
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

Note: This chapter contains some eplicite language and content. Please be advised.

What Emily had assumed to be several days had passed. The time felt like an eternity. No one came, no one went. The room stayed as pitch black and silent as the moment she first opened her eyes. She had tried screaming, she had try to wiggle out of her restraints, she had even tried to scoot around the room, trying to find some opening but the main door seemed to be all there was, and that wouldn't budge. Whatever that man had done to her she had no strength. She lost hope as the unknown minutes ticked by. Emily could barely tell when she was asleep and when she was awake. She had grown hungry and thirsty, but nothing was brought to her.

Emily tried to sleep as much as she could, though the floor was hard and cold, she thought whatever dreams she might muster would be better than being awake in this situation. She had been wrong.

Suddenly Emily was no longer in the small, dark room. Instead she was back in the kitchen of her father's house, scrubbing dishes. She could tell as she looked at her hands that she was no longer eighteen. As she looked up her arm, she noted the numerous bruised along the way.

"Damnit!" A man behind her screamed. The sound of glass shattering resonating shortly after. Emily instinctively flinched. "Bring me another beer!" He growled. "And clean that shit up!"

Without a thought Emily went to the fridge and grabbed a cold bottle. Upon reaching her father he snatched it from her without so much as a look. She then went for the broom. She wouldn't dare break out the vacuum while the game was on. She swept the glass chunks the best she could, but the carpet seemed to eat the pieces as she did. She hand picked up every piece she saw. She was nearly finished when a piece sliced her hand open. She attempted to clasp it closed quickly but her blood dripped onto the cream-colored carpet before she could stop it. Before a sound could be made Emily's, father was out of his seat. Though she already knew he wasn't coming to check on her wellbeing.

He hovered over her with a menacing presence. He father was a big man, tall and overweight. He wasn't particularly smart or fast or even strong for that matter. He was however mean. It didn't matter his strength he was stronger than Emily, who at the time was nothing than skin and bones.

"You can't do anything right." His voice was deep and cold. He brought his hand against the side of Emily's face with such force that she fell to the side from her seated position. She dared not move. She shook where she lay as more blood dripped from her injured hand. "Get UP!" He screamed but didn't wait for her to comply. He picked her up by her long black ponytail and fling her into a standing position.

Emily's head throbbed but she dares not make a peep. If she screamed it would only make him angrier. He heart thumped in her chest. She was unaware of the pain we were inflicting as adrenaline flowed through her.

"You had better get that shit out of my carpet!" He tightened his grip on her, twisting her hair around his fist.

"Yes, father." She said quietly. She dared one look at the man. His face was mangled in anger, his teeth bared, his eyes set ablaze.

"Ergh!" He grumbled and thrust Emily backward. She was forced into the dining room table and chairs, but he had released her. He went back to his seat in front of the television as if nothing had happened. Emily shook as she lay on the ground.

"Are you going to let us be treated that way?" An angry voice said, though it sounded like it was in her head. She looked around in shock but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Instantaneously she felt a rage rising within her. As she was reminded of the cruelty, she had felt at her fathers' hand. As she remembered how she had so helplessly cowered before him. Something within her would no longer allow such things. She slowly got to her feet. She was still shaky but determined.

"Get to work!" Her father yelled. That had been the final straw. She remembered taking several slow steps towards her father. He hadn't seemed to notice right away. He probably thought she planned to go about her duties. She was to focused on the man before her to realize blood no longer dripped from her palm.

The last thing she remembered was her fathers face as he looked towards her. At first, she saw irritation, but it quickly shifted to something else. His eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped open. He tried to fumble away. After that Emily's vision went blank, but not just her vision the sound as well. She felt as though she had been turned off. She thought maybe that was ok.