
Mom is mine

If you were told to choose between the child you watched grow up under your tutelage and your biological child whom you just met, who would you choose? ********** Mi Du: "Third Young Master Mo, Your older brother (Mo Lingtian) is about to propose to the love of your life" Mo Ting jolted and screamed: "Impossible!! my older brother cannot do that to me!!" *********** Mo Lingtian: "She was betrothed to me even before she was born. What are you to come in between us? you have stayed too long at home, pack your things and get ready to join the Army" ******* Lu Yan: "Sister, I have liked Mo Lang for four years, but he doesn't like me, he likes you" Wei Yang: "What is that? is it a new robot?" ******** "They are here!!!" "What is here?" "They are attacking the economy of the country! call Mo Lingtian, now!!!!" Mo Lingtian: "I don't know how to salvage the situation, Call Wei Yang and her team, she should have a solution" Wei Yang: "Sorry, I can't do it, it's above my league" How would they save themselves from the Michets who came to seek revenge for a wrong done centuries ago? How would Wei Yang who is known to be the best computer expert deal with people and Michets who could be called the computers themselves? How would the giant of the business world; Mo Lingtian save the world's economy from crumbling under the feet of Innocent Yang who wouldn't blink before turning a country to ruins? ****** "Hehehehehe... It's so funny seeing them; punny humans run around like headless chickens to try to salvage the problems we bombard them with" "You are a human too or has the system gotten into your head?" "Get lost. I stopped considering myself a human since the day those greedy humans abandoned me here just to gain power and fame. If they won't let us rule over them, we destroy them and make slaves of the survivors. Master would be happy. Hahahahahahaha...!!" "Not the 'greedy humans' but your greedy parents who sent you here to gain fame and power." **********

Hassy_101 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
266 Chs

Aspiring Son-In-Law

"Thank you for informing me, I will see to it that it never happens again," Lu Kang Song said to Wei Yang.

"Mum said you wanted me here after school" If it were up to her, she wouldn't want to come here. She has a lot of things piling up for her to do. If she had known her space would be invaded like this, she wouldn't have gone home with them.

Lu Kang Song was stunned. She just called mum. What about him? She hasn't called him father yet. He cleared his throat and said "Yes, I did. I wanted to...." He remembered there were guests in the office and changed his wording. "I wanted to introduce you to the workers and the company at large. You are my daughter you should be taught from young how the business world works" he had done the same to Lu Yan in the past, but her talent doesn't lie in business management so he gave up.

Mo Lingtian smirked. Does WY have to be taught how to run a company?

Qi Mozi smiled faintly.

"Oh," Wei Yang said indifferently.

"Ok, before that, let me attend to my guests. Feng Li, send her to the room to rest for a while" Lu Kang Song said to Assistant Li.

Assistant Li took Wei Yang to the room connected to the CEO'S office.


The room was painted white with a touch of earth tone here and there. The room was large with a bed, wine bar, table, and a couch. She sat on the couch and assistant Li offered to serve her drinks but she refused him politely. She saw two business magazines on the table and picked the closest one to read.

It was a Magazine from last week with the glaring headline.


She flipped over and read through the article. It was as she heard in school, nothing was added aside that CEO Yu fell sick. She dropped that and took the other one. It was about the meeting the Mo groups held with the CEOs this morning. She dropped it and felt bored. She stared at the walls and saw a picture of a woman hanging on it. She walked closer to it and the face she saw surprised her. She had heard since got into the Lu household that she looked like her grandmother. She didn't think they would be this identical.

The woman in the picture has an oval face, beautifully curved eyebrows, deep and mesmerizing eyes that held coldness that a person can't look into for too long without feeling they were being sucked in. A pointed small nose, natural colored lips which held a small smirk. Long straight black hair. She wore a black dress that highlighted her curves. She stood on the stairs and place a hand on the railing.

The difference between the woman and Wei Yang was that she appeared small and inexperienced compared to the woman in the picture, Wei Yang's arrogance is constrained but the woman was Unbridled. She has a condescending look like she was looking down on the world. Such arrogance. Wei Yang paused her lips. 'Is she really dead?' she thought.

On the other side, Lu Kang Song and Mo Ling tian were having a stare-down competition. Qi Mozi cleared his throat and said "We can settle this amicably"

"There's nothing to settle," Lu Kang Song said. His face turned ugly.

"Does the Lu family wants to go back on their words?" Mo Lingtian asked with a smirk formed on his lips.

"That is not true, but I can't allow that right now. She is too young. She is only sixteen" Lu Kang Song said with displeasure. He had just found his daughter and this guy...

"Turning seventeen in a few days" Mo Ling tian corrected. "I can wait a few more years, I have been waiting all these years anyway. Two more years shouldn't be a problem"

"You are already twenty-five and she's only sixteen. Two years from now she will be eighteen and you will be twenty-seven" he paused to catch his breath. "Mo Ling tian don't you think a difference of nine years is too much?" Lu Kang Song asked, hoping he could change his mind.

"Not at all. It's just a case of an old cow eating young grass. But don't worry, I'm not barbaric. I will wait until she comes of age. We can have our engagement on her seventeenth birthday to create awareness. I wouldn't want someone stepping on my toes, it would be bloody" he didn't want someone snatching away his woman just because he was waiting for her to grow up.

Qi Mozi flattened his lips when he heard that. Pain flashed through his eyes for a brief moment as he slowly balled his fist before loosening it, then smiled. 

By now Lu Kang Song's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. "What if we didn't find her?" He asked. His voice was devoid of warmth. He no longer cared who was sitting in front of him.

"I'm not so stupid and shallow to think that one in your house is your real daughter. You were blinded by the love you had for her. Besides my grandmother made it clear, she said when I see my betrothed, I would know her. If you had not found her yourself, I would have done so for you." Mo Lingtian said in a languid voice.

"What if she doesn't want to be married to you, will you force her?"

"I won't, but she won't reject me either"

"How do you know that Mo Ling Tian? Do you want to terrorize my daughter?!" He yelled whilst jolting up from his seat.

"Relax Mr. Song, why are you so worked up? Do I look like a terrorist? Come on, your daughter is not someone that could be terrorized, you should have known that by now" he sat upright and bent forward so that his face was close enough for Lu Kang Song's view.

'I wonder if Lu Kang Song can't see his face properly from where he is sitting though' Mozi snorted. 

"What I mean is, I won't give her the chance to reject me and I will advise you to not get in between my pursuit of her because she has been betrothed to me even before she was born. Don't make me tell your father about this, I bet you wouldn't want her taken away from you"

"Are you threatening me? You think you can be my son-in-law with the way you are behaving right now? Dream on" he snorted.

"You are wrong Mr. Song, I have been your son-in-law since the day your daughter was born. It seems you are going to go back on the family's arrangement." he rested his back on the chair and said u hurriedly: "I think I will have to pay a visit to your father. It has been long I saw him, I believe he will be happy to talk about life with me," he threatened. If Patriarch Lu learns that his beloved son is against the arrangement made years back, he is definitely going to fly into a fit of rage.

"You dare!!!" Lu Kang Song roared. And Mo Lingtian snickered. Getting that Old man angry is something you shouldn't dream of doing. The outcome is always disastrous.

"Fine" he sighed. "Let me talk to her first and see how it goes. Keep in mind that I will not allow anyone to force her into what she doesn't accept."

"Hm. I will be on my way now. See you soon father-in-law," he smiled and stood up.

Qi Mozi shook his head and thought. 'I have never seen an aspiring son-in-law treat their would-be father-in-law this way'.

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