
Moonlight Flower

A "woman" was being searched by her only first blood relative Clarence, whose all-men clan was cursed into something beautiful, strong creatures - wolves! They needed her to preserve their clan, given only 13 full moons to find her without a clue in the human realm. Will his blood connection lead him to her? But as he lived in the modern and bustling human world where you need money to get by daily, he found someone he didn't think about at all - another woman who caught his attention. What about his long lost sister? A dark truth unfolds behind them looking for her, and a decision he must choose.

HikariKimG · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 5 - Lance

The fifth street of Fontaine City was composed of accessories stores. On the left was a variety of jewelry stores where one can find different and unique necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, clocks, birthstones, and other sorts. On the right were repair shops such as watch and jewelry repair.

The big wall clock on the street read 8:30 in the evening. The stores were closed by this time, thus leaving the street dark. But one store was still open. It was the André House of Watch and Repair. Inside, there was a man who had some white hair but still looked young at his age, wearing thick reading glasses, was drinking a cup of hot coffee on his table. He's busy repairing a broken clock.

Momentarily, the store's door opened. Someone came in. The man looked up to see the costumer.

"Good evening," greeted the one who just came in. It was Claire.

The man stopped working. He stood up and approached her. "Yes, miss? What can I do for you?" he asked with a smile.

"Please fix my watch, sir," she answered, giving her broken small square watch, with blue strap, to him.

He analyzed. He asked, "How did it stop?"

"I was busy working so I didn't notice that it dropped to the ground."

"I see. I need to fix it internally and externally, a watch makeover," he said with a grin.

"Can I get it by tomorrow morning?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, miss. It's a 24-hour policy. I can do it by afternoon tomorrow. You can get it by evening, same time as this."

"Ok, then," she nodded.

The man lent a receipt pad and pen. "Sign here, please."

She wrote her name and gave the receipt pad back to him. He gave the copy to her.

"Then, I'll get it by tomorrow evening," she said then left already.

>>>>>> <<<<<<

Inside the André House of Watch and Repair were three young men. Two of them were resting their heads on the table, with earphones on both ears. They seemed to be asleep.

The other guy was eating a slice of pizza. He had short black hair and eyes and one circle earring on his left ear.

He noticed someone peeking from outside the door. He finished his pizza, wiped his hands with a tissue, put an alcohol before getting to the door. He opened it.

"Good evening!" he greeted with a smile.

That person was Claire from last night.

"Good evening," she replied, slowly catching her breath. "Sorry, I came late though I already rushed. You're closed now? I was hoping if I can still get the watch I asked to repair last night since there's still light from inside."

It was already passed 9:30 PM and the store's sign that hang outside stated that its business hours is only until 9:00 PM.

The guy seemed frozen when she saw her. His black-colored eyes grew big and left his mouth slightly opened.

"Uhm, excuse me?" she said to him.

He seemed back to his senses. "Oh, yes. It's ok. Dad already told me. Come in."

And she came inside. "Sorry for the trouble."

"Is it the square-shaped watch with blue strap?" he said as he got the watch from the cabinet. He was secretly viewing her face. While he was getting it, Claire put out her receipt from her bag.

"Here," he said while giving it to her. He wanted to meet her eyes but she didn't look at him directly.

She took it. "This is my receipt. I still need to pay half of the price charge."

"Oh, yeah," was all he can say. He seemed to still space out.

Then, Claire finally left after the unfinished transaction was done.

The black-haired guy followed her with his eyes. He was left looking outside.

His two friends, who were now awake, noticed him.

"Hey!" they called out. "Hey, Lance. Lance. Lance!"

"She's..." the guy, named Lance, said quietly, as if talking to the wind.

"What?" the two asked curiously, moving closer to him.

Lance laughed quietly then followed by a loud one. After the laugh, he looked at the paper on his right hand. It was the receipt she gave.

"So... her name is Claire..." he said to himself, chuckling.

>>>>>> <<<<<<

The Fountain Park's big blue clock, stood in thin metal pole, read 4:00. It was also getting sunset, since this season was winter.

There were couples, families, children and many more. The park was so clean in white. It was even made whiter because snows covered it. There were also doves and other kinds of bird. Many people fed them, mostly by little children. Many children were playing. Some were making snowmen and throwing snowballs. Their laughter can be heard. People around were smiling at these children. They even joined playing.

On the other side of the Park was an ice skating site. Many were also many people here. Lance, dressed in thick dark blue jacket and black pants, was skating joyfully. His two friends were also skating but the short-haired guy was talking on his cell phone while the spiky-haired one was eating ice cream.

"Lance," called the guy with short hair. "It's five already. We need to go now."

"Why so early?" he asked. "Are you not going to GIG by six?"

"No..." answered the spiky-haired. "Our parents told us to go home at exactly 5:30."

"Ok, I understand," he replied. "Say 'hi' to your parents for me!"

"Right!" the both said, leaving.

>>>>>> <<<<<<<

"Ice cream is still the best even in this winter season!" Lance said, licking his chocolate-flavored ice cream. When he finished it, he bought cheese-flavored waffle. He ate it while sitting on the fountain side. Chewing, he looked back at the waffle stall. All of a sudden, his eyes sparkled and his lips curved up. He hurriedly finished the waffle. He ran toward the stall. What he saw was a girl. She was none other than Claire. As always, she's buying one or two.

"Cheese and strawberry, one each," she told the vendor.

"Here," he said, giving her order. She took it and proceeded to walk.

"Miss!" Lance called out while running. He was waving his right hand up in the air.

Claire noticed the approaching figure. She stopped from walking.

He had finally arrived by her place. "Hi!" he greeted, smiling. "Do you remember me?" he asked, placing his right hand at his chest. He still had his nice smile on his lips.

She shook her head. "Do I know you?" she asked softly.

He answered, "I am from André House of Watch and Repair. I was the one who gave you your watch. That was the other night."

Her eyes rolled sideward. She put her L-shaped fingers below her chin. She was thinking. "Oh. Yeah, I remember now," she answered, not looking at him.

"I'm Lance," he introduced. "You are Claire, right?"

Upon hearing what he said, Claire quickly placed a darting look at him. He was taken aback by her cold stare.

When she saw the guy's reaction, she closed her eyes then let out a resigning sigh. "Right," she answered flatly. She didn't look at him straightly. "You knew because of the receipt, right?"

Lance was back to himself. He smiled again. "Yeah. I want to make friend with you," he said straightly, lending a hand to her. She finally looked at him, and then to his befriending hand, with wonder. .

Suddenly, a cell phone tune rang. It was Claire's. She took it from her side pocket. "Hello," she answered. "Yes, got it. I'll be there in a while. Bye." She looked back at him. "I'm in a hurry. I still need to catch the train. Excuse me," she told him, leaving. She didn't even answer his nice introduction.

"Hey, wait!" he called out, reaching a hand out. He wanted to follow her but didn't do so.

"She must be a very busy person..." he said quietly, in sad tone of voice.

He turned to the stall and bought chocolate waffle. "This is for dad."