
Moonlit Chronicles of the Unambitious Magician

This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated in Nasuverse and remembered the memories of his past life four years before the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War with a Yamato from Devil May Cry. This is the first time I write something. Thank you for having me. Thank you Izumi Yamazaki for the cover photo. Oz and Lorelei looks amazing! Twitter account of the artist: @izumi_yamazaki7

Zimrence · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

The Battle on Tokyo Bay (2)

A few minutes before Archer, Lancer and Oswald arrive inside Rider's Reality Marble,

"For the last time, Manaka. No unnecessary killing," Oswald stared intensely at Manaka Sajyou, the Master of Saber class Servant who is currently fighting in the Reality Marble.

"Don't worry, Oz! I will listen to your advice without fail!" one of the scariest humans of the current era replied bubbly at her crush's instruction.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I got these from Caster for you," she added while giving him some crystals.

"Isn't this…?" Oswald sharply took in his breath.

"Yup! These are Philosopher's Stones I got from Caster," she replied while putting all the stones she got on her into Oswald's hand.

"I will be going now, Oz!" She called Assassin and prepared to leave the area and go and do her thing. But she immediately froze for a moment.

"Did something happen, Manaka?" Oswald asked.

"Caster just died," she replied grimly.

"Wait, what?" Oswald was gobsmacked. He knew what happened in the original story and Caster is not supposed to die yet.

Manaka stopped talking for a while as if she was looking through the Root. "I see… That's how it is," she nodded and looked at Oswald.

"Things never get boring with you, Oz. I know what to do now. I will see you later!" she immediately rushed off not letting Oswald say goodbye to her. As for Assassin, she went to do what she was supposed to do with Manaka.

"Well, I don't know what happened but let's do this," he muttered while slapping both of his cheeks.

"You are coming with us?" Archer asked while appearing beside Oswald with a mote of golden light.

"Yes," Oswald replied without looking at Archer. His eyes are focused on Rider's Noble Phantasm.

"You will die," Archer added.

"I know. But… I don't want to sit here and do nothing," he turns his head toward the Persian hero. "And… fighting together with the three of you to save the city from a Pharaoh is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am not going to miss it and regret it later on," Oswald gave him a toothy smile.

"Heh," Archer snorted. "Very well, Master of Ruler. Let us stop this man from destroying this city together," he added, holding out his fist. Oswald nodded and returned a fist bump.

"You can come out now, Lancer," noticing her, Archer called her out. The valkyrie said nothing and came out from her hiding.

"Now that the gang is complete, let's go," Oswald tried to lead the way but he was suddenly carried like a princess by Lancer.

"We know a faster way," Archer jumped first, followed by Lancer.

"I won't let you die again," Oswald heard Lancer whisper.


Back to the present,

Oswald is very ashamed to get carried like a princess by Lancer. He was going to create a portal and come here.

"Hey there, Saber," Oswald greeted the King of Knights.

"Oz? What are you doing here?" Saber asked, not believing that the Master of Ruler came here personally.

"Me? Well, I can't leave her alone," Oswald replied while pointing Ruler with his thumb.

"HAHAHAHA!" Ruler is still going cat and mouse chase with Rider while laughing madly.

"Let's climb up the temple first and go to the main chamber room," Oswald said, gaining the attention of both Saber and Archer.

"I want to but these beasts are blocking our way," Saber replied while preparing his sword.

"I… see," Oswald nodded. He opens his Mystic Eyes and starts to find the death line of the Sphinxes.

"Please leave these beasts to me and go ahead," Oswald said after adjusting himself with his katana which earned a raised brow from Saber.

"I don't think…" Just as Saber was about to protest, Lancer interrupted, "I understand."

"Lancer!" Saber raised his voice at her but she paid him no mind.

"I trust him," Lancer retorted.

"Please trust me on this," Oswald insisted.

Looking left and right, Saber noticed that the Sphinxes are starting to get active again. And he was outvoted with 3 to 1. Finally, he heaved a long sigh and agreed.

"Please don't die," he demanded.

"Don't worry. I won't," Oswald gave him a thumbs up. "Oh, take this one too. I am sure you know what to do with it," he throws a Philosopher's Stone at Saber to which the sword-wielding hero nodded.

With others stepped out from the fray, Oswald turns his eyes toward the beasts. He knew he wouldn't get out alive from here unless he gave his all. Although he can use Judgement Cut right now, he lacks the precision to cut the line of death.

"Breath in, breathe out," he muttered. Even if he can see the line of death, it will be hard to fight with the immortal Phantasmal Beasts.

The first beast approaches him with its deadly claw. Oswald guarded the oncoming strike with his scabbard and guarded another claw against the other Sphinx with his blade. The sheer amount of strength in those claws made his feet sink into the ground a little. He knew… he knew he would die without a doubt if he didn't have Sparda blood in him.

He teleported to the other side as his instinct screamed at him to dodge. And it was right. The third beast ambushed him from the back. But Oswald didn't let it go and sent Mirage Blades at them.

Mirage Blades, are spectral swords created by his demonic powers. Of course, like Vergil, he can only shoot out one blade at a time. But unlike his teacher, his blades are green in color as his demonic power is also green.

The green blades pass through the bodies of the beasts, making them stun a little as most of the blades hit their legs.

Without letting go of this opportunity, Oswald went and cut the death line of one of the beasts, making it unable to regenerate.

Seeing their companion died just like that, the two beasts roared and charged at Oswald with their bodies burning bright.

Without letting them get to him, he dodged their charge attack by teleporting here and there. Even without getting near them, Oswald can feel the heat coming from the two beasts.

"I really don't want to use it but I am going to die if I don't," he muttered. This move is going to take a lot of demonic energy out of him but he still has plenty of pranas to keep ongoing.

"Phew, okay. Think back what that grumpy old man told you, Oz," he thought to himself.

"First, pour out your demonic energy. Second, shape it into a sword. Third, keep visualizing and maintain it," he murmured and followed the steps to create a sword out of thin air.

"I wonder why the Counter Force is silent about this," he thought while creating the sword.

Finally, he had created a sword. Not just any sword, a phantom version of Force Edge taught to him by Vergil, a Mirage Edge. Vergil was not kidding when he said he was going to teach him everything he knew.

With green Mirage Edge in his hand, Oswald charged at the two beasts and stabbed the one on the front with a Stinger. It is a powerful thrust plunging the sword into the enemy. The sudden thrust broke the beast and without missing a beat, Oswald cut through the line of death with Yamato.

With the beast dying like that, only one opponent is left and his demonic is going to run out soon. He is still a ⅕ demon after all. Although he will eventually become half-demon like those two twins, it will take time. Oswald dispelled Mirage Edge to save more demonic energy.

"Just… you and me, big guy," he hissed.

The beast and Oswald charged at each other. The beast's body is still burning bright with fire. The man sent out slashes of shockwaves from his sword, hitting the beast and slowing it down.

Oswald sprints faster and faster, leaving only his afterimage. He passed through the beast and put his katana into the scabbard, leaving the neatly cut beast behind.

"I need to go where others are," he muttered. He may look fine but his inside is a mess. He pushed further than he should. Luckily being a devil, he has a good healing factor. That was the one that saved his life.

When he got inside where others are, he was greeted with the sight of the four Servants doing a staring contest with the Pharaoh.

"Did I miss something?" He announced his arrival.


Author's Note;

Don't worry. I didn't forget to write this story. Like I promised, a chapter a week.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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