
More than a Dragon Warrior

In the depths of Chroch Gom Prison, held down by chains and immobile by a turtle shell, a broken warrior had been imprisoned for two decades. He opened his eyes as deep yellow pierced through the dark. Once filled with hatred and rage, his eyes now held the wisdom and depth of two souls, two lives. One was Tai Lung, the son of Master Shifu, born in ancient China where Kung Fu ruled supreme. The other was also Tai Lung, the son of man, born in a modern world where his current world was nothing but fiction. Two lives. Two souls. Now one entity. He was armed with knowledge he should not possess and the wisdom of two lifetimes. So when he breaks out from the chain of his imprisonment, he not only breaks the physical chains but also the chains of Fate and Destiny. Destined to be a villain, a stepping stone for the Dragon Warrior, he became something more. He should not have happened, he was an anomaly, a variable beyond the calculation of the universe. His existence had changed everything in the universe. He smiled, knowing that the old tortoise was not so wise, because he was wrong. . . There are accidents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The cover is made by Alexxz #The world of Kung Fu Panda does not belong to me. This is a work of fiction for the sole purpose of entertainment without any intention of offence to any party. #The story will revolve around the trilogy. But there will be canon facts and knowledge taken from the fourth movie and the TV series. #If you expect evil Tai Lung and edgy development where he kill the Furious Five and shits, this is not for you. In my opinion, Tai Lung was never even a villain in the movies so no evil MC. #If you expect a hero Tai Lung where he accompany Po and act as the Dragon Warrior, this is also not for you. In my opinion, Tai Lung was never good in the movies. #Tigress isn't the FL so if you came here expecting two cats kissing and having babies, there will be none. If you want to support my writing and read 15 chapters ahead, join my patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
151 Chs

Honourable Death

[3rd POV] 

Vachir, the commander of the army Anvil of Heaven had never felt fear quite like he was feeling now.

He was a soldier, a commander even, and he had faced countless battles and had fought in multiple wars. Yet he had never felt this kind of fear before.

He knew fear, but whenever he was faced with fear, there was always hope. 

In a battle, there was the threat of death but there was also the hope for life and victory. Every fight he has had, every enemy he had dealt with, there was always a chance of victory alongside death and defeat.

But not this time. 

This time there was only fear and despair.

He can't win. He wouldn't live. Especially not after what he had done to Tai Lung all these years, laughing and ridiculing him.

There was no hope.



And the chance of defeating Tai Lung? That thought could not even come to his mind as he looked down at the scene.

Tai Lung was a blur of grey that moved swiftly like the wind yet he devastated everywhere he went like an earthquake. 

No soldier could survive more than one exchange with him as they were killed left and right. Vachir never knew life could be taken so ruthlessly and so quickly.

Tai Lung threw one soldier in the air, it was a show of frightening strength as the rhino's heavy body and armour flew up like a pillow.

Then before the soldier even hit the ground, Tai Lung had killed every single one of his comrades that was stationed at the same bridge. 

The soldier never hit the bridge as Tai Lung softly kicked his body, redirecting his trajectory and he fell down the bottomless bit of the cave.

Tai Lung paused and then looked up, his eyes pierced through Vachir's eyes and then his soul. He couldn't help but shiver. 

His gigantic body which was trained for violence and has experienced countless wars, took a step back in fear. He stumbled as he cowered away. 

His armour became a burden as his legs almost gave out. He never considered his powerful armour as a burden because it protected him from danger.  Yet this time, it provides no comfort.

It couldn't. Not in front of Tai Lung who was famous throughout China for his strength. It was said that only Master Oogway could beat him.

His armour became dead weight.

He took off his armour and threw it to the side. His eyes stood firm even when his body cowered.

"You really shouldn't have angered him." The messenger duck from the Jade Palace commented.

"You're not helping." Vachir gruffed as he prepared for the next course of action.

If he was going to die, then at least he would die as an honourable commander.

"SOLIDERS!!" He screamed, his voice echoing in the cave.


On his command, the soldiers who were all fearful but stayed in their position just because of their order, ran away.

Tai Lung simply raised an eyebrow before running up the walls again. He cleared out everyone that remained on the bridge and slowly got up to the last bridge.


"Remember, we are protecting the whole of China from this monster!!! Don't let him destroy the land with his evil!! TAKE UP ARMS AND FIGHT TO PROTECT!!!"

All of the remaining soldiers gathered near the exit of the cave as they prepared a final stand.

Vachir calmed his cowering heart as he stood in front of his army. His body was telling him to flee but the responsibility on his shoulders was too heavy to run away.

He was the commander.

He would die, yes, but it would be an honourable death against the ultimate enemy.




