
Moonlit Whispers

On a fateful night, as Bella the maid navigates the treacherous corridors of royal intrigue, under the veil of darkness, she finds solace in the palace gardens. As she wanders amid the fragrant flowers, she inadvertently catches the eye of a mysterious prince. Intrigued by her beauty and resilience, the prince marks her as his own, entwining their destinies forever. She must uncover the truth behind the enigmatic prince's intentions while struggling to protect her heart and surviving in the Royal Palace. Will the moonlit whispers in the palace darkness lead to a love story for the ages, or will the shadows of the royal court consume them both?

alicewonderread · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3

"Nonetheless," Mr. Fuller interjected, interrupting her thoughts, "Alpha King George has graciously provided each of you with an additional bonus for your unwavering dedication. He was quite content with the party, as were Prince Charles and his betrothed. I trust you all appreciate the Royal House's magnanimity."

Gradually, Bella allowed herself to exhale. Mr. Fuller's gaze no longer rested on her with suspicion or scrutiny. He was present simply to distribute bonuses.

A queue formed eagerly to receive their extra earnings. Bella hung back, allowing her heart rate to stabilize.

When it was her turn, Bella kept her head lowered as she accepted the bonus with a courteous curtsy. "I am grateful to the Royal House," she said with propriety before turning to leave.

As she pivoted, Mr. Carson spoke once more. "One final matter before you all disperse. Did any of you encounter Prince Reagan last night, away from the festivities?"

The sound of silver coins clattering on the stone floor reverberated through the room, stunning everyone into silence. All eyes turned to Bella, and it took her a moment to comprehend what had transpired.

Bella stood rooted to the spot, gazing at the scattered coins on the ground.

"How dare you show such disrespect to Mr. Fuller and the Royal House!" Christina materialized before Bella in an instant, her hand landing a stinging slap on Bella's cheek. Too shocked to react, Bella's shame was nearly as unbearable as the burning sensation on her face.

Feeling the weight of their gazes, each second became increasingly agonizing for Bella. She lowered her head and closed her eyes. "I apologize to Mr. Fuller and Ms. Miller. It was unintentional."

"Your name is Bella?" Mr. Fuller inquired.

Raising her head, panic began to swell within her once more. "Yes, Mr. Fuller."

"Did you encounter Prince Reagan last night?" He elevated his chin slightly, peering down at her through his narrowed gaze. Her heart skipped a beat.

"No, I did not," she replied cautiously, mustering the courage to meet his eyes.

"Where were you last night?"

"After completing my tasks at the party, I returned to my quarters to rest," Bella managed to say. She noticed Gwen's movement out of the corner of her eye and caught a glimpse of her friend's puzzled and worried expression before averting her gaze.

"Well," Mr. Fuller hesitated before addressing Christina, "there's no need for theatrics; she hasn't committed any wrongdoing. You need not punish her for this, Ms. Miller."

Christina waited until Mr. Fuller looked away before rolling her eyes. "Very well. You may leave now. You ought to be grateful for Mr. Fuller's leniency," she added with a hint of venom in her voice.

"Thank you, Mr. Fuller. And Ms. Miller," Bella uttered hastily. She couldn't afford any further scrutiny. Swiftly, she collected her coins and departed, feeling Mr. Fuller's penetrating gaze bore into her as she exited through the grand doors.

Her heart wouldn't settle until she found herself in the empty Royal Library, where she spent most of her days. It was her sanctuary, a place of solace—something she desperately needed at that moment.

Bella was simply relieved Mr. Fuller hadn't persisted in his questioning. She wasn't certain she could have contained her secrets if he had.

The memories surged through her like a whirlwind, each evoking sensations she was ashamed to recall. His lips on her neck, Bella's fingers traced the hidden mark beneath her dress, ensuring her makeup still concealed it effectively.

The phantom touch of his hands seemed to linger on her skin whenever his image crossed her mind. Why did her body respond to his advances when he violated her? Why didn't her body share the repulsion she knew she should feel from his assault? These thoughts only intensified her shame and brought forth hot tears.

A knock startled Bella; she hastily wiped her damp cheeks and opened the creaking wooden doors. A familiar face appeared, and Bella exhaled slowly. "Gwen! What brings you here?" At least it wasn't Mr. Fuller.

"Hello—" Gwen's cheerful demeanor faltered upon seeing Bella. She quickly closed the door behind her. "Have you been crying?"

Bella turned away, attempting to discreetly wipe away any remaining tears. "No, I'm fine. Just tired."

"Bella, don't lie to me, it's okay. What Melody did was absolutely uncalled for and brutal. I can't believe she slapped you in front of everyone just because you dropped your coins!"

Bella faced Gwen again, who appeared even more incensed than Bella felt. "But… where were you last night? We both know you never returned to our room."

Bella hesitated and scanned the surroundings. "I was here, of course. I'm always here." Gwen arched her eyebrows at Bella. "I came here after tidying up from the party and dozed off while reading. I didn't want to mention it because no one else saw me here."

Gwen's shoulders relaxed somewhat upon hearing Bella's explanation. "Oh, that's a relief! I was concerned you were the one with Prince Reagan last night. We all know the fate of his mistresses and lovers. Remember Mary?" Bella nodded.

How could Bella forget? Mary was once among the most stunning maids at the palace, which made it all too easy for her to attract Prince Reagan's attention. Never satisfied with her role as a maid, Mary seized the opportunity to charm her way into his affections as soon as it presented itself.

Her time as his paramour was brief. As soon as Prince Reagan grew tired of her, he banished her to a ramshackle hut far from the palace, only to be seen when he so desired. He seemed to treat all his former lovers in the same manner.

He would bestow upon them the fleeting title of esteemed lady, only to orchestrate their downfall once he had extracted all he desired from them. Bella shuddered at the thought of that ever befalling her.

"Well, I heard she now cleans public restrooms for a meager wage, barely enough to cover food or clothing," Gwen sighed and crossed her arms. "It's a tragedy how her value seemed to vanish the moment she fell from grace. I never want that to happen to you."

"It won't," Bella assured her quickly. The mere thought made her skin crawl.

"It's reassuring to know you weren't the maid with Prince Reagan," Gwen mused, tilting her head. "I mean, he is undeniably attractive, perhaps one of the most handsome men in the entire kingdom, so I wouldn't fault you if it had been you."

Bella peered around cautiously to ensure no one else was close enough to hear her friend's daring words. "You know, Prince Reagan doesn't even hold an Alpha title. The Alpha King deems him too impulsive and unreliable to assign him a pack or territory. To be honest, I don't think he's worth the trouble. Prince Charles, however…he would be a superior choice—"

Bella had heard enough, and she swiftly placed her hand over Gwen's mouth to silence her. "Are you out of your mind! You can't speak about the Royals in such a manner, Gwen! You never know who might be eavesdropping!"

Gwen chuckled beneath Bella's hand and gently lowered it. "Alright, alright! We're alone, it was merely playful banter." Gwen winked at Bella. "Now, are you prepared for some uplifting news?"

"What is it?" Bella inquired.