
Wicked Imagination

Just plain spiteful, Kaoma was seething on the inside.

Was this farce an act of retaliation for her rejection of his proposal last night.

Or had his wicked imagination come up with a plan to turn her son against her. 

No that was not possible, she loved her son dearly and she was pretty sure her son felt the same way.

But still…

Her son was young and impressionable, it wasn't hard to see that he looked up to his father and would eventually try to emulate him.

Could a father's bond replace a mother's love?

She wouldn't know, Kaoma thought bitterly since she never met her own father. 

Right now, she didn't care what Maxixe did with her, she was so riled up with anger and loathing she wasn't thinking clearly.

She ignored the advice of his inner guards to not approach the Prince's table without permission.

They failed to stop her in time before she was directly facing him with only the dinner table separating them.