

start working

Temash was an unknown place. It was very green and full of the most annoying flies. Emnearly was going crazy with them and the rest were almost passing out at Em's constant questions and grumblings!

"Hey, there's a house or something over there." Suddenly, Maily said. "Look where there are trees on this high ground."

"It's nice to see the tree again." Daisy said. "I started to forget.

Hey, stop knocking. You're going to make me run, it's too hot.

- Let's go on this little road. Mayly said. And they stopped at a point where the arrow road forked from the main road they were on. "It's like being behind a bush. It's like a forest, where we can explore without being seen."

"What scouting is," Betsatonse said. "He's a spy." Maily said. "If Rylingham Marshx is hiding from old Tallery, the prince and his captors, we don't want to get caught."

But they were caught! They shot arrows through the bushes and looked carefully at their feet to make sure they were safe, and the two climbed near a bend in the path. They were hidden behind a huge mass and could not be seen. When a silent ghost suddenly appeared, the children stopped and startled. The men look like ordinary villagers, but they both spoke with a very dark and strange accent. "Hello." Meili said as she recovered. - Yushiril!

"Why are you crossing this dangerous swamp?" asked a man. "It's not good for the kids."

"Hey, let's go." Mary said. — Work in nature. We don't go in. You know, that's what the swamp has in common.

"But you're broken." Another spoke and looked at his dark wife Fatty. "This land belongs to my mother's farm. Should I meet him?

- Yes, - Maily said. "Okay, we mean no harm. Now that we've gotten this far, let's move on to the next page.

"It's not like this." The first man spoke and sat in Mai's path. "You can go back to the main road. I said you're breaking it."

"What's going on, can't we do this?" - Meili said impatiently. "They'll think you have something to hide!"

"Look Isaiah!" Larry said suddenly, pointing to the sky. 'what is this? Helicopter of course! God, isn't it locked? It will sink!"

One person spoke primitive words in a foreign language to another. They both looked at the helicopter in the air. Then the first Fatty pushed back hard. "Not." He said. "Boys, do as you're told. "Get back on the road and away from this swamp, see?" Mayly tripped and almost drowned in the water on the side of the road. Angry that someone touched her girlfriend Miley, Emdo pushed the man hard. I lost my balance and fell into a swamp!

The man who fell into the swamp was very angry. He went out and gave orders to others in a foreign language. - You can go with us. the second man said sadly to Maily. "Did you hear that?" He is ahead of us on this narrow road. We'll show you what we mean when we say break in!

The helicopter was still hovering above them. The men suddenly seemed to be in a hurry. They allowed the children to walk in the narrow streets and were ahead of everyone. Then he forced them forward quickly. Nobody said anything. thought Mary. The helicopter was about to land. Where? There should be a small landing pad nearby. Who will take it? Prince? He still hasn't caught up. These people were on the lookout for anyone who passed through the swamp that day. It was clear that something was wrong. The two did not obey and took the children. The bat got scared and stayed next to Mai. Ern was too scared and forgot to swat the fly. Meanwhile, the helicopter hovered above us until it signaled to land. Around the corner, they came to a large farm yard. Pigs are ugly and so are chickens

he's walking Suddenly it seemed very homely and rustic. The ducks were quaking in the water and the horses looked up from the drinking party and looked at the small herd. Behind the garden was a very large farm. The exposed chimney is old, probably built in the Elizabethan era. Not far from them was a small door in the attic of a poor house. The men rushed the children to open, pushed them all in, and hit them when they thought one was not enough. On one passage is a steep, narrow curved staircase, and on another passage, the wooden planks are very old and uneven. The hall was dark and Bets didn't like it at all. He placed a hand on Mai's hand and squeezed it tightly. They came to the door. It was opened by someone before him. "Here you go." As he spoke, everyone came inside. Fatty stepped through the door as the man tried to lock it. "What are you doing this for?" he asked. "You know it's going to be difficult, right?" We are just walking children. What's the secret?"

- You will stay here for a few days. said the man "There is a reason. You came at a bad time for yourself. Smart, nothing will happen.

He kicked Mai's leg and slammed the door. Six children heard the key turn in the lock. Then they heard the footsteps of two men hurrying down the hall. Mary looked around the room. It was small and dark and decorated with oak. It was a small stained glass window. Geranois looked out. Fall into the clear! No one could safely climb up there. "Brother! What is all this?' Ern said in a fearless voice. "excellent!" - Can I tell you what I think? – he said in a fat voice. "I think the hometown and the prince were taken here and hid when they were stolen from the car. I guess he's locked up here until something is done to evacuate him somehow - and that's why these helicopters are coming! He landed somewhere here, and soon the prince boarded the ship and no one heard of him!

The bet trembled. "I don't like you saying that." She said. "Milli, what are we going to do?" Do you think they will harm us?

- No, - Maily said. "I think we're mad, but they think we're six kids out for a walk. They didn't know they were following the old Goon or know what was going on here.

"But what are we going to do?" Beth spoke again. "I hate this place. I want out."

— I hear the helicopter again. said Pip. "It sounds closer. You have to get off.

"Do you think Gunn is in jail too? Larry said. "I never saw or heard of him. He probably didn't come to Railingham Marsh." "It's impossible," said Mayly. He went to the door and tried. it was locked He looked at the door. Old but very sturdy and durable. No one can break it!

- Go out the locked door, Patty. Daisy said suddenly. - It's a nice place under the door. I think I can take care of him.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Fatty said. "The only thing is a newspaper or a large sheet. And today there are no newspapers. I do not care!"

"I have an addiction." Em said suddenly. "Would you like that?" How would you like it, Patty?

- Enter this locked door. said Fatty Em, surprising him. As she fished from her pocket, Em pulled out a crumpled and tattered comic book and handed it to Patty. - Well done. Mayly said happily. He took the strip and spread out the double sheet in the middle. He slipped carefully under the door, leaving only a small corner.

his part. surprised, surprised How can this open a closed door? He pulled a small leather pouch from his fat pocket and opened it. Inside were lots of cool tools and coils of wire. He took out the oily thread and fixed it. He inserted it into the keyhole and began to carefully work the key. He pushed and moved and then suddenly pushed too hard and the key slipped through the keyhole behind the door and fell to the floor. His mouth is open. He couldn't tell what Mai was doing until she died. But others knew. They've seen Fatty do the trick behind closed doors before!

"I want you to write it down." Mayly said, bending down and pulling the paper back under the door. He pulled it gently, very gently. More and more strips and joy appeared, finally the key appeared under the door, in the other half of the double sheet! Here they were at the door. fatty!

emotional. His eyes almost popped out of his head. - Fisherman Kuyu! he told the party. "You're a genius."

"Shh, M." Patty said. Put the key in the lock next to the door and turn it. The door opened. Now everyone can go for free!