

All he could do was run away from his brother. "Did you see that fat man today?" Looking slowly at Ernst, Mr. Goon asked.

Careful. - No, uncle. said M.

"Have you seen the princess there before?" my brother asked. - No, uncle. - M said embarrassed. "You mean you're not following him?" - Do you know where he lives? If you can't find Harder to Find, Mr. Goon said. "Why don't you ask Mai?" Em said innocently. "He knows very well. I hope he sees it every day. Ku probably knows something about his brother's disappearance. I never thought of that! "

- Now listen, M. said solemnly to the soldiers. "Do you remember Lieutenant Jenks?" Well, we talked about the same disappearance today on the phone. And he entrusted me with the case. I will try to find the princess to ask her. But do you think I can find the naughty boy and ask him about it? nowhere! I think he disappeared on purpose too!"

He took the bike and listened carefully. He thought he was running from Fat Goon. It seemed very reasonable. Maybe Fatty was involved here too? Perhaps - oh joy - suddenly a riddle appeared under his nose. Maybe Fatty didn't want to reveal what he knew about the princess, so Mr. I would have avoided Goon. He suddenly laughed and his older brother was amazed. "Why are you laughing all of a sudden?" he asked suspiciously. He didn't answer. his smile disappeared. — I have a young Em. cried the gentleman. Goon said. "I'll catch you in Peterswood dealing with the boy's plague, and we'll drive you and Sydand Perce out of camp.

Double Quick Time - Can you hear me? You know nothing about this incident. I know you and your ways - talk about this and that! This time I tell the boy it's my responsibility and he'll be in a lot of trouble if he doesn't tell me everything he knows about the princess before I drink tea so I can report to the inspector. . It's a very complex matter."

After the long speech, Gunn took a deep breath. in the barn. The chickens that had roamed the door screamed and scattered in an instant. He got on his bike and sped away. "Go tell the boy I want him!" Mr. Gun shouted blankly. - I won't follow him anymore!

Assured that he had escaped his uncle without handcuffs, he quickly approached Mayri. He hoped to find Fatty's house. He was lucky! Fatty was watching Gun with the others in the palace. He told his story and was disappointed that others knew the prince had disappeared from the paper. "And this princess, Fatty?" said M. "Doesn't he know about your brother?"

"Well, she wasn't a real princess." "It's time for them to own up to their jokes," Mayri said. "Here is a young Betz dressed in Moroccan clothes. His cousin was Daisy and the others were Larry and Pip!

"Kim-Larriana-Tick, I will serve you." Larry bowed his head. "Kim-beep-thock." Pip lowered his head again. surprised, surprised He rubbed his eyes with his hands. he looked again "Robaduk!" he said at last, "No, I can't believe it!" You just got dressed, little Betts! And you looked like a real princess. Gossip with good reason! Now my sister wants to see you Fatty, she wants to ask about the princess and of course you don't want to see her! Get it right, we did it! I have the national umbrella and all that!"

Bett started laughing. "Good job, M," she said. "Oh, I'm not good at languages!" Onnamatta Tickle Doll!"

"I like being able to say that," Em said. "But what would the inspector say about that?" My uncle told him all about the princess this morning and said he would take care of it!

He says I'm completely gone! He has also met the princess and needs to tell her where she lives so he can interview her.

fat moaning. "I knew you did! Why did I do this! Because you came when you did, M. I should have called the inspector general and told him everything. I think he will laugh.

"You better go and do it now." Pip said nervously. "We don't want Gunraun complaining about us again. Take the investigator and everything will be fine.

"Right." Miley stood up and said. 'I'm going right now. private! If I'm not back in five minutes, you know the inspector will swallow me!

He went home on the garden path. The others looked at each other solemnly. What would the police say when they heard the princess wasn't there? To make matters worse, what would Gon say? He would have told everything to the inspector. You wouldn't like it at all if you knew it was a joke!