
Moonlit Whispers

On a fateful night, as Bella the maid navigates the treacherous corridors of royal intrigue, under the veil of darkness, she finds solace in the palace gardens. As she wanders amid the fragrant flowers, she inadvertently catches the eye of a mysterious prince. Intrigued by her beauty and resilience, the prince marks her as his own, entwining their destinies forever. She must uncover the truth behind the enigmatic prince's intentions while struggling to protect her heart and surviving in the Royal Palace. Will the moonlit whispers in the palace darkness lead to a love story for the ages, or will the shadows of the royal court consume them both?

alicewonderread · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Reagan's dark brows knitted together in irritation as he muttered his displeased response. Bella, her hands aching, attempted to cover herself while observing his unkempt appearance.

His white shirt's top buttons were undone, revealing his chest—an unusual sight for a royal. Yet, it was not as shocking as the dreadful act he had just committed, despite his infamous reputation.

Pain etched across his face as he massaged his temples, clearly having indulged in excessive alcohol on such an evening. Fury replaced the warmth within her, but she suppressed it as she always did when treated poorly by the nobility.

"Prince Reagan!" Mr. Fuller emerged, panting and wide-eyed, with sweat beading on his forehead. He cast a brief glance at her shredded dress lying several feet away but remained silent, focusing on Prince Reagan. It was as if she was invisible.

"My apologies, your highness. We've searched high and low—I've been dispatched to bring you to the Alpha King. He demands your presence immediately."

Prince Reagan fixed his gaze on Mr. Fuller, who appeared to shrink under his scrutiny. Eventually, the prince averted his eyes, wallowing in his own misery as the other servants scurried away, though not too far.

Capitalizing on the moment when Prince Reagan released her and turned away, Bella retrieved her tattered dress and retreated. Reagan regarded her retreating figure with a thoughtful expression, but made no move to call her back.

He gave the ruined maid's uniform one final glance before rising and following the path back to the castle.

He never inquired about the girl's name.



As Bella stepped out of the bathtub, she lost her footing momentarily. The bathroom door burst open, and she scarcely managed to cover herself before the shouting resumed.

"What on earth were you doing all night? Do you have any idea how far I walked searching for you—" Gwen halted abruptly upon noticing Bella trembling.

A flicker of relief blossomed within Bella at the sight of her best friend, whose expression of anger transformed into concern. "Why are you bathing now? The water must be ice-cold!"

Approaching closer, Bella unsteadily exited the tub entirely and tried to disregard the water dripping from her body as she secured the towel around herself.

Absentmindedly, she brushed her long brown hair, ensuring it concealed the mark on her neck from Gwen's sight.

"I..." Bella' voice broke, making her wince. She couldn't possibly divulge what had happened just yet. The words felt like venom on her tongue, and she closed her eyes, attempting to erase the previous night's memories.

"Are you feeling okay? Your voice sounds so raspy and rough." Gwen fetched another towel to mop up the puddle on the floor. "I've warned you against taking cold baths, Bella!"

Bella observed her friend wiping the water from her body. Her throat ached, her voice barely audible, a result of her tearful night. Unable to return to her room after Prince Reagan's actions, Bella had hidden and allowed her emotions to consume her.

"Why didn't you come back last night?" Gwen pressed on, seemingly lost in thought. "I was up all night worrying about you."

Bella bit her inner cheek to stifle her tears at the memory of Prince Reagan. Her skin still seared from his touch, his lips lingering on her neck, leaving her feeling defiled inside and out.

Having never experienced such contact, she still sensed the shame, like an unquenchable fire within. "I had a lot of cleaning to do after the party; it was quite a mess," Bella offered feebly.

"Well, whatever the reason, I'm here to inform you that Mr. Fuller visited the servants' quarters, requesting everyone's presence."

"Mr. Fuller?" Bella almost squeaked. "Why is he here?"

"No idea. Probably to issue more instructions. Or, it could be about the latest rumor circulating among the servants." Gwen's eyes sparkled; she relished fresh gossip.

"What rumor?" Bella wondered if it was about the previous night. Had Mr. Fuller seen her and pretended not to?

"Oh, so you haven't heard." Gwen closed the bathroom door before lowering her voice. "I just overheard some maids who were on duty last night. They said Prince Reagan arrived at the ceremony very late and utterly intoxicated. The ceremony was nearly over when he finally stumbled in. The Luna Queen was livid—his behavior was incredibly disrespectful to the Queen and her family."

Pausing for breath, Bella trembled harder, her eyes widening as she nervously picked at her nails.

Gwen's eyes gleamed as she continued. "But there's more. They said Prince Reagan had slept with one of the maids. Nobody knows who, though. He was far too drunk to even remember himself."

"Anyway, we should hurry. Get dressed and don't be late." Gwen gathered the damp towels and exited the bathroom, leaving Bella alone with her dreadful thoughts.

"What should I do?" Bella murmured, wrapping her arms around herself.

She longed to escape this place, not entangle herself with a prince who was never content with just one lover.

If anyone discovered that Reagan had marked her, she would be forever confined to the palace, as it would tarnish the royal family's reputation.

Upon arriving at the gathering of servants, Bella could already discern the buzz of conversation. Hushed whispers of gossip and curious speculation filled the air, and she hoped to remain inconspicuous as she slipped in through a rear entrance.

At the front of the assembly, Mr. Fuller stood with Christina Miller by his side. Bella tried to suppress a scowl upon seeing her. Though only two years her senior, Christina had managed to charm her way into the position of head maid.

"What delayed you?" Gwen stood at Bella's side, startling her. "Watch out, someone might notice your tardiness," she whispered, taking hold of Bella's arm and guiding her to a vacant spot beside her.

With some reluctance, Bella offered Gwen a smile and attempted to blend into the expectant crowd. She scanned the faces around her, noting that no one else appeared as anxious or fearful as she felt.

Bella's roaming eyes inadvertently locked onto Mr. Fuller's gaze as they swept across the room. The encounter sent shivers down her spine, and she lowered her gaze to her hands, terrified that he might recognize her from the previous night.

Had he been observing her all this time? Was his presence because of her? Her heart hammered furiously, drowning out the sounds around her.

"Silence," Mr. Fuller commanded at last. The crowd immediately hushed. "The Royal Palace is grateful for the tireless efforts each of you put into Prince Charles' engagement celebration last night."

He paused, and Bella found it hard to draw breath.

"However, it appears not everyone was committed to ensuring the event went off without a hitch." As he spoke, Bella wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt, watching his piercing eyes survey the gathering.

"I've been informed that at least one of you neglected your duties last night. Remember, no one will cover for you if something goes awry."

Was he referring to her? Could the others hear the thundering of her heart? The room felt stifling—