
Vol. 6 - Chapter 93

Kaori and Ash arrived back at Jade just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. The sky had traded a sheet of violet for a dark orange tint. Kaori was so tired she fell asleep in Ash's arms for a couple of hours, as Ash had promised she'd wake her upon arriving. 

"Hey," Ash said. "Kaori, wake up." 

Kaori's eyes slowly blinked open. The wind rushed by her ear as she looked around. 

"Wha... W-WHOA!" 

Upon realizing the two of them were still in the air, the blonde tensed up. Ash's demonic hands, however, simply held her even more tightly when she felt that happen. 

"Don't worry," the half-demon told her. "I've got you." 

Hearing that let her relax a little as she turned her head to look down. Slowly, Ash descended and the two of them landed just ahead of the broken-down gates, a little bit past where the portal had been.