

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

chapter 13

Evita's pov

"Take responsibility? Of what? Infact i should be asking you how i ended up in your room? Did you drug me and drag me up here? What did you do to me?" I

"That doesn't even make sense miss valkov. You came here last night. You walked here with your own legs" mr lockewood said placing his hands beneath his head, with a smirk plastered on his face. I swear i feel like smacking it off.

"What? When did that happen?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Last night Obviously, and do you know what you said to me?" He asked me as he rolled over to where i stood. I dont want to know, it must have been something stupid or even worse, something related to yesterday. Im not ready to talk about it and i don't think i ever wil be.

" uh n-no . I don't want to know.. excuse me, i need to g-go get ready" i said as i scurried out of the room.




3rd person's pov

"What? A trip to spain? But in short notice .. i-i am not ready" evita stuttered as she tried keeping up with killian's pace.

He stopped in his tracks as he swiftly turned around to face her, causing them to almost bumb heads.

"Then you shouldn't be working as my assistant. Its part of your job to be ready for anything at anytime. Tell mr Howard to pack your bags,just the necessary things needed for a week. we'll be leaving in 30 minutes. Get ready and You can use any time you have left to say your goodbyes to the kids and your beloved rolland" he concluded and made his way out of the front door. Evita stood by the stairs with eyes wide open.

"What?" She exclaimed.

"Its barely 10am, we are leaving for an impromptu trip and he wants me to get ready and say my goodbyes, what on earth?" She yelled out loud as she angrily matched upstairs.


"Miss valkov i need you down here in a minute, we have a meeting to catch up on for fucks sake" killian yelled over the phone and hung up abruptly. In less than a minute, evita arrived at the garage and entered into the car.

"Why are you yelling at me? You told me i had 30 minutes, i barely used 15" she said immed iately she settled in the car and got nothing but a glare as reply.

"Drive" killian said to the driver and turned his attention back to his laptop.

In about an hour they both arrived at the airport.

"Sir? Which plane are we boarding?" Evita asked killian who was still in a horrible mood.

"Plane? You mean a public plane? What do you take me for miss valkov? He scoffed and continued walking, but this time faster.

"What? There's nothing wrong with a 'public plane'. I mean there's first class since business class and economic class are "beneath you"" evita said jogging to keep up with hid pace as usual.

"Miss valkov? "


"Keep quiet"

"Okay sir"






Evita's pov

The black and red coloured seats in the jet caught my attention first. I knew he was rich and og course will own a jet, but i never expected it to be this big, and he has four of them. Four!! I climbed up the stairs of the jet with mr lockewood holding me by the waist as support. Once we got in, we were greeted by a few attendants and they escoted us to out seats. I sat on a long sofa seat because i need to be comfortable for this 10hour flight, while mr lockewood sat opposite me, on a seat with a desk in front of it.

We are 30 minutes into the flight and mr lockewood hasn't said a thing so i decided to speak.

"Why are we going to spain aga in? I asked mr lockewood who looks astonishingly beautiful today.

"I'll let you know when we get there" he answered without looking at me.

"But i need to know now so i can prepare"

"I said I'll let you know " he yelled startling me.

"Im sorry for shouting evita" he added almost immediately. Did i hear right?

"What? Sorry? Did the almighty lockewood just say sorry?" Wow, the world must be ending. Im shocked

"Don't push it evita" he said slightly turning to face me. Our eyes met and it was like i was pulled into a trance. After a while mr lockewood spoke up,still maintaining eye contact

"Come here vy" d-did he just call me vy?

"Come on, i don't have all day you know" he added, his voice deepening and his eyes turned a slighty darker shade. I did as he said and went to him. I stood beside him waiting for him to say something but no, he didnt. He pulled a small lever and moved his seat backwards.

"Sit" he said patting on the space in between his laps.

"What? I mean i am perfectly fine where i am. And i dont want to..

" vy " he interrupted me.

"Okay" and i did as he said again. I sat in between his laps, tried to adjust a bit but the space was just too little.

"The space is not enough for me." I turned my head to face him that was when i realized,our faces were inches away. I turned around as i felt blood rush to my face.

"No no, look at me when talking" He said turning my face to his.

"That space is too small? Then sit on my laps instead " he added immediately we shared eye contact. I swear his eyes darkened even more.

"I-i should just go back-

"Don't even think about it" Mr lockewood interrupted me. In a swift motion, he carried me and placed me on his lap, placed his hands over mine and hugged me.

"Just relax and enjoy the flight evita" he said but i wasn't any close to relaxing. My hands kept fidgeting and i couldn't stop my mind from being fully aware of the position we are in.

For about an hour, i was still very tense while mr lockewood behind me seems to be enjoying that fact because there's a smirk plastered on his face. "Why didn't i stand up you ask, well his grip is as tight and strong as iron bars. Not that i wanted to tho.

I looked outside the window to try and distract myself but my attention was brought back when i felt something twitch. Is that what i think it is? I look over to mr lockewood and he was already staring at me. He cleared his throat and looked away but still hugging me tight. "Shit, my legs are cramping" i murmured. as i moved back to adjust my legs, mr lockewood's grip on me tightened causing me to wince in pain.

"Im sorry" he said immediately.

"Its fine i just need to adjust my legs a bit" i said raising them and moving around a bit. once i was settled,I felt something poking me.

"Your belt. Its poking me"

" im afraid thats not my belt"

"No im sure it is your belt" i said and turned my whole body around to face him but earned myself a low groan. Oh , it seems i might have woken up the almighty.

"I uh, i should go back to my seat how" i said.

"No, you shouldn't" with no warning what so ever, his lips smashed into mine. I was taken aback by it but soon started to go with the flow. Our lips moved in sync with each other in a slow but steady pace. His hand slowly rapped around my waist and he gradually turned me so i was straddling him. His grip around my waist tightened as his pace speedily increased. My hands slowly moved around his neck as his lips left mine to my neck. A few bites got a low moan out of me which seemed to intensify the moment. I could feel myself getting wet as i grinded on his rock hard member to please myself but killian stopped me after a while.

" you wouldn't want to do that darling" he said and gently kissed my fore head, I felt tons of butterflies in my belly. My face was probably tomato red at that moment.

Mr lockewood stood up, with me still straddling his waist, and went towards the back of the plane.

"Where are you going?" I asked confused.

"You need to get some rest vy, we have a long week ahead of us. So get all the rest you can" he said but i don't think i can cus Ive never been this turned on in my entire existence.

I slightly nodded my head and he dropped me on the soft bed covered with red bed spread. To my surprise slumber over came me faster than i had expected.