
More to Me - Pregame Saioma - Danganronpa V3

Oma Kokichi gets lost in an alley during a power outage. He meets a man named Saihara Shuichi, who is happy to help him out. The stranger claims they go to the same school. He's kind, handsome, and into one of Oma's favorite fandoms. What could go wrong?

Imperial_Halsell · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

I am not okay, and I will not elaborate

"I'm not his mom, Koma-kun!"

Koma laughed lightheartedly. Saihara smiled. I chose this moment to make my presence known.

I stood at the doorway to the dining room, and raised my voice a little.

"Guys? W-Where did you go?" I said, pretending to be lost.

"Ah, we're in here, Oma-chan!" I heard Saihara say from in the kitchen.

Saihara and Koma stood at the sink, doing the dishes.

"Thank you for the meal, K-Koma-san."

"You're very welcome. If you're ever hungry, the pantry's always open. Or you could tell me, and I'll make you something." He smiled.

Saihara finished up the dishes and I followed him to his room. He smiled at me as we sat down in the bean bag chairs. We played video games for a while, but after that steamy shio ramen, I felt my eyes get heavy. I hadn't eaten a decent meal in a while, and I needed some sleep. I really needed some sleep.

"Oma-chan? Are you okay?"

"Y-Yea, just a bit sleepy. That's all."

"We have a guest bedroom, you can use that." He said with a smile.

"T-Thank you!" I said, hopping up. Once I did, I felt dizzy and disoriented, my vision filled with black. I stood there for a second before almost falling over.

"Oma-chan!" Saihara said, catching me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm...fine...I just g-got up too fast..."

"You looked like you were about to pass out!"

"T-That happens sometimes."

"Not to me, it doesn't. Are you sure everything's okay? Are you getting enough iron?"

"Heheh...you sound like a w-worried mom." I teased, still a bit disoriented.

"Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you went and worried me!" He said, pouting.

"I'm sorry, Saihara-kun! I d-didn't mean to..." I accidentally let some sadness seep into my voice.

"Hmm?" He looked at me, his pout leaving his face. "I was joking. Is everything okay?"

"Y-Yea...like I said, tired." I said, grabbing my book bag and walking to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right, bye!" He beamed as I turned to the door, walking out of the room.

I found Koma and asked where the guest room was.

"We have a few, but the one that gets the warmest at night is right next to Shuichi-sama's room. Would you like me to wash those clothes for you?"

"That w-would be nice, thank y-you."

He smiled as he handed me a pair of pajamas. Good thing they're long-sleeved.

I smiled as I went to the guest bedroom and changed out of my dirty clothes, slipping on the pajamas. I rushed to give Koma the dirty clothes, fearing him seeing the marks on my neck.

When I laid down on the bed, I immediately relaxed, the comfort of the soft mattress making me even sleepier. And then I realized.

I had left my phone in Saihara's room.

I groaned, knowing that if he saw anything on there, he would be concerned about my home life, which was not what I needed. I left the comfort of the bed, walking over to Saihara's room and knocking on the door.

"Give me a sec." I heard him say through the door. He opened it and smiled. "Oma-chan! Here for one more chapter of Danganronpa 4?"

"I-I wish, but I'm really tired. I just left my phone in here."

"Ah." He looked around the room before smiling and heading over to the bean bag chair. He picked up my phone and gave it to me. "Here you go."

"Thank you, S-Saihara-kun. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Oma-chan."

I smiled before turning away, heading to the guest room as he closed his door.

Once I got there, I collapsed on the bed, phone in hand. I was done for today.

(nightmare, sex trafficking warning)

The stranger held my face as I laid on the bed. I let my eyes droop, hoping that my overall exhaustion would be mistaken for sexual fulfillment. I was anything but satisfied, but these strangers would pay higher if I pretended to enjoy it. And if she found out there were any complaints about my performance, she would punish me. I had gone a lot longer without proper meals than I would like, and I wasn't about to get my few snacks taken away.

"That was...so much fun." He sighed.

I felt a horrible feeling in my chest swell up. "You...you're so good at that~" I lied.

"I'm not feeling a second round, but I'll become one of your regulars, don't you worry~"

That feeling grew into my throat as I lied through my teeth. "I'll look forward to seeing you again."

"And...just making sure...you won't tell anybody about this right?"

"Your secret's safe with me~"

He stood up, zipping up his fly and buckling his belt. "Well, then. See you later, whore."

I let the man walk out of the room and down the hall before I let myself cry. I hated this. I hated living like this. I hated doing this. I hated feeling so awful, so dirty. I hated my foster mother for making me do this. I hated myself for letting this happen.

I hated myself.

I woke up from a nightmare, my teeth grinding and my entire body shivering in fear. I laid on the bed for a while, trying to block out the awful dream. Eventually, I gave up on falling back asleep. There's something I can do, actually.

I looked at my phone, squinting from the sudden light. 11:53. Nearly midnight. No one would be up at this hour.

I left the room with my book bag, almost tip-toeing to the pantry. Koma said that it's always open, right?

I unzipped my book bag and started taking food, any food. They had on-the-go snacks and microwaveable meals as well as breads and other sandwich ingredients. Maybe she won't be so hard on me if I bring food...

"Is someone there?" I heard Koma ask. I set my book bag on the floor and kicked it away from me, hiding it. I then poked my head out to see a sleepy Koma.

"Oh? D-Did I wake you?"

"Oma-san? What are you doing up?"

"I was g-getting a midnight snack..." I smiled.

"Ah, I see. I can make you something, if you'd like."

"N-No thanks! I'm fine with these small snacks. Plus, I'd really h-hate to bother you."

"Okay. I mean, it's really no big deal. I love cooking."

"I know, I-I would just rather not. T-Thank you, though."

"Of course. If you ever need anything, I can write down my number and we can call."

"T-Thank you, Koma-san. You're really s-sweet." I said, grabbing a small gell-o pack and sitting down.

"Oma-san, I wanted to, er, ask you about a few things. Is that okay?"

"Ah, o-of course. What is it?"

"I...wanted to know if everything was okay."


"You seemed rather skittish when we first met. And I've been noticing things about you that don't really add up with a happy home life. I just...want to make sure that you're okay."

"...I-I see. Well, uhm...it's not exactly the best s-situation to live in. My f-family is...not financially stable. We don't have the best income...that was why my mom was working overtime."

"I see. That is a rather unfortunate situation. I hope everything turns out okay."

"It will, I m-mean, I'm perfectly fine. We're gonna g-get through this, and if we don't...then s-sucks to be us."

"That's not a very good way of living, Oma-san. If something happens, you could be in trouble!"

"I...I know t-things will work out. T-They have to. So...I'm not w-worried." I stood up, grabbing my now-empty gell-o pack.


"Koma-kun? Is everything okay?"

"...W-What is that...on your neck?"

Word count: 1307