
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

As the castle began to come into view Emily's heart began to flutter. She hadn't realized how much this place had become a home to her. As they bounded through the front gate it was Molly who rushed to Emily's side. Tears streamed down the woman's face.

"Oh, m' lady!" She yelled as Alex helped her down. "We were so worried about you."

Emily smiles gently and took the old woman in her arms. "I missed you Molly."

"M-m' lady." She stammered. After a few moments she returned Emily's hug. It was a sweet moment shared between the two but not long lived.

"Emily!" A familiar voice all but screamed. Emily jolted and pulled away from Molly. The man grabbed Emily by the shoulders. His eyes were red and swollen.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" Emily asked. She stared blankly at her brother. He was the last person she had expected to see.

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm here. My sister was missing. Where else would I be?" He frowned.

Emily felt confused. How could she have been gone long enough for her brother to be here? It would have taken him at least a week to get here.

"Your majesty, please permit me to take Emily to her room. I'm sure she'd like to have a bath and some food." Molly said gently. Jason didn't release his sister. He looked at her with such worry.

"I'm ok Jason. I am tired though. Maybe we could talk tomorrow?" Emily suggested. She was happy to see her brother, but she felt his presence meant more trouble. She was sure he couldn't be here on any kind of good terms. She was worried he was not only here because she had been missing.

Jason grimaced. "Very well. Please find me as soon as you've rested. We have much to discuss." He went inside. He moved quite slowly, as if he had a ball and chain attached to his ankles.

Molly led Emily to her room very slowly. It was in front of the mirror that Emily realized just how disgraceful she appeared. He hair was knotted and stuck up, the cloak she had stolen from a corpse was quite tattered and she had no shoes. Her face looked no better, she was deathly pale, dehydrated and the bags under her eyes were go deep it looked as if she hadn't slept in weeks.

Molly drew a bath and helped Emily wash and detangle her hair. She was quite but Emily could tell she had something on her mind.

"Molly, how long was I gone?" Emily asked abruptly. Molly stopped the action of scrubbing her hair.

She paused. "Three weeks, m' lady." She said simply.

"Three weeks?" The words made her heart skip a beat. The days and nights had blurred together in that dark room. It hard felt like months, but she was sure her mind had just made that up, but three weeks.

"Forgive me if I'm overstepping m' lady but what happened?" Molly asked.

Emily thought a moment. "It seems silly now. It really was my own stupidity. I left the castle at night, without a guard. I was attacked and taken prisoner."

Molly gasped. "Prisoner? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine Molly." Emily said.

"How did you escape?" Molly asked after some silence.

"I…" Emily started but didn't know how to finish. "I'm not sure. I woke up in the forest." As far as she knew Molly didn't know that the family, she served was full of beasts. She didn't want to frighten Molly.

Emily finished her bath and Molly brought her some food before retiring herself. Emily ate in peace; she took her time to enjoy each bite. It felt like an eternity since she had eaten a nice warm meal. She tried to keep her mind away from the place she had narrowly escaped, away from the memory of those bodies. She wanted to pretend she had never left this castle.

Emily found sleeping that night to be an unachievable task. Instead, after tossing and turning for what felt like hours, she took a stroll through the garden. The cool night breeze gently caressed her cheeks. The smell of the fresh air made her feel completely at ease. She was free. She was safe. She paid no mind to where she headed, this garden was all property of the castle. She couldn't get lost beyond the walls wandering through here.

She found herself in a familiar area. A small bench afront a large lake. Her feet must've had their own idea of where she should go. Only there was someone on the bench, sitting with his head tilted to one side. His dark disheveled hair swept across his closed eyes. Emily was surprised to see the king napping outside like this. He had said he came here to think. He must have quite a lot on his mind. She sat down beside him and looked at the man, he did not stir.

They sat like this for some time. Emily looking out to the lake, watching the gentle waves ripple through it. The moon and stars lit up the night sky. She had started to catch a slight chill and considered heading back when a cloak was suddenly draped over her shoulders. She turned her head to see Adam stretching.

"What are you doing out here at this hour?" He asked calmly. Something about his voice seemed soothing.

"I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd take a walk and it led me here." She spoke.

A silence fell between them.

"Are we getting married?" Emily blurted. The letter that had started it all came to Emily's mind in that moment. She no longer felt the anger that overtook her that day. She was only curious.

Adam sighed. "No."

"Why not? I saw the letter that night. What's changed?"

"It was never my choice." He said gently.

"What do you mean?"

There was a pause. "It's inappropriate for an unwed female to be staying in our castle. An engagement would give reason for your presence. Though I'm not sure it makes much difference now."

"Must you always speak in such a riddle? Would you just tell me what you mean?" She growled.

At this Adam released an ever so slight smile. Before standing to leave. "Let me walk you to your room. Your brother has called a morning meeting and I'm sure he will want you in attendance. You should rest. I imagine you've had a rough time the last three weeks." He said offering his hand to Emily. She took it. She was almost hesitant to let it go. His hand so warm and soft seemed to call to her.

They walked side by side, but Emily kept her distance. She had to be careful around this man, though something in her said she didn't. Had this man not attacked her? Yes, but he had also been good to her. Did it cancel the other out?

As the approached her sliding glass door she turned to Adam. He was watching her intently. "The man… the man who took me." She started "He wasn't… like us. He seemed to know you."

For a moment Adams face was cold and hard. "We'll talk about it another time, princess. Try not to worry tonight. He took her hand gently in his once more. He lifted it and placed a gently kiss on the back of her hand. Her cheeks blushed in an instant.

"Goodnight, princess." He said and left.