
Moonlight Flower

A "woman" was being searched by her only first blood relative Clarence, whose all-men clan was cursed into something beautiful, strong creatures - wolves! They needed her to preserve their clan, given only 13 full moons to find her without a clue in the human realm. Will his blood connection lead him to her? But as he lived in the modern and bustling human world where you need money to get by daily, he found someone he didn't think about at all - another woman who caught his attention. What about his long lost sister? A dark truth unfolds behind them looking for her, and a decision he must choose.

HikariKimG · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 6 - To Family Hot Spring House

People rushed in a train station. There was a long line on the three counters. In Counter A, Lance and his two friends were also buying tickets. Each of them was carrying a big backpack.

Lance was wearing his dark blue jacket. On his back was a white and red adventurer bag. The short-haired guy, in white jacket, had a black bag while the other, in black jacket, had a striped white and brown bag.

Inside the moving bullet train was a crowd of people. There were people sitting and standing, both looked comfortable. Luckily, the three were seated. The train's digital clock read 7:30.

"We're now at the 10th Station. Passengers heading there, please prepare," the operator announced.

The train stopped slowly. People walked out. As people walking out was decreasing, people from the station started to come inside. Still, the train was stuffed with people.

Lance saw an old woman together with a little girl. Without thinking twice, he offered his seat to them. Before taking it, they bowed politely at the nice guy.

Tacky and Ryu were really amazed about Lance's personality. They smiled as they shook their heads, and followed his example. Tacky offered his seat to an old woman as well. She thanked him. Ryu offered his to a beautiful woman. She thanked him.

The train departed once again. By each station that it stops, the people were getting lesser and lesser. On the last station, Lance, Tacky and Ryu finally went off.

The three rode on a service bus. It was the Family Hot Spring House's shuttle bus. It was exclusively for its customers. They chose the last row. They were the first persons to come inside.

"Hot Spring! Hot Spring!" the three said out loud. They were smiling and laughing. They were just like little kids. Tacky looked at his wristwatch. "It's already 8:00 in the morning. I want to bathe in the hot spring now..." he dreamingly said.

"Me, too! Me, too!" chorused the two.

After 15 minutes of waiting, the service bus finally went off. The seats were not all occupied. Some people were listening to their iPods; some were chattering and playing. The trio kept on talking about any topic can talk about, just to pass time.

They finally reached the Family Hot Spring House. People walked out slowly from the bus. The little children were very excited, too. The trio was the last ones to go out.

The House was in the footstep of the Mountain of North. It was surrounded by big pine trees. The mountain was white because snows covered it. It looked so beautiful because it was surrounded by pure whiteness, plus the soft sunlight brimming at the top.

On the front door, Lance, Tacky and Ryu were greeted by a familiar old woman. She accompanied them to the Reception Desk. The receptionist was in robe. Her black hair was tied in knot on the back of her head. She has a little make-up. She has a smooth face, with the help of foundation, and pink cheeks and red lips. She smiled at the three costumers. "Have you made a reservation already?" she asked.

"Yes," answered Tacky on their behalf. The two nodded smilingly. They were really excited.

"Your names, please," said the smiling receptionist.

"Lance André, Tacky and Ryu Vila."

"Please, wait. I'll check your names," she said, browsing the laptop on her right side.

"Find it. André Lance, Vila Ryu and Vila Tacky," she said. "Circle of Friends Room Package for Three (3) People."

"Right, right," the three excitedly said.

"Your room is CFRP 1, on the second floor," she informed.

The receptionist called the female worker, who happened to pass by. She was in the same robe. She has a long brown hair, tied on the back of her head with a pink furry tie.

"Please take these gentlemen to CFRP 1," said the receptionist.

"Yes, right away, Ma'am," she replied. She then turned to them. She smiled before continuing. "Sirs, please follow me."

The three nodded, smiling back.

