
Mom is mine

If you were told to choose between the child you watched grow up under your tutelage and your biological child whom you just met, who would you choose? ********** Mi Du: "Third Young Master Mo, Your older brother (Mo Lingtian) is about to propose to the love of your life" Mo Ting jolted and screamed: "Impossible!! my older brother cannot do that to me!!" *********** Mo Lingtian: "She was betrothed to me even before she was born. What are you to come in between us? you have stayed too long at home, pack your things and get ready to join the Army" ******* Lu Yan: "Sister, I have liked Mo Lang for four years, but he doesn't like me, he likes you" Wei Yang: "What is that? is it a new robot?" ******** "They are here!!!" "What is here?" "They are attacking the economy of the country! call Mo Lingtian, now!!!!" Mo Lingtian: "I don't know how to salvage the situation, Call Wei Yang and her team, she should have a solution" Wei Yang: "Sorry, I can't do it, it's above my league" How would they save themselves from the Michets who came to seek revenge for a wrong done centuries ago? How would Wei Yang who is known to be the best computer expert deal with people and Michets who could be called the computers themselves? How would the giant of the business world; Mo Lingtian save the world's economy from crumbling under the feet of Innocent Yang who wouldn't blink before turning a country to ruins? ****** "Hehehehehe... It's so funny seeing them; punny humans run around like headless chickens to try to salvage the problems we bombard them with" "You are a human too or has the system gotten into your head?" "Get lost. I stopped considering myself a human since the day those greedy humans abandoned me here just to gain power and fame. If they won't let us rule over them, we destroy them and make slaves of the survivors. Master would be happy. Hahahahahahaha...!!" "Not the 'greedy humans' but your greedy parents who sent you here to gain fame and power." **********

Hassy_101 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
266 Chs

Make them pay

Mr Lu received a hard blow when he discovered his lovely daughter wasn't his. He thought of leaving the hospital to get a little drink or something to calm his nerves while wondering if he should tell his wife what he just discovered.

On getting to the hospital's ground floor, he saw a petite looking girl– the younger version of his late mother. She walked in with her backpack slung on her shoulder. All he could see was his mother whom he loved so dearly. He didn't know when he walked up to her murmuring "Mother" under his breath and attempted to hug her but she sidestepped and avoided him. He heard her voice as mellow as a cool breeze say to him:

"Mr, please respect yourself," and walked away.

His cheeks blushed in embarrassment. "She is not my mother, what was I thinking? They only look alike... No, that can't be," he murmured and ran after the little girl but the elevator door had already closed. He looked at the elevator indicator light and saw she was going to the third floor. "That is where the XUs are!"

Mr. Lu ran for the stairs and when he got to the third floor, he saw her silhouette closing the door to Mr. Xu's ward.

He hurried to the door, intending to knock, but what he heard made him pause in his action.

"You unfilial girl! What did we do wrong to give birth to a child like you?! Your father has been hospitalized since yesterday from an accident that could have claimed his life, but here you are just coming to see him. Oh, what a bad luck... what a bad luck!" She lamented and slapped her chest a couple of times.

"I just heard about it. I was in school all through yesterday, receiving extra..."Mrs Xu interrupted her.

"Shut it! Just shut your mouth! What school? What do you even know?" She scoffed, "the last exam you wrote, you took the last position in class. What are you studying for? Don't think we would waste money on you to go to the university. It will never be possible! If it wasn't by your own means you entered high school, I would have gotten you married by now... Wait, I just remembered something. How could I have forgotten something so important!" She hit herself hard on the head.

She walked to her husband who was lying on the bed, sat beside him and held his hand and massaged it gently.

"Honey, yesterday morning, Madam Yu from the Yu family came to me to propose marriage."

Mr Xu's eyes lit up. He gestured with his hand for her to help him sit up. His injuries were not serious anyway. Once he was seated, he uttered with a light spirit.

"That is a good idea, being in-laws with the uprising Yu family will give our failing company a boost." The more he thought of the benefit he would get from having relations with the Yu family, the happier he became. He smiled widely, and questioned. "Which of their Young Masters are they peering with our Yangyang?"

"The Third Young Master, Yu Baifang," she sneaked a look at Mr Xu and as expected he scowled.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Have you lost your mind? That is a cripple! A cripple who has married and killed his three wives within the space of three months. He cannot even father a child. You want to marry our only daughter to him? Su Yin!" He roared as his face turned red from anger.

Wei Yang, who was peeling fruits by the window, paused. She raised her head to look at her mother and an unnoticeable glint flashed through her eyes. She turned her head back down and continued peeling the apples.

Mr. Lu, who was by the door, forced himself to stay calm. He balled his hands in tight fists– knuckles cracking, while thinking of a thousand ways to make the XUs and YUs suffer a fate worse than death.

Madam Xu shivered from fright. Whenever he calls her by her full name, she knows he was really pissed off.

Was she going to give up this great opportunity? Of course not. She forced her racing heart to calm down and pushed forward.

"Let me finish please, I know you love her so much, so do I." Mr Xu rolled his eyes when he heard that.

"I want the best for her. I am her mother after all," she said regretfully. If only she could swap this ill fated daughter of hers, she would have done so a long time ago.

"I know that the Third Young Master of the Yu family is a little out of it, that is because his late wives were not obedient. Our Wei Yang is a very obedient girl and she is way more beautiful than all the young ladies in Misty City. No man can reject our Wei Yang."

Hearing that, Mr. Lu glanced at Wei Yang. His daughter was indeed very beautiful.

Seeing that her husband didn't refute her, Mrs. Xu continued, "Yu Baifang is not an exception. Their company has just collaborated with the Lu cooperation. Once the project between both companies kick off, the YUs will be in the top twenty richest families in the city," she paused, then continued.

"Although, Wei Yang will not be able to have babies, so what? She will be the Young Madam of the Yu family. She will enjoy wealth and status and our company will be revived. That was what Mrs Yu promised me. Think about it, honey."

Staring at her husband, she saw that Mr. Xu's face had returned to normal— which means he was thinking about it. Her suspended heart finally calmed down and she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a tempting offer. If Wei Yang could get married into the Yu family, their Xu family will be reborn from Ashes. But the third son of the Yu family is not just a cripple, he is a sadist, he derives joy in torturing people and seeing them helpless. What if his daughter didn't get to live long like all his three wives, would the Yu family side-line them?

Mr. Xu had his concern.

It was as if Madam Xu read his thoughts and she quickly added, "Madam Yu promised me that if any mishap occurs later in their marriage, provided it was their son's fault, they will not break ties with us. We will be compensated instead," she smiled.

Mishap could mean death, but Madam Xu kept that to herself and didn't tell her husband.

Mr Xu looked at his daughter who was peeling him fruits like none of what was being discussed in the room concerned her. He felt a throbbing pain in his head. This attitude of hers is what her mother hated the most.

"We will talk about it later. What about the young girl who donated her blood to me?" he changed the topic.

CEO Lu who heard all that was said in the room was so angry that his body shook. He took out his phone and placed a call to his Assistant as he walked away from the door.

"Feng Li, I want to see the result of the investigation I told you to carry out on the Xu family on my desk tomorrow morning. Do not leave a single thing out. Especially their daughter Xu Wei Yang. I want to see everything about her, from when she was born to now... And also, include the way she was treated in that family over the years."

He hung up after hearing an answer from the other end. Mr. Lu turned around, not forgetting to give the not so properly closed door a glare before he stumped off.