
Missed Marriage : Loving Losing

Two days before the proposal ceremony, her future husband brought her a wedding invitation that made her taste the most terrible hell of love. "What do you mean?". Liana asked with tears starting to fill her eyes. "Sorry, because I will marry another woman". Danu Prayoga answered without guilt. At that moment, her world felt like it was collapsing, her heart was crushed, mixed with a great sense of shame. How should she explain everything to her extended family? ... After her illness was betrayed, Lia changed jobs. She accidentally met the nephew of one of the President Directors of a well-known hospital in the city center where her ex-husband worked. The man was very cold and domineering. However, he has a warm heart. His name is Marvin Alexander. Will Lia be able to heal her wounds? Find the story by reading each chapter in this novel!

Linayanti · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
163 Chs

May this happiness never ends

Music began to play along with Lia and Marvin's romantic story, fingers tickling cheerfully wanting to dance, couldn't stand the sound of the melody being played now Marvin woke up, he looked down like a prince who stretched out his hand and invited Lia to dance. Lia blushed shyly, she stretched out her hand to hold back the laughter of happiness in her heart. They also dance very softly, Marvin twists her body to the accompaniment of the music, enjoying Lia moving her body even more. Lia cheerfully forgets all her problems, she doesn't want to mess with her togetherness with Marvin, she tries to focus and stay focused. Marvin doesn't want to let go of Lia's hand, the tighter he holds, the more powerful the love vibration between them, his body touches Lia's body, they stare at each other with love. Their gazes are proof of their love. Marvin whispered in Lia's ear.

"Stay like this". Marvin whispered.

Lia is getting carried away by romance, she is shaking more and more, her heart is pounding.

"Don't look at me like that". Said Lia.

But Marvin couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Your face brings peace, I feel comfortable when you are with me, don't leave me again". Marvin said, without realizing it he expressed how much he missed Lia, how he was afraid of losing her.

"I promise, I will never leave you again," Lia said, but she still doubts about love, she is still traumatized by her past.

Hearing that, Marvin spread a smile, he hugged Lia tightly.

"Let go of your hand". Lia asked.

"I won't let go, stay quiet like this, let me be with you for now". Marvin said.

Love is unpredictable.

Love comes and goes easily.

Feelings suddenly appear just like that, regardless of who it is, that's how it feels at this time. Marvin has fallen in love with Lia after so many years of living alone. He was just busy with his work, he never cared about his future. Now who would have thought he loved her so much, he who never believed in love now felt it himself.

Meanwhile, Ratna and Danu are now on the verge of collapse, their household is not harmonious before, their love is not as strong as it used to be, their affection has now begun to fade, there is only hatred and regret. Every day they fight, her jealousy towards Lia is getting worse. Ratna does not accept that Lia has to live happily. She will do everything possible to destroy Lia. Who would have thought that Danu, who was once proud of her, had now changed, Danu didn't care about her anymore. Danu and Ratna's divorce papers will be out soon, just counting the days.

After their quarrel began to subside, Danu suddenly remembered Lia. He took out his cell phone and called Lia. He called several times but there was no answer. His worries arose, he hurriedly changed his clothes and went to Lia's apartment. Danu rushed to leave Ratna who was still angry. On the way, Danu kept calling Lia but still no answer. With a fairly high speed, Danu started his car. Arriving at Lia's apartment, Danu slowly walked over. From a distance, Danu saw Lia sitting with a man. Danu is getting more and more curious about his steps the more he moves forward. Danu saw Marvin, instantly his emotions overflowed, his jealousy became god level.

"Excuse me, sir, can I help you?" Ask a minister from behind.

Danu was surprised by the greeting from a waiter.

"No, thank you". Danu answered, then he left the place. Danu was disappointed and heartbroken to see Lia and Marvin together. He was pensive in the car, he thought about the incident earlier. Lia's face haunts him even more, he wants to change for Lia's sake. Danu thought of a way, how he should prove his love for Lia. He wants to plan something, he doesn't want to lose to Marvin even though Marvin is the President Director at the hospital where he works.

"I have to fight for you again Lia, I don't want you to fall into other people's hands, I'm not willing". Danu thought.