
CHAPTER 32 Fat Good Walk

- Listen carefully. Meili said loudly. "I don't think it's good for us all to go out. We were too thick and we would have seen clearly. My suggestion is to go outside and have a good look around. If there is a phone call, Ishal will immediately contact the Chief Inspector and alert him to send someone here immediately."

- Ugh, yes! Beth is happy to be saved. "Then we'll go around and see if we can find the prince, but if they plan on taking off right away, I don't think there'll be enough time to stop the helicopter that's going with him," Miley said. . "How's the gun doing?" Larry asked. "Are you looking for him?"

- Good. I'll be sure to look. Fati said. "But the most important thing now is to contact your boss and see if you can stop the prince from flying. Now all you have to do is shut up and wait. You have to lock yourself again, in case someone comes. and sees the door open."

"What if someone comes and doesn't see you there?" Beth said suddenly, surprised. "I don't expect him to notice." Fatty said. "They didn't count us, I'm sure!" Well, long!"

"See you soon!" others whispered. "good luck!"

After carefully locking the back door and inserting the key into the lock, Mily disappeared down the hall. He was very attentive. They had a great opportunity at a crucial time, and Mayly didn't want to miss it!

Hand phone! Finding him was the most important thing. Where was it? Downstairs, of course. In the hallway, it would probably be very uncomfortable to get down here. You must have heard. Gracie had an idea. Sometimes people have phones in their bedrooms. For example, she made it possible for her mother to order groceries or talk to her friends if she had a cold. It can be a bedroom. I decided to look fat. Then things will be much easier. He looked at one room, then the other. Two of them are farms, so they are very luxuriously decorated. His fat eyes looked around and rested on the door of one of them. Then his face lit up. There was a pale green telephone next to the big green bed at the end of the room! Father! Maybe it can connect and make an inaudible call? She tiptoed around the room, first gently closing the back door. He crawled under the bed with the whole phone, hoping his voice would die there. She answered the phone and said her heart was racing to hear him speak. Does the stock market respond? With great relief he heard the voice speak. - Give me your number.

He gave the number in a thick voice. "This is a police number," he said urgently. "Can you pick me up quickly?"

Thirty minutes later, another voice calls. "This is the police station."

— That's what Frederick Trotville says. Patty lowered her voice. "I want a lieutenant right now."

There was a break. At that moment, the corpse's voice was heard, and Mai's heart leapt with joy. "Frederick? What?"

- Listen carefully. maily said. "I'm on a farm in the middle of the Rylingham moors. I'm sure the stolen prince is here too. The helicopter is hovering and I think we have reached the decisive moment

We are prisoners. But I managed to get a phone call. We're all here, M2. Can you send people? An amazing silence passed. He could imagine the fat boss's surprised expression. Then his clear voice came over the front line. "Yes. i will send Wait until we come and see if you can stop the prince from flying! If anyone can do it, so can you, Frederick! good job!"

The phone is off. Greasy thankfully puts the tube back on. It will come in handy sooner or later. Now he hid a little and was free to see what he could find. If only he could know where the prince is!

Fatty carefully got out from under the bed and placed the phone on the desk. He headed for the door. Everything was quiet. I quietly opened the door and looked down the hall. No one was visible. "Look at the locked door." Patty thought. "That's my only bright idea right now. Now suppose I have two wings on a farm and I'm in the middle. We must be confined to one wing. Maybe there is a prince in someone else," he said.

He leaned very carefully out of the window to see where the other wing of the house led out. Once he noticed a crack in the hot window. Oh, that would definitely be a camera!

He backed away and walked down the hall. Was there any other way into the building besides the stairs and hallways? may be. Fatty reached the top of the stairs. Jos heard voices coming from the room and saw something through the crowded window. It was a helicopter! Slowly descending with a whirring rotor! Fattywatchedit disappeared behind a building that looked like a large barn. You must have a landing pad. He frowned. There was no time to waste. The prince can be banished immediately!

He went behind the landing pad and found a small, narrow passage. Maybe against the other wing! He followed her carefully and quietly and ran as he thought about the building on the other side of the house. "Now find a room with a blind window!" Fatty thought happily, then shuddered in shock as she heard the door close and lock and a man's voice speaking loudly. Leaning back behind the curtains that covered the window, Maily could barely breathe. The sound of footsteps passed him and headed for a large landing with stairs. After all the noise, Mayly came back. He quickly walked down the hall past two open doors and closed one!

It was blocked! Fortunately, the key was in the lock. Fatty turned, opened the door and looked inside.

A brown boy with a grimace looked up. He was about the size of Pippi and very similar in shape and color to the gypsy boy Rollo. - Are you Bonga and Prince? Maily whispered. The boy nodded and looked at his brother from the doorway with a puzzled expression. "Well then... I saved you." Maily whispered. 'Come on.' The boy ran to the door and began to speak in a foreign language. 'Remain silent!' Mary said quickly. "You can bring everything here! Come with me, shut up!"

The boy followed him and suddenly became silent. The party locked the door behind him. Then, heart pounding, he led the boy down the arrow corridor, through the landing of stairs, and down the corridor to the other wing. The others opened the door and pushed the boy inside. Everyone was amazed by Mai's smiling face and terrifying and bizarre new appearance. - I found the prince. Mary said happily. "I thought this was the safest place to hide it. It can fit in that closet. No one can imagine finding him in the room we lock him in! "Oh, Mary, you're full of good ideas!" Beth said. "Poor prince! He will wonder what is going on.

The prince spoke beautiful English and gave a small bow. "I've always been a prisoner," he said. "I was unhappy and scared. You are my friend?'

"Oh yes." Betts said warmly. "Of course. If you're with Mai, you'll be safe!"

"I found the phone and texted my boss," Maily couldn't stop smiling. "Holly - what a surprise the nest saw the police marching through the moors and surrounding the farm!" "Honestly, you're reactive, Fatty." Em said. "I think you should be a lieutenant right now, Ido!"

"Did you find Mr. Gunn?" asked Daisy. Patty shook her head. "No, I've never seen or heard of him." I'm starting to wonder if it's finally here.

"Well, we thought he did!" Beth said. - Otherwise we wouldn't have come! Then we will miss everything!"

"Did you see the helicopter crash?" asked Daisy. "Suddenly I saw a landing behind that big barn.

"Yes, acid..." Maily began, then stopped and listened. Others heard it too. They heard a scream - the door slammed shut and their feet jumped! What happens? — They found that the prince was not in his room! Fatty said with a bright smile. "What a surprise for them!" Now the bear has something to see! A helicopter is already ready to pick him up. The prince could not be found! Come into this closet, princes, shut up. It doesn't make a sound."

The prince quickly entered the closet. Gambling closed the door on him. They listened quietly to the noise on the other side. Then there was the loud creaking of footsteps on the wooden planks along the hall. Suddenly their door opened. A gray man with glowing eyes looked inside. - Maybe here! - He cried. "These kids could be around him somehow. Find a room!"