
What is going on here

"What are you doing here".

I said still shocked at the fact that he is the person that I am supposed to meet but then I quickly composed myself and sat down properly then he spoke

"I'm here for a meeting obviously and I guess you are the person I will be meeting today. No need to worry I will not be asking for my money during this meeting besides that is not the reason why we are here".

I was beginning to doubt Aquita and everything she told me because he definitely did not seem like someone who knew me in the manner of a god or whatever.

But either way, I shunned my thoughts and pulled myself back together.

The meeting went smoothly and after a final conclusion, we were able to sign the documents in agreement.

The meeting was done but I wanted to take this opportunity to know if he was who I thought he was so I took the initiative to ask him the question.

"Have we met before?"

He just looked at me while taking the glass of wine to his lips. I was trying my possible best to read his facial expressions and find out if he was really the one or just hiding it but I couldn't seem to see or feel anything at all.

He was either too good at hiding his emotions or he wasn't who I thought he was at all.

While waiting and hoping that he would actually answer me, he just kept looking at me while shaking the glass of wine in his hand gently as though he was stirring it.

I was about to give up and leave but he beat me to it and spoke.

"Of course, we've met before. Your brother owes me remember?"

'I already knew that, and it was definitely not what I was asking. This is pointless'.

I said in my mind and stood up bowed and was about to leave.

"Thank you for your time Mr. Williams we'll be sure to inform you when the organizing team has been set for the project".

"You don't need to contact me directly, you can just say whatever it is that you have to say to my secretary".

I said nothing. I simply bowed and walked out.

After Cleo had left, a smile was plastered all over Jason's face.

"What a naive little goddess you are. Haa, this is definitely going to be fun".

This time around, he definitely looked exactly like the man I saw that night and in my office but he sounded nothing like him. Now I was getting confused and didn't know what to think or what to believe so, I simply shoved it off and decided to end my working hours for the day because I was definitely stressed and not in the right frame of mind to work.

We didn't return to the office and just went home directly. When I got home, the first person I saw was my annoying younger brother Miguel. I ignored him and walked past him when I heard him say something.

"Did you talk to him?"

I paused but didn't turn back and just waited for him to continue talking. He rushed towards me and stood right in front of me.

"Did you see him, did you talk to him?"

I could see the desperation and anxiety written all over him but I didn't care and I wasn't ready to show as though I did.

"Not yet"

I said and walked in. Miguel stood there, watching till his sister's figure was out of sight.

When I got to my room, I was so tired I threw my bag on the floor and lay on the bed. It didn't take long before I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes I didn't know if I was still sleeping or not but, one thing was for sure, I was definitely not in my room anymore. Then I saw Aquita coming towards me and when she got to the place where I was standing, I asked immediately.

"Where am I, where is this place?"

She simply bowed and stretched her hands as though telling me to follow her to a particular place. The place she was taking me looked quite deserted, it looked like a town or an entire country that was completely abandoned.

"What are we doing here?"

I asked but she simply kept walking I was beginning to get irritated by the fact that she wasn't responding to my questions, but I followed her regardless.

When we got to a particular building that looked burnt, she opened a piece of clothing that was covering the entrance.

I was having second thoughts about going in or not. It didn't look too scary but it didn't look like it place I would want to go into.

"I'm not going in there if you are not going to tell me what is going on here".

She then look at me and I could finally see that she looked a little bit different from her usual self. Though she still looks like herself, but her eyes were completely white and her skin, pale making her look dead.

I moved back a little startled by what I saw. But when I was about to run away not knowing where I would go, I finally heard someone or something speak.

"You are delaying the salvation of Kagrish, the longer it takes for you to accept your faith, the longer our suffering continues. Take up your grawlet, be burnt by your dragon, and fight the war that has been left for you".

Right now I wasn't listening to anything that was being said, all I could think of was how many people were talking and how was it that the only person I could see was Aquita. It was as though a lot of people were talking through her.

While I was still trying to wrap my head around what was happening, Aquita raised her head up and opened her mouth and all of the sudden, something that looked like white smoke began coming out of her mouth and soon enough, I saw things that looked like clouds hovering over her head steady forming three human-like creatures.

The first creature I saw looked completely like a human being, a very beautiful woman with fragile features but her eyes were completely red. She had scars all over her body, nails as long as a dagger, and large wings that were torn.

The next one looks completely like a monster, with arms and legs huge and long enough to comfortably squeeze about six average humans. I was still trying to take in its image when it turned into something else that looked like an elephant but with eight different legs.

Somehow, I already knew it was a shape-shifting creature.

The last creature that came out was a normal-looking human. Or so I thought because when she turned around, she had another face behind that looked like that of another lady. When she smiled, I could see her tongue and it looked like that of a snake while her teeth looked like that of a vampire and the way she moved, she looked like a very fast creature.