
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

It had been weeks since Emily had spoken with Adam. She didn't seek him out and he hadn't sought her out. It wasn't anger that kept Emily from him though. She had seen how much it pained him to confess those things to her and didn't wish to remind him of it further. She shared meals with the royal family, but she hadn't shared more than a glance with the king.

She had, however, taken to training with Alex. Her new infliction brought with its increased speed, strength and even perception. She felt more capable than she ever had. Alex had been teaching Emily not only how to hone her newfound strengths but also how to use weapons if the situation arises.

On the other hand, it was Andy who taught Emily about the Lycan. He attempted to help her connect with the beast within her.

"Oh, this is hopeless." Emily pouted, throwing her hands in the air.

Andy just smiled. "I know you can do it. You are at something of a disadvantage though. I don't know what its like to be older and trying to communicate with you wolf but even as children it wasn't easy for us to establish the first line of communication. You just have to keep with it." He laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Emily frowned. "We've been at it for weeks. I don't think my wolf wants to talk to me."

"Hey that's not it. Emily you may be an adult, but your wolf was just born. Give her some time to adjust to the world. In the meantime, we'll just gently try to nudge her into connecting."

"But what if I can't connect to her before the next full moon? I won't remember anything again. What if I lose control?"

"Well that's why I'll be there. As well as Alex and Adam and the rest of the pack. Just remember you aren't alone."

"Right." Emily said. He minds drifted to Adam. She had tried to talk to him on several occasions but each time he avoided her. They had become nothing but passing strangers and just when she had started to feel like she may be able to get close to him. She had thought they might become friends. Maybe the king didn't need friends. Maybe she misread it all. Andy hadn't seemed to notice her absentmindedness.

After her long meditation session Emily felt exhausted. It seemed trying to connect with her Lycan was much more exhausting than punching and stabbing things. Molly had drawn a bath for Emily. Emily thought of how she missed showers. A good bath was nice, but she reminisced the ability to quickly jump under the flow, wash her hair, and jump out. In this life she wasn't even allowed to brush her own hair. She felt trapped in a different way. Even before she had been recognized as a princess, she had been treated as one.

Emily enjoyed dressing herself when possible. Corsets and huge dresses made such things difficult on most occasions. However, her night dresses here light and thin. They were much easier to slip into without assistance. She had finished brushing her hair and was headed for bed when she noticed a small envelope on her nightstand. Without much thought she rushed to rip it open. Jason had written to her often. Though she hadn't mentioned the fact that she wasn't human anymore, they had many correspondences through these letters.

When Emily opened it however It wasn't what she had expected. The paper felt thinker than what she typically received from Jason, the stamp sealing the envelope closed had also been different, and it was unusual for a letter to come so late in the evening. She slowed as she unfolded the paper.

Emily's blood began to boil as she reached the last words of the letter. She sprang up from the bed she had previously been seated on and stomped out of her room. The king's room was her first stop. A single guard stood, blocking the door.

"I need to see the king." Emily growled.

"I am sorry princess. His Majesty is not here." The guard said calmly.

"Where is he then?!" She yelled; the letter gripped tightly in her small hand.

"His Majesty has left the castle on urgent business."

"But…" Emily had just seen him in the dining hall a few hours ago. Why would he leave at such a strange time? "When will he be back?"

"That I do not know princess."

Emily left in a hissy, charging off out of the hallway. On the opposite end of the castle Emily would find another guard in front of another door.

"I need to speak with him." Emily said.

"I'm sorry, princess. It is extremely late. The prince wishes not to be disturbed." The guard explained.

At this point steam may as well been coming from Emily's ears. Without a thought she had grabbed the guard by his collar and forced him aside. The guard, taken by surprised, had allowed himself to be moved by the princess. It seemed she was much stronger than she looked.

"Princess, please." He tried to straighten his wrinkled shirt. "I cannot let you through."

Emily was to far gone to listen though. She felt the wolf inside threatening to surface. She felt her teeth grow in her mouth and just as she wanted to lunge at the guard the door behind him popped open, dropping the guard to the ground. Upon the sight before her the anger in Emily shrank and a blush came to her fiery hot cheeks. She covered her eyes.

"Christ, put some clothes on!" She yelled.

Alex chuckled. He had come to the door wrapped in nothing but a towel. Though the sight hadn't been unpleasant Emily would have rather left it to the imagination. "Didn't you want to see me? Come on in, princess."

"After you dress." Emily hadn't looked at him again.

Another chuckle and the door clicked closed. Soon after Emily was reinvited in. Her ambition had taken a hit, but she would still demand the answers she sought.