

two unfavorable stories

The Chief Inspector was not very pleased that M was outclassed. At first he couldn't stand it and his voice was too high-pitched. Inspector Jenks said: "The First Goon tells a nasty story about a princess who says she is Prince Bongawa's sister. Now you're me and they say there's no one there. It's just Bets dressed up," Inspector Jenks said. "Not enough, Frederick." A joke is a joke, but I think you're overreacting this time. He could have done some more useful research. You said a lot of nonsense.

"OK." said the poor vet. "Actually, all this happened by chance.

Little did we know that Prince Bongawe would disappear as we dress up and name Bets Princess of Bongawe. It was a very unfortunate coincidence. I mean, we never thought it would happen."

"Yes." said the leader—You have an ingenious talent for understanding the nature of the matter, Frederick, have you not? coincidence or not. You will cry about it! By the way, how does her cousin - such a strange name - have anything to do with this crazy princess?

"He accidentally came in while we were changing," explained Fatty. "Did you know that he and his twin brothers are camped in a field near where the little prince landed? He must be one of those hats. Otherwise he would have noticed something.

There was a break. "Yes." Finally, the voice of the chief prosecutor came out. "I'm not going to ask them, but I don't think he's going to get much from them either way. It would be nice to see if you can find something, Frederick, but you don't deserve to come here for your madness.

"No sir." Maily said modestly with a smile on her face. "I'm going in here!" That means a little more detective work. Ah! So this holiday is going to be so much fun!

"good." Inspector Jenks said. "Make up with Gunif and tell him to call me later. She will not be happy with you, Frederick. And I. Erase these black dots as fast as possible!'

Without even saying goodbye, the supervisor called and I heard the Fat receiver go back into place. He sat with his back against the wall, deep in thought. He was excited but anxious. She accidentally hooks up with Prince Bongawa because Bets dresses up as a princess and Ern sees her! How did he know that the prince had disappeared and that old man Gun would immediately spread the word about his mythical sister? like Gon! Always on the wrong things!

I bring the news to Goon that the princess will be very offended.

It was just a joke with Bonga. He wasn't quite there. This was high stakes in the hands of old Goon!

"I joke too much." Maily thought to herself. "But if we leave out all the gimmicks and jokes that we love, it's going to be a really bad lifestyle and stuff. We have them so well. Just imagine. Hey, Goon is coming through the front door! Now for him!"

Fat Gun went to the front door before even knocking. He didn't want to hear what Gun's mother had to say. Gunn looked at Patty in disbelief. "Look, I've been after you all day and you answered the door before I knocked!" hc said. "Where have you been?"

"I do not care." maily said. "Come into this room, sir. I have something to tell you.'

He led the tall policeman into a small office, and Gunz sat down in a chair in surprise. - I have a lot to ask you. he began to speak — I've been following you all day for information.

"Yes. Well, you get a lot of information, Mayly said. "I'm afraid this will surprise you, Mr. Gun. There was an unfortunate misunderstanding.

"There it is!" said Mr Goon, annoyed by May's speech. "I don't want to know about the unfortunate misunderstanding. I want to know what it is. Princess Bonga, Princess Bonga, I want to ask your name." — Bongabi. Maily said politely. "I wanted to talk about him. He does not exist."

Gon didn't understand at all. He looked at Mary. Then he stabbed the boy in the face with a fat finger. "Now you look here and you can pretend you're not there, but I saw it with my own eyes. It's important in this situation, okay? You may say that I don't know him now or where he is, but that doesn't do me any good. I am responsible for this and I am looking for answers to my questions. Where is this princess now?

restless. "Well, I said it wasn't." He said. "There's no such thing as a princess. It's just what Beth wears."

Gon blushed and opened his eyes again. He opened his mouth and looked angry. What was the boy doing? The princess is dressed! How stupid! Did you not hear with your own ears what he said in a foreign language? "You are making up your own story, Master Frederick." Finally he said "Not only did I see the princess, but I listened to her. He told all foreigners. He who does not know a foreign language cannot speak a foreign language."

- Yes you can. - said Maily. "You can speak 'foreign language' for 30 minutes if you want." listen!"

He is Mr. You said something stupid and completely incomprehensible to hurt Goon. He blinked. How did this boy? "There he is." Maily finally spoke. "Is simple! Listen, Mr. Gun. If you understand what I'm saying, loosen your tongue and speak at high speed. It makes no sense. This is total nonsense. Try." Mr. Gunn didn't even try. Can you get rid of your hip pain? At least not for me! If you're single, you might as well give it a try. In fact, it might be a good idea. He can also "speak in a foreign language" when he wants to. Mr. Gun commented that he should try it when he is alone. "saw?" – said Maily to the surprised policeman. "I'll loosen my tongue, Gun." Dr. Anyway, that's what Betts and others did. We don't speak 'foreign languages' as you say.''

"You mean Em's parade was put on by Beth and her friends?" Poor Gun, sticking out his tongue at last, said: - How about a national umbrella?

Mai was blessed. - Yes, it was my mother's golf umbrella. He said. "I tell you, it was all a joke, sir.