They carried their things and followed the leader. They kept their excited faces as they walked. Tacky was on the middle. On his left was Lance and on the right was Ryu. Finally, they reached the room. The girl lead opened the door. The three went inside.

"We will deliver your lunch at 11:30. Enjoy your stay here, sirs!" she said, bowing.

The three bowed back. She then left, closing the sliding door.

They looked around the room while placing their bags down. It was big enough for three people. On the corner, there were three rolled white futons (foam beds). There was a wooden cabinet on the left. Lance moved toward the cabinet. He opened it and saw three House's robes hanged on separate hangers. Below it were folded red, blue and sky blue blankets.

There was a window facing the door. Ryu looked outside. "Wow!" he said. "The mountain is so beautiful in white!"

They went out of their room, dressed already with the provided robes. They entered the spring for men. No one was here, lucky for them. They took off their robes and hurried to the hot spring. Their eyes were closed and lips curved up. Their elbows were on the rock and their backs laid on it. They were enjoying the healthy warm water.

"Hot spring is perfect for winter season!" Ryu said out loud.

"Yeah..." replied the two.

"We are staying here for 2 days and 1 night, right?" asked Tacky in excitement.

"Yes..." answered Lance.

They were bathing for almost half an hour.

>>>>>>> <<<<<<<

A new group of people came in the house. It was a family. There were three members. The father has eyeglasses. The mother was pretty. Their child was a cute little boy.

The girl who welcomed them was not the grandmother who welcomed Lance and his friends. She was a tall girl, wearing the same house's robe. Her shiny black hair was knot-tied on the back of her head. It was Claire. After all, she's been working here. She bowed politely as she welcomed the newcomer family. There was a little smile formed on the corners of her pink lips. She guided the family to their room, which was on the second floor. She opened the door of Family Room Package (FRP) 4.

"This is your room, sir, ma'am," she said to them.

They looked around. There were two single beds and a cabinet, just like in every room of the house. There was also a window facing the door.

"The robes are in the cabinet. You must wear it for more comfort while you are staying in the house," Claire said.

The woman turned at Claire. "Could you wait for us?" the mother asked her a favor. "We'll just wear the robes then bathe on the spring. Could you lead us there?"

"Yes!" the little boy yelled cheerfully. "I want to bathe now in the hot spring!"

"Yes, ma'am," Claire replied, nodding politely. She went out and closed the door.

The family finally went out from the room. They were wearing the provided robes.

"Please follow me," she said, walking. Her hands were leading the way. They followed her. Finally, they were in front the spring's entrance.

"Here's the hot spring," she started. "This is the Male Hot Spring," she said, pointing on the left. "And this is for Female," she said, pointing on the right.

"Thanks a lot, Miss," the woman told her. "May I know your name?"

She nodded. "My name is Claire," she answered.

"May we have your assistance while we're here?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes, ma'am," she answered, smiling back. "At your service."

"We'll look forward to it."

Then they finally went in. The father went in the Male. The mother went in the Female. Their little boy was with the mother. Before the mother and child proceed to go in, the boy, in his mom's arms, waved his hands at Claire. "Miss, thanks a lot!" he said, smiling cheerfully.

Claire waved back. She then left.

As soon as the father came inside, Lance, Tacky and Ryu went out. They were dressed back on the robes. Lance's arms were crossed in front on his chest.

"What shall we do next?" he asked the two. They walked on the opposite direction of Claire's. There was no chance for Lance to know that she was also here in the Family Hot Spring House. As they were talking and walking away from the spring, Lance suddenly stopped. He then looked back. His friends wondered why he was looking at the back.

"What's the matter, Lance?" Tacky asked him.

Lance, in a little spaced out look, shook his head. "No... Nothing," he replied. Then they started to walk again.

