

It was the perfect opportunity for the desperate Oriel. "The cancer in my body is going to take me earlier from this world. All of this is the punishment I am getting for my sins. However, it looks like a blessing has been mistakenly delivered to me by the heavens, that's you," said the leader of a drug mafia gang, a victim of Oriel's charms. She also didn't think twice before accepting his proposal, more like an offer that was to get her immense fortune in return. "I will make sure that your remaining days will be filled with happiness." She promised the dying boss and agreed live as his mistress. She knew that he had a wife and that the relation only existed on a piece of paper. Her name was Ursula, feisty and savage spouse of the dying mafia leader, Mr. Bruce. "Let him have that young girl as a last token of joy in his numbered days. But, I want you to keep her in close scrutiny because she also has her eyes set on his wealth. See to it that she never gets what she wants." Heartbroken Ursula ordered Collin, the loyal brother of Mr. Bruce. He was appointed as a personal bodyguard for his boss's mistress, "I will be following you everywhere from now on, you will have to bear with me because your safety is now a matter of concern for my boss." Oriel refused his company with a stern denial. "Don't tell me that you are still awkward around me, it has been years," but who knew that they shared a tragic past and a passion so deep. "Take my everything in return of your love. Just never betray me, and if you do, be meticulous hiding it," reminded her of Mr.Bruce.

JOUY · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

A Break Up And A New Start

"Your delusions are getting worse day by day, we are going to Dr. Will's right now." He grasped tightly on her arm, trying to drag her from her feet.

Her feisty personality didn't allow his force to work upon her; she freed her arm from his grip. "So now you are saying that I'm crazy?"

"Isn't that what you wanted to prove by doing all this?" spoke Mr. Bruce.

"You would have made an excellent actor. My friend is a film producer; I will give you his number. But this act isn't working on me anymore."

"What makes you think that I'm cheating on you?" he asked.

Suddenly, a man came walking toward them from the entrance. Ursula gestured him to come forward. "You think I'm acting like this on my assumptions, huh?"

"Did you ask for me, mam?" the man asked.

Mr. Bruce turned to take at look at him and saw the police officer from before standing there, lowering his head in front of her like a slave.

"This is an old friend of mine. I can't believe that it is a just coincident that you went to the police station, where my friend saw you doing some charity by saving that little wench from going to jail. But you didn't have time to have a dinner with your wife." She raised her chin arrogantly while saying, "How long have you known her to forget that I have my eyes and hands everywhere around you? There's no use calling me crazy."

"I just tried to clean up the mess that you made. I know that it was all your doing. Why would you do something like this to her?" demanded Mr. Bruce.

"You should know that better than me. I can do anything I want . There's no one who comes in my way when I set up a target. And you dared to hinder my plan; my own husband. Is there anything more insulting than that?... is there? Officer?" she asked looking at the trembling cop.

"You are a nightmare!" he said.

"Biggest mistake of my life," replied Ursula.

"I'm glad that we don't have a child together," he spoke with disappointment. "Maybe we should consider giving our lives a last chance."

Her lips froze. All the insults that she had in her mind for Mr. Bruce, suddenly vanished and her thoughts went completely blank. "What did you say?" she asked in a shaky voice, refraining herself from tearing.

He shook his head slightly in dismay. He turned his back to her and stormed outside in anger. While she stood there in daze. His words echoed in her mind.


Outhouse Of Mr. Bruce's Mansion.

With a huge window in the frame of a wall and a spacious hall modern style furnishing. Creamy-white and smooth textured walls, along with posh lightnings. and a bedroom beside a fancy staircase. Not huge in space but a place where peace was easily found.

Clicking of the door knob opened the door and Collin entered the place he was least frequent to: his home. It was almost never dirty as he didn't spend enough time here to make a mess. He walked in exhausted from the long day and pounced on the living room couch. He didn't have the strength left to walk to the bedroom and dozed off on the couch as soon as he landed on it.

At that moment, an old man in his sixties came out of his bedroom. Collin slightly opened his eyes and saw the old man coming close to him. His eyes widened, and he got up perplexed. He wasn't expecting this man to be there. He had secretly entered inside his home when it was completely empty. "Why are you coming out of there?" he asked.

The old man had worked as a gardener and took care of Ursula's orchard. His skin was mostly loose with wrinkled and eyesight had been deteriorated with cataract struck lenses turning his view cloudy. His posture was not erect as he also carried a hump on his back.

"No need getting scared. I just came to put some lavenders on the side of your bed. It will cure your insomnia," clarified the old man.

Collin was half way asleep. "I never said that I had insomnia. That was completely unnecessary."

"You never said that yourself but I have seen you strolling back and forth across the garden during nights. I just thought that putting a bunch of lavenders and jasmines beside your bed will help you sleep soundly," said the Old Gardener. "And it is not unnecessary. It is my duty to see if my successor is getting a proper sleep after his tiring work."

"I am no one's successor. How many times do I have to tell you that?," He told.

"You don't know because you weren't here back then. Just like you are the right hand of our grand master, I was also an important existence for his father. You can say that I have served three generations of this family. The kind of work you do now is what I was once known for. It's a different matter that now I am only capable of tending their orchards now," said the Old Gardner.

"Alright! thank you for the lavenders. Now, I would like to be alone."

"I was about to leave. Make sure to close the door to your bedroom tightly to contain the fragrance inside," he instructed. "And disturb me anytime if you need anything," saying, he left.

Collin sighed with relief, thinking that he could finally rest. But his fist tightened at a sudden phone call that rang up. He was exasperated by the continuous disturbance by everyone around him. His dozing eyelids prevented him from reading the name on his screen and he answered it without knowing.

"Hello!" he said over the phone. "For God's sake! the car is in your private parking and you've got an extra key. I don't have energy left to listen to your sad life stories. Leave me alone."

He hung up the call and turned his phone off. He tossed it at the table and shut his eyes to finally get some sleep.

The recent phone call was from Mr. Bruce. He had asked him for a company to the bar. Mr. Bruce needed someone to drink the night away but Collin had refused him.

"Looks like I'll die alone," mouthed Mr. Bruce, looking at his phone.

He took the wheels of his favorite car. It was the same car that Collin had just left in his private parking. He was about to put in the location on the GPS system when suddenly he noticed a denim jacket lying in the backseat.

"What's that..." he recognized the jacket to be Oriel's.

His hands reached for it and he brought it near to check. He could smell the pleasant perfume from the jacket. He was instantly reminded of the way Oriel smelled.

He smiled as he put the jacket beside his seat and changed the destination in the GPS from bar to Oriel's neighborhood.