer.We arrived At the airport two minutes later and got in to the car which was to take us to The hotel Where The meeting Was to be held.

"Dario barcelona" i heard evita read out the name of the hotel as we parked.

"Wow,.this is incredible" she said and her eyes seemed to sparkle as she admired the building.

"What are you talking about?  I have hotels bigger and magnificent than this one. Let's go we Dont have all day"

"It might seem like nothing to you But I'm not as rich as you are and I have not been to Many hotels Like you have So stop being so arrogant and let me admire this In peace" She said Without taking her eyes off the building.

"Come on" I said and made my way into the hotel.

Evita's pov

I groaned as i read out the documents before me for the 6th time in this already-5-hours meeting. For some reason, mr luke Ryan keeps asking that of me every 5 minutes. I glanced at mr lockewood who was already staring at me. Our eyes met for a while and i paused.

"Evvy?" Ryan's voice resounded, breaking the stare.

"Mr luke, her name is evita valkov and i don't think you both know each other to call yourselves nicknames. So don't make her uncomfortable by doing so" mr lockewood  glared.

"And she wont be reading those documents again as she has read enough, if you need to know anything, you can go through it yourself" he added. Thank God. I sighed and relaxed a bit.

"So do we have a deal gentlemen ?" Mr lockewood asked. They all made eye contact before mr Bryan, Ryan's twin, spoke up.

"We'll think about it and get back to you within 24 hours" they stood up and shook hands, it seemed to me like a few of mr Bryans bones must have broken from how tight he gripped his hand.

Immediately they all left i turned to mr lockewood.

"Go ahead, I'll be down in a sec." I nodded and left the conference room eager to go lay down after the 5hour long meeting. 



"Wow, that was exhausting" i arrived at our suite and it was breathtaking. There was a very massive bed in the middle of the room and a fine wooden table and chairs by the side. I lay down on the plush bed and tried to take a very short nap before mr lockewood arrives. "No, i should shower first".I made my way to the bathroom and into the shower. Turned on the hot water and it welcomed me. I felt all the tense muscles in my body relax and how i wish i could stay here forever. I was brought back to earth when i heard the room door open. That must be mr lockewood. I quickly did my business and dressed up. When i got out, there was no one in the room. "That's strange, im sure i heard someone enter" I went to the door and stuck my head out to see if there was anyone walking down the hall but no one was there. I got back in and decided to lock the door manually this time. I blow dried my hair,brushed it and tied it in a loose pony tail. "I should check up on lilly" i murmured and dialed rolland but he didn't respond so i just sent him a text to call me. With that i threw myself on the bed and slept off.



Killian's pov

"Sir it seems the door has been locked from the inside. "

"Well don't you have a master key?" I asked this stupid incompetent manager.

"We do"

"Then open it" i yelled at him

" I'll go get the keys now" he said.. so useless

"Where can i access the cctv footage?" I asked a worker who was standing nearby.

"Third room to your right on the last floor." I immediately dashed into the elevator and pressed the last button.  I've been trying Evita's number but she isn't answering. What if something happened to her? I impatiently waited for the elevator doors to open and ran out when it did. When i got into the room, i asked for the footage and the workers showed it to me. There was no footage of what happened in the room as there was no camera in there. But the footage from the camera outside the room, showed a man going into the room few minutes after evita entered, and got out seconds after. His face was covered since he wore a mask. What if he killed her? I made my way to the stairs and ran as fast as i could.

"Sir we've just opened the door" the manager told me immediately i got down to the 3rd floor where our room is.

"Stay here" i told them and went inside hurriedly, only to find evita laying on the bed sound asleep.

"Miss valkov" i said tapping her lightly.

"Oh, you are here" she said lowly, slowly stretching.

"Wait, how did you get in?" She said yawning

"Where's your phone? I've been calling you and knocking for minutes. I thought something happened to you" i yelled in frustration. She looked shocked at my sudden outburst but i dont have time for that. I went to the door and asked the manager and the two workers present to check for anything out of place.

"Whats.. mr lockewood, what's happening?" I heard Evita's confused and worried voice.

"Come on, we are leaving".

"But what's happening?"

"I'll explain on the way evita" i yelled and everyone paused for a while...then continued.

I held evita by the waist and led her confused self out of the room.

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