They were inside their room. Lance was sitting on the futon, laid already on the floor. He was strumming the chords of his guitar. Tacky was laying down on the same futon. His right hand was on the back of his head. He was holding his mobile phone with his two hands up in the air. There was a smile on his lips. He must be chatting with his girlfriend thru text. Ryu, on the other hand, was viewing the surrounding outside from the window sill. He turned to Lance. "Are you done with your composition, Lance?" he asked.

Before answering him, he plucked the chords gently. "Not yet," he answered while adjusting the tuner. "I'm done with the tune. All I need is lyrics..."

"Guys," Tacky suddenly called. The two looked at him, who's still lying down with the right foot on his left knee.

"It's already 11:00. Don't you think it's time to eat?" he said.

Lance, standing up, said, "Yeah, I'm hungry. But the girl said that she will be delivering our lunch at 11:30." He then placed his guitar back to its cover and put it on the corner of the room. "Let's just wait."

They busied themselves as to make the time pass until 11:30. Lance and Ryu, laying on one futon, were reading a separate comic book while Tacky kept chatting.

Two light knocks were heard from the door. The three stopped from what they were doing.

A female voice spoke. "Here's your lunch, sirs."

They quickly got up. "Coming!" they said while rushing toward the door. Tacky opened it. There were three of them who delivered the food. Two girls were carrying the mouthwatering foods in small boat-shaped dish plates. The other one was carrying the small rectangular-shaped dining table. They bowed then came in. The girl who has the table set in the middle of the room. The other two placed the food over it. "Have a nice and delicious meal!" they said.

"Yes, thank you!" the guys cheerfully replied.

"We will be getting the dish plates after an hour," said one. The girls left while closing the door.

Lance, Tacky and Ryu looked very hungrily at the food. The boats of seafood and fruits looked very delicious and tempting. The rice was in the big ceramic pot. Three bowls, pairs of chopsticks, forks and knife, and drinking glasses were placed neatly and accordingly. They sat around the table and got their bowls and chopsticks.

"Bon appetite!" they said together. They were chatting while eating. They talked about many things.

"The foods sure are delicious! Wow!" Ryu said out loud.

"Sure is!" Tacky added.

"Remember, we paid a lot of money for this!" Lance said, drinking a glass of grape juice.

"Yeah!" chorused the two. And they kept chatting and drinking.

"I'm so full!" they said together, not knowing they could say the same phrase at the same time. They laughed aloud.

After an hour, their dish plates were taken. Same goes for the dinner which was given at 5:30.

By 6:30, they went to the RecreationCenter of the house. Here, one can find the popular table tennis every hot spring house has, mini basketball rings, and a site for little children. Many played from these options.

They played table tennis for an hour. They even played with others. They met a lot of people.

By 8:30, they bathe in the spring. It's good and relaxing to the feeling taking a warm bath before sleeping. They were done by 9:00. Back to their room, each prepared his bed. They placed it far from each other. Facing the door, Lance's futon was on the left; Ryu on the middle and Tacky on the right. They lay down comfortably.

They were not in robes anymore. Ryu wore a yellow t-shirt and a knee-length blue boxer short. Tacky wore a pink t-shirt and black short. Lance wore a black t-shirt and white jogging pants.

From outside, the lights of the house were fading. People slept very early. The only room that still has lights on was the kitchen. Three female were here. They were Claire, and the house's owners: the receptionist and the grandmother.

Claire was sitting on one of the chairs. She was holding a pen and paper, laid on the table. The two owners were walking toward the door. They stopped and looked back. Ms. Receptionist said, "Aren't you sleeping yet, Claire? It's 9:00 already."

Claire looked up. She shook her head. "Not yet. I still need to check the vegetables and meat available. I have to think of a new recipe people will like."

"You are very hardworking, dear," commented the grandmother. "But don't tire yourself too much." Her voice was full of concern.

She lifted a smile. "I won't," she said. "I'll be sleeping at 10:00."

"Good night, Claire," they both told her.

"Good night."

They were out of sight already.

Claire kept working. She checked the food in the fridge and listed it down.