
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Eighteen (REAL UPDATE)

Note: Hi Everyone, I would like to apologize for the sudden hiatus. The past 3 months I have been studying to get my insurance license. This past week I took my tests (and passed!). I should have more time freed up to continue this story. To keep my motivation, I would appreciate any comments. Good or bad I just want to know if you all are actively reading and enjoying the story. If I see no comments by chapter 20 it is likely I will switch platforms as I have been told more than once this one is not the easiest for interaction and I really want to hear what everyone thinks.

Thanks anyone reading this. On with the story.

Lillian Rose

Emily's eyes jolted open and she jerked her body into a sitting position so quickly her muscles seemed to spasm. She paid the feeling no mind as she surveyed her surroundings. She was no longer in that dark, dank room. In fact, she felt relief flow through her as the bright sun shone against her cheeks, a gentle breeze cooled the air.

Her peace was short lived. She stood up and began to inspect herself. Almost immediately two things became apparent. The first was the sticky red substance that covered her hands. The next was her lack of any clothing. As she looked around herself frantically, in the not so far distance she spotted the culprit. Several people, or shall we say bodies lay on the ground, lifeless, in puddles of their own blood. She began to shake. As she approached, she realized the faces had been torn off these bodies. She threw up as the grisly scene before her set in. These people had been mangled beyond all recognition. Had she been the cause? How could she be? She was frightened and confused.

She tried to gather herself. Wherever she was she had to get out of here. She wasn't safe. She managed to wrangle a kind of cloak off one of the bodies. She shook as she wrapped it around her shoulders, not from cold but from fear and disgust. She wondered through the woods for some time. The sun was already coming down from its high point in the sky when she heard a horse clopping. The sound neared at an alarming rate. Emily quickly decided to hide behind a tree. She held her breath.

Just as she dared to peak around the trunk, she spotted the rider. The man had stopped just ahead of her position. He seemed to be looking for something. He even went as far as to dismount his steed. At which point Emily's bravery fleeted. She was too concerned this black clothed man may mean her harm. She quickly took off into the forest.

The man apparently alerted by her movement began to pursue her. "Hey wait!" He yelled after her. She moved faster and faster and it seemed she may escape the man, that is until she tripped on a tree root. She immediately cursed herself. Could she be anymore typical? She tried to get to her feet but the man who had been yelling out from behind her, caught her by the wrist. Before she could react, she was pulled into the mans embrace. It was then the words the man had been yelling finally hit her ears.

"Emily?! Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you. Just breathe." The man's voice was shaken as he squeezed her tightly.

This sound of his voice did help her calm just it took several minutes. She gently pulled away. The mans hood had fallen to his shoulders. "Alex? How did you find me?" Tears threatened to spill from her swollen eyes. However, tears of relief rather than sadness and fear.

Alex frowned as he looked at the woman before him. Though she had no physical wounds to be seen he could tell she was hurt. "Adam." He said solemnly.

Emily shook her head. "What do you mean Adam?"

Alex sighed. "Adam has a link to you. He knew you were in danger but couldn't track you. Not until today. I came as soon as I could."

"Why didn't he come then?" Emily wasn't disappointed to see Alex in the slightest, but she couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed at Adam's absence.

"He wanted to." Alex said simply. "He has duties as king. I convinced him to stay." Alex hadn't completely release Emily from his grasp.

Emily let out a deep breath. "Can we go back?" She asked.

At this Alex's face lightened and he smiled at Emily. "As long as you don't mind my holding you."

Emily rolled her eyes.

They mounted the horse. Alex hadn't been wrong. She sat in front of him, her body pressed tightly back against his chest. She found the position both uncomfortable and soothing at once. As they road into the distance Emily rested her eyes. She wasn't sure how long she had been away, but she found herself rather happy to be returning to the only space she had ever dared considered safe.