
More to Me - Pregame Saioma - Danganronpa V3

Oma Kokichi gets lost in an alley during a power outage. He meets a man named Saihara Shuichi, who is happy to help him out. The stranger claims they go to the same school. He's kind, handsome, and into one of Oma's favorite fandoms. What could go wrong?

Imperial_Halsell · Video Games
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7 Chs

I prefer my jello deep throated, thank you

"...W-What is that...on your neck?"

His shaky voice made me freeze. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"...I...I didn't quite catch that...m-maybe it's because I'm s-so tired...I should head b-back to bed now. Goodni-"

"I know you heard me. Tell me what's going on. Something is wrong. Why do you have...marks..."

"...Why do you care, anyway?" I mumbled, my voice low and quiet.

"Because you're a child, and you're Shuichi-sama's friend."

I gave him a dead stare. "Are you sure that's the reason? Positive? Sounds to me like you're reading into this a lot, Koma. It's almost like you seek out victims and try to solve their problems so that you can be acknowledged as a hero. That's a sign of self-insecurity and loathing. There's no way you could just be using me for that heroic feeling, hmm?"

"Oma-san..." He sounded so concerned.

"Or maybe... you view me as below you, and pity me for my unfortunate circumstances. You think you're so high and mighty, don't you?" Venom seeped into my words, my bitterness showing. "You think I'm unworthy of being great on my own. How did that line go? "Unworthy humans will never become worthy, no matter what they do." Is that it? Do you view me as unworthy? Pitiful? In need? The sentiment was nice, until it became annoying. I'm doing fine."

"You h-have hickeys...that's abuse, Oma-san."

"I know. But I'll make it through. I just have a few more years, and I'll be done with that mess."

"Please, Oma. Talk to me."

"...Not right now. I'm tired. I'm bitter. And I just deep-throat-ed a gell-o pack."

I left him in silence. He was clearly concerned about me, but I wasn't about to show weakness in front of a stranger. I hate being pitied. I closed the guest room's door, collapsing on the bed. I decided to play on my phone for a bit, hoping that would take my mind off things. After a while, I fell asleep.

I woke up to an alarm that I set on my phone. Time to get ready for school.

I got up, turning off my vibrating phone and stretching. I noticed on the foot of my bed, there was my school uniform, washed and ready to be worn. I also noticed a small note on top of it.


I know that things maybe difficult, and talking about your problems might seem weak. But, I want you to know that me and Shuichi-kun will always be here for you. You're always welcome to stay the night. Don't be afraid to ask for anything, or tell us about anything. We're here for you!


P.S. You used that phrase during our fight...please don't tell anyone about me.

I sighed. In the moment, I said a lot of hurtful things. A lot of things I shouldn't have said. Guilt swelled up in my chest. I shouldn't have been so cruel. He let me in his house, and in return I say he has a hero complex? I'm so ungrateful. I should find an appropriate time and apologize.

I slipped on the uniform, the clothes having lost that slight itchiness that I had gotten used to. Maybe it's because they use fancy detergent?

I looked around for my book bag before I realized I had left it in the pantry. That's right. I'm really an awful person. I tried to steal from my hosts? Why did I even do that?

Oh, right. Because I'm starving.

I sighed, the guilt of the situation climbing up my throat and making me feel sick. There's no time to feel guilty now. I have to grab my things and get out of here.

I walked out of the guest room, sneaking to the pantry to look for my book bag. I found it pretty easily, grabbing it and putting it on my back. I also realized how thirsty I was. I took a glass and looked for the fancy water they used.

"Hmm...Oma-chan?" I heard Saihara-kun behind me. I turned around to see that he was still in his pj's, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. "You're up so early..."

I smiled. "Yeah, I have to get ready for school."

"Mmmh...but it's so early..." He whined, giving me a hug.

"You sure are snugly in the morning." I mumbled.

"Go back to bed, silly...it's sleepy time...it's like 5:15..."

"When do you usually wake up?

"6:30. I know you have to get on a bus and an airplane and fly over the country to get to school, but you can relax. We don't have to wake up so early."

"Okay, okay. I'll go back to bed." I smiled.

"Mmh, no."


"Cause you might just be saying that to make me feel better. C'mon, my room."


He dragged me to his room, his eyes still dazed from waking up so early. I didn't protest much. He was just looking out for me, and I had been so awful to Koma. Maybe they won't think that I hate them if I let them try to help.

"W-What are we doing here?" I asked him.

"Sleeping, silly. C'mon, it's sleepy time."

"But where w-will I sleep?"

"Uuuuh...didn't think about that. Sorry, I'm real loopy when I first wake up."

"It's alright, S-Saihara-kun." I looked around the room, looking for something that could be used as a bed. Putting the two bean bag chairs together is a bad idea, it'll swallow me whole. I won't be able to get out without Saihara-kun's help, and who knows how good he is at waking up on time. I could use the floor, I guess.

As I grabbed some blankets, he looked at me. "You're not seriously considering sleeping on the floor, right?"

"W-Well, you're using the bed, and I don't really know where else I c-could sleep. I could always go back to the guest room-"

"Nooo!" He whined. "Cause you won't actually get any sleep in the guest room! You'll stay up on your phone and wait until I wake up."

How did he guess my plans so quickly? "I s-see your point, but..."

"You're the guest. If anything, you should take the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor."

"N-No! It's your bed, and I-I don't want you to get hurt!"

"Well, you know...this bed is big enough for two people. I don't wanna make you uncomfy, of course, but I really don't want you to sleep on the floor. You'll get cold!"

"Right. I-I see." I blushed a little as I climbed on the bed. He climbed in with me, hiding a little smile.

I closed my eyes as I laid down. The guest room bed suddenly felt like hard gravel compared to this bed. I found myself almost passing out, the comfort of the bed and Saihara's warmth contributing to my sleepiness. I looked beside me to see Saihara, sleeping peacefully. I smiled before closing my eyes once again.

Word count: 1178