
Mistaken for a surrogate: Mommy doesn't want a husband

He mistook her for his surrogate and she mistaken him as a rapist...... Ning Li, the sister of the wealthiest man in the world, known for her arrogance and black heart was actually a woman with an innocent heart. Six years ago, she wanted to give herself to her boyfriend and to create a surprise for him, she didn't tell him about it. She opened his room's door and was about to enter when she heard her best friend's moaning sound and her boyfriend's soft groan. 'Can someone tell her what was going on?' Her gentlemanly boyfriend and her cute and pitiful best friend were actually like this behind her back. 'Thank goodness I haven't give my virginity to him' She thought and left. But she went to a bar instead because she was sad about their betrayal and she get herself drunk. She went to her hotel's room and slept, forgetting to lock the door. ........ Qin Mo, a legendary figure in the business world, known for his otherworldly look and his ruthless temperament for the first time in his life actually made a mistake that night. He misheard a number....... ****** Three months later, Ning Li insisted on studying abroad and her brother tried his best to make her stay but she refused and six years later, she returned with her beautiful child star daughter and her cold and aloof son. Everyone was shocked. "Is this another Mary getting pregnant without touching a man?" This is a story about a man and a woman who came from the center of power and caught up in the middle of many schemes and conspiracies, once is a coincidence and twice is coincidences. But what if it happens more than twice....... then it is fate. SORRY, THIS NOVEL IS DROPPED FOR NOW.

Tiff_Lin · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 1 Betrayed.

Ning Li's POV

"Here is the key, Miss" The manager handed the key to me with a flattering smile. Even if he smile at me with hatred, I probably wouldn't even mind because I was going to meet the love of my life.

I am a little eager and nervous, we had a fight two days ago before he returned to his hometown and I am here to please him by using my body to tell him how much he meant to me.

People says the first time hurt, I close my eyes and inhaled deeply as I walked to his room with determination.

When I get to room 3088, I inserted the key and the door slowly opened with a light push, the room was dark and I can feel my heart pumping against my chest so hard as if it wanted to get out, out of nervousness maybe.

I stilled my heart and was about to step in when I suddenly heard a female voice that belongs to a person I knew, it was my best friend's;

"Brother Sheng, I am tired"

My movement paused and I was shocked, 'tired?' and what does it have to do with my boyfriend, I don't get it and what was this girl even doing in my boyfriend's room and also when did she started addressing him as brother.

I have an ominous feeling and I can faintly guess something in my heart which I wouldn't even believe if you hit me and so I quickly dismiss that thought and thought instead;

'Maybe she came to do her assignment' until when I heard the voice of the person I came looking for, Gu Sheng.

"Little Xi, let do it just one more time, okay?" His voice that was always gentle and soft was now husky and I suddenly felt so disgusted, I can't be so stupid to not have known what was going on in front of me.

I heard my friend, Bai Xi groaned softly as she complained with her sultry voice;

"Are you sure is just one time more?, why are you never satisfied no matter how many times we did it, I feel like my legs are about to break" I heard her swallow as she continued grumpily "only god knew if I would be able to step out of the bed tomorrow"

"I love you so much babe, are you expecting me to go and have sex with someone else?''

"Didn't you always say that to that bitch of a girl?"

'Bitch of a girl, is she referring to me?' I thought as I continue to listen to their conversation.

"I am telling you the truth while I am lying to her so don't compare yourself with that fool, I am only with her because I wanted to get support from her brother to fund my start-up. Who would like an arrogant and an orphan girl like her?"

I heard some movement and it was then followed with Bai Xi moaning softly as she asked softly;

"When are you going to break up with her?, she is such an eyesore"

"Don't worry sooner or later, I will"

My head became so light, my heart was hurting so bad, I am trying so hard to not let my tears fall. I know now that I was betrayed by my demure best friend and my pure boyfriend.

'So, brother was right' I thought.

My brother had warned me about this matter, telling me that Gu Sheng was not the right man for me but I always said that he was mean and didn't want me to be happy so he didn't complain anymore and just let me be.

I have no parents and my brother was like a father to me since when our parents died, he was only 12 at that time and since then he always dotes on I and my other two siblings whom my mother died after giving birth to, and my father who rushed home from his business trip when he heard about her death, but unfortunately for him, on his way home, he had an accident which cost his life.

My grandfather died shortly after due to depression leaving behind my grandmother who raised us and protects us since then.

I have always listen to my brother except when it comes to Gu Sheng.

As a spoiled lady of a wealthy family, I am very arrogant and also because of my personality I only have two friends that I can say that they were my best friends and also some fake that are with me because of my background.

However, I met Gu Sheng, who was so kind to me and always cheer me up whenever I was down, and most especially, he made me feel like a woman.

Bai Xi was one of the two friends I had, she was a daughter of a mistress of a wealthy family and she has a gentle character and was also pretty while my second friend, Tang Zhi was just like me, we were both famous for our looks and figures but most especially our bad tempers and arrogance.

'Tang Zhi warn me several but I don't listen to her' I thought in regret.

'Now is not the time though'

The man and woman's moans and grunts could be hear in the room as they enjoyed themselves but Ning Li felt nothing more than pure torture. The couples continued with their love making not knowing that their biggest secret has been revealed.

Ning Li then closed the door as she drags her feet down the corridor and left the hotel.